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Posts posted by Gill-T

  1. I don’t think we need a study to tell us how evolution works. We know how fitness drives the selection process on passing on genes. I think we just need a directive or policy passed down from fishery leadership to Altmar that states only the biggest and healthiest specimens are selected for egg take and milting. Simple. 

  2. Salmon and trout are good indicator species as they tend to do better in cleaner water. If there is some environmental reason for the smaller salmon, it would prove to be a worthwhile study. It might be something super small and unforeseen such as what happened to some Pacific salmon stocks that started to flounder because of some chemical used in the tire industry to reduce wear was found to enter streams as runoff and cause salmon infertility in tiny concentrations. 

  3. The defunding of the DEC happened years ago under Cuomo when in the middle of the night he snuck the Safe Act into existence. When Cuomo asked for loyalty and allegiance to support him in his reelection campaign, the DEC declined in part because the safe act is considered anti-gun which conflicts with  hunting pursuits. At that point Cuomo and his buddy Basil (anti-hunter) set about the demise of the DEC. ECON officers were driving around in issued vehicles that would not pass inspection due to defunding. Then he tried to allow the Forest Rangers to absorb the DEC. whether it be Trump (Republican) or Cuomo (Democrat), there are representatives that look to take down our democracy. Each side will put their own spin on their misdeeds to muddle the waters and deflect. GROW YOUR INDEPENDENT MIND!  Our country is being torn apart because of men and women in government that have no term limits and desperately are trying to stay in power by any means. Apologies for taking this into politics. Rant over. 

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  4. On everyone’s license is the phone number for the DEC if you witness crimes being committed. Everyone plays a role. We cannot do anything about how  crimes play out in court. I would also add that a lot of felons with outstanding warrants get picked up during fishing and hunting infractions. Do your part. 

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