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Posts posted by CaptSpike

  1. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:Capt Spike/ Long Haul





    Time on Water:too much and not enuf

    Weather/Temp: Great only 1.5 day blow off

    Wind Speed/Direction:


    Surface Temp:


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: not enuf

    Total Boated:enuf

    Species Breakdown:Kings, 3 lakers

    Hot Lure: green dot spinny/hammer fly

    Trolling Speed:

    Down Speed: 2.5/2.7 was best for us

    Boat Depth: 100-300

    Lure Depth: 80-135




    After the first two days the trip has become a blur. I tried to post via phone but limited time and all that typing on a phone kept me from doing so. I believe Friday was a day the wind was suppose to be up with thunder storms. We slept in to awake to light wind and no storms. We were kicking ourselves for not getting a few hrs in before the wind picked up. Turned out the wind kicked in around 9-930 so not such a great loss. Saturday the lake was still kicked up too much for our boat so we did something (I forgot what) and returned to fish the after noon. I really can't remember what we did that evening but it wasn't anything special. I guess with the limited memory I should just submit a overall report. We had some great moments and a lot of slow no hit moments. Over all we didn't do as well as we normally do. We dropped a ton of fish. Jim at the cleaning station said we had a better week than most so I guess that is something to to be happy about. The lake was pretty rough most days with it settling down a couple days for us. Our best bite was either Monday or Tuesday morning (I forgot) we had our first double of the trip and landed some real nice quality size fish inside everyone else. We had times we couldn't buy a fish either as we saw boats hooking up as we trolled without moving a rod. I don't have a ton of gear but we soaked just about every combo I did have. My go to Spinny was dead this yr except for that early morning bite. It seemed as if you were lucky enuf or smart enuf to find fish you got them. We were lucky enuf to find a few and made for an enjoyable trip. I'd like to thank Woody's tackle for standing behind the product they sell (without getting into details). Top knotch operation.

    I'd like to thank everyone that trailered their boats for helping with the weed control at Wrights, lol. Worst I have ever seen it.

    Once again a decent trip to foreign waters. Enjoy the rest of your season I will be reading about it wishing I could be there.


  2. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:CaptSpike/Long Haul





    Time on Water:


    Wind Speed/Direction:


    Surface Temp:


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 0,11

    Total Boated:0,6

    Species Breakdown:Kings, one brown

    Hot Lure: green dot SD hammer fly

    Trolling Speed: 2-3mph

    Down Speed: 2-2.8

    Boat Depth: 120-300

    Lure Depth: 85-120




    As usual drove thru the night and arrived pretty tired, much more

    than usual. After a quick breakfast at Mimi's in Fulton we were a little

    rejuvenated. Left the river and found most boats working 120-160' of water.

    We set up there listening to how most boats would pay to have a skippy hit.

    1/2hr after setting up my probe stops working. Also note it needed tone wet

    again for it to work…thought I had that solved. Since it was slow we made the call to pull and see if we could find a replacement for the Cannon POS. luckily

    We found Woodys had an X4 in stock. I bought it and installed it in the afternoon.

    Next morning my nephew arrived to join us and we launched again. It was pretty rough but we made it out and set up over100. We ran 2 riggers and 3 dipseys to keep it simple. The X4 wasn't reading correctly. We found out if we ran on the kicked it didn't work but on the main engine it did. So I think I need to move the location of the ducer. Anyway back to fishing. Our first rip was on the dipseys out

    300 with a free dot/hammer. Nephew dropped him after a huge run. This was the only lure to take a hit all morning. Next rip same rod nephew drops again… ok his first time out here so he needs to figure it out lol. After two more dropped fish on the same rod we discover one of the hooks bent out. Fix that and redeploy

    Then the rigger at 90 fires and Ed lands a 17 lb king. Same lure fly combo.

