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Posts posted by JR

  1. taken from Bath NY

    it's no monster but it's meat in the freezer,


    OK hows that now ray i was tired and put down my birthday month instead :lol:

    And Greg there's not much of a story to this one, he came into the woods at 715 AM where i was sitting about 35 yards away from me and walked about 15 yards and BANG!!! be went down like a ton of bricks, end of story. the reason i used the Riffle is because my nephew & brother in-law hunted for their first time this year and i let them use my 2 slug guns and the farthest shot i could have taken where i sat was only about 60 yards if that.

    Oh and yes i had my orange vest off to the side, the pic was taken after dragging it out to my nephews back yard

  2. I have had that same problem 2 time's and both time's it turned out to be a bad scope inside, and the second one was a brand new out of the box scope that i replaced the first one with and still could not get it to group it would hit in a group 2-3 shoots and then jump all over the board on me and then group 2-3 times again but the third scope work like it should and and i don't care what brand scope you buy there is always a small chance that it could be bad right out of the box and Leupold is a very good scope

  3. Lew56, No JB weld is not the same as the epoxy, the epoxy is made for sealing cracks in blocks and Manifolds and i don't remember the Name but if you ask them they should have someone there to show you which one to use .

    if you go with the epoxy make sure to clean the block good and rough it up with a die grinder or something to give it a good bond .

    Which ever way you decide to go keep us posted on how you made out .

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