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About Gill-T

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Amherst, N.Y.
  • Interests
    Fishin' and huntin'
  • Home Port
    Niagara County
  • Boat Name
    Gill-T Hooker

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  1. For anyone having issues with the registration process for the Walleye Slam, they have appeared to have fixed the issue.
  2. Jm, the Salmon already has a catch and release section. Fish do fine.
  3. Those are small skinny water trips up there on your North Shore. The Salmon River can handle catch and release.
  4. Nothing wrong with catch and release the entire river until November 1st. The problem with violators is they are getting off because too many judges don’t care. There was a recent deer poaching incident on federally restricted railroad property near Buffalo. The guy was caught in the act, hunting over bait and validated with the guys own trail cam pictures. The slam dunk case went to judge Buscaglia who made it go away with no real penalties. I would hope a judge near Pulaski would understand the importance but most judges will not stand up for the environment because the environment doesn’t vote. Lots of wrist slapping to keep jails clear.
  5. FishUSA has a sale going on with all their walleye category stickbaits.
  6. https://kawarthanow.com/2024/08/30/ontario-government-approves-new-fishing-rules-to-protect-salmon-on-the-ganaraska-river-in-port-hope/
  7. Not sure this will produce for us in three years. Water temps are really warm this year. I think you need water in the 50’s to have eggs eye-up once fertilized but with evolution, who knows. Jurassic Park.
  8. Not sure how the resolution will be degraded going from a still photo captured off cell cam movie footage, but this cool interaction took place on the way to my first sit in deer woods. I was feet away from a Fisher guarding his baby Opossum kill. Complete disregard for my presence and it probably would have fought me to protect it’s meal.
  9. Eden NY. Saw this posted by a coworker of my niece (ie. I have no idea who the lucky hunter is). I would say by the body size, the deer was a regular at the Eden Corn Festival.
  10. Who is fishing the fall brawl and walleye slam this year?
  11. Good luck finding him Rob. Look for vultures circling as well. Found my bow doe last year that way. Single lung and no blood trail.
  12. I will post this for those looking to derby fish in Ohio.
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