    Then the dipsey fires again, forgot to mention we are working water 300 +\-

    Will lands a 28.5 lb King. Then my turn landing a 21 lb king. We troll from 11 to 4 without moving another rod. Then we start catching more fish in 150-120' of water. Hot lures for the afternoon were same as the morning and a paddle with hammer fly. I can't remember the name of the paddle color. I know it was hot last yr and that is why I bought it. It's a yellowish color. I'd post picks but only have my phone to work with. I'm not too Davy using it fully.

    We left the fish biting at 7 pm so we could hit the cleaning station.

    We should have gone this morning but thought there were going to be thunder storms, so far nothing and the wind is fish able from the south right now… bad call on our part.

    I'll try to post as I get a chance.


    [ Post made via iPhone ] iPhone.png

  3. Reel nice fish. A tip on bringing the heavy ones aboard. Once the fish is in the net turn the handle vertical (pointing up) when you raise the fish into the boat there is no stress to cause the handle to bend. If the net isn't deep enough to do this then bring the fish to the side of the boat and two of you grab the rim that runs thru the net and lift him in.

    I'll be out Wed. looking for that ones twin brother, lol or sister, wouldn't matter to me.


  4. A guy on the reports board landed a net. i don't remember the screen name or even if it was on the reports page for sure but it was within the last week. I think it was titled something like catch of the season, something like that. maybe it was your net?


  5. I've taken kings on the small SD with peanut flies on a 400 copper. I use a leader that is 3 times the lenght of the paddle. I've also been known to run the small paddles on a fixed cheater for higher steelhead and cohos. Just remember not to pop to the rod to retrieve.

    That is a good idea. I think I'll try it. I try not to pop on retrieve if I am stacked. It can make a mess sometimes.

    Jekyll give me a shout if your out there next week. I'm like a kid waiting for Christmas to arrive.


  6. What type of rod are you guys using for jigging lakers? Also is that the preferred method due to fleas and grass? I'm heading out next week and if we get blown off Lake O we head to Cayuga (with the right wind). Trolled it before but never jigged for lakers.

    As far as trolling are you guys using the heavier line to avoid the fleas with lighter leaders? If so I'm assuming the same rods I am using on Lake O will work with the lighter leaders.



  7. I just installed the GHP10 in my Lund 18' Sport Angler. Best advise I can give you is to plan your installation out. If I had to do it over I would change the pump location. The below deck units are nicer than the steering wheel units but cost double. With the amount of trolling I do it was worth the extra $$. Only got to do a sea trial set up so haven't used it in action yet. If it performs like it did on the set up I will be very happy. Nice and quite. I was a little concerned on the warning that the GHP 10 was only designed for main motor use not a kicker. I have my kicker tied into the main engine steering and want an AP that would do both if I so desired. I don't see why trolling at 2mph on the main engine is any different than trolling the same speed on the kicker. I didn't use the tach for speed set up I am using a GPS so there shouldn't be an issue (I hope).

    Your boat is even smaller than mine so fitting a below deck unit could be tricky without exposing the components to weather (which is not recommended on the install directions.

    Good luck and let us know how you make out.


  8. So I bought a shorter spin doc (orange) and a bunch of coho flies. I know we use ~22" for the larger SD's and flies what is the preferred length for the shorter SD coho fly leaders?

    If there around I'd like to target them with one rod, for table fare.



  9. Are the charter boats still on 5? I was up this spring and 5 was deader than a doornail, in fact all channels were. I like listening to 5 for the weather updates when a storm is approaching. There is a guy on there that has a long range radar and gives a pretty good heads up on the storm direction. Also does a tribute as the sun goes down. Jim is fun to listen to as well.

    Anyone know if Chuck is going to be cleaning at the station this yr? Or anyone in fact?

    Sucks to get in late and find they locked it up. At least if someone is there cleaning they tend to keep it open later.



  10. What heat source do you guys use to shrink your tube? I always thought the heat would damage the mono/flouro. I know shrinking tube on electrical connections the tube gets pretty hot.


  11. I have seen many many people get sick thru the yrs. Chartering on the ocean almost garuantees on a sporty day someone will go down. I would recommend the patch as the most effective preventitive with pills behind that. As an operator we couldn't distribute pills to clients for insurance reasons (in case they had some unforseen reaction) but I did carry two sets of bands. I can tell you from my experience the bands work on some people and don't on others. i have had people down and out and they put the bands on and a half hour later they were on deck fishing with the rest of the crew. Again some we not, but certainly worth a try. One note on the bands. Buy the ones with the velcro strap so you can incease the pressure. The elastic strap ones streatch out over time and are not as effective. Also make sure the person presses and holds the pressure points as instructed frequently after they first put the bands on. This helps them to recover faster.

    When I first started boating on the ocean I was always fine above deck but didn't feel so good going below deck (never got sick but just didn't feel great). Over time I would go down below and stay there for a while on sporty days to help myself aclimate. After that yr I never had another problem even in the worst of sea conditions. I don't imagine this works for everyone but it worked for me.

    Good luck. There is nothing worse than being green.


  12. I just got Trax Tech trees this year and they are very well made. That being said I have Bert's tracks on the boat with the ratcheting rod holders and they are also very well made. My riggers are mounted on Berts swivel bases. I didn't pick one over the other for any reason other than availability. A local marina had Berts products in house and I was setting my boat up. I don't think you could go wrong with any of the products offered out there. They all look to be well made.


  13. A day is considered 4hrs underway for this purpose. Also there is no verbal test. I recently received my uscg masters 50 ton with commercial towing endorsement. Check out seatech if you are in the western ny area

    [ Post made via Android ] Android.png

    I didn't mean to imply there was an official verbal test. I'm sure each center has there own "unofficial" checks. The first time I was there everyone was brought up by one officer and questioned about their experience on the water. It's just a heads up that that could happen. At least it did to me and everyone else that day for the exam.

    I like Landsharks answer. Probably 90% right.


  14. A day is considered 4hrs underway for this purpose. Also there is no verbal test. I recently received my uscg masters 50 ton with commercial towing endorsement. Check out seatech if you are in the western ny area

    [ Post made via Android ] Android.png

    I didn't mean to imply there was an official verbal test. I'm sure each center has there own "unofficial" checks. The first time I was there everyone was brought up by one officer and questioned about their experience on the water. It's just a heads up that that could happen. At least it did to me and everyone else that day for the exam.

    I like Landsharks answer. Probably 90% right.


  15. I noticed on another thread talking about FF the depth a unit will read was brought up. Not that that comment has anything to do with my post but it got me to think I wonder what setting everyone uses out on Ontario? When I fish the ocean it is 50 out deep and 200 when fishing inshore. I use bottom lock (to 15' up) when ground fishing (split screen just in case fish or bait were higher). When I fish Ontario and other deep lakes I like to view only my target zone so my resolution is better. So if my lines are running 80-120 I set my range at 50-140 or so. this way if I mark fish or bait the resolution is much better and those marks on a full view would be much smaller. Keep in mind my setting are for fishing over deeper water and obviously if you were fishing over that water and the temps were up you would be targeting higher in the water column with the zoom.

    Just curious how everyone else is setting up.


  16. CG has a log form that you fill in. They basically want to know the month day yr of your time on the water. The trip doesn't count as a day if it was a two hr fishing trip. I believe it needed to be a time of 8 hrs or more on the water for that day to count. They use your old registrations as proof that you had a boat to log the time on. If it was someone elses boat you need to fill in a log for each boat and have it signed off by the owner of that vessel. They don't ask for pictures of trips with date stamps or anything that elaborate. When you get tested they will quiz you verbally about your experience on the water and I'm pretty sure the guy doing the quizing is very good at reading people. In other words they will know if you are lieing about it. Doesn't sound like you have anything to worry about. When you start to fill out the form you'll see that 90 days in the last three yrs is actually a pretty good amount of time and when you eliminate the short trips (under a full day ) it is even harder for the guy that has another job besides fishing. (Mates/deckhands on boats don't usually have a problem building up the time because that is there job).

    Good luck, it is a lot of work and a lot of expense for not a lot of money made from it.


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