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old man

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Posts posted by old man

  1. i'm going nowhere. today makes 3 weeks since I've been out. wife had a hip replaced and my current gig is home health aide. I won't be out again until the chatauqua tourney. I don't know how much cleaner my rig can get. maybe tomorrow I will clean the bilge out. one thing is for sure,I will never again complain about cold fronts,turnover,algae blooms,rain,hail,jet skis,cottonwood,floating weeds,or anything else. next time i'm out I will just thank god I am fishing and enjoy it.

  2. i'm a member and i'll sell ten if they mail them to me. speaking of muskies inc.....I got a 90 day notice from them to renew my membership. so I assume there will be a 60 and 30 day notice as well. in this day and age that's a waste of money. I bet 100 per cent of the membership has e-mail. they should have a paperless option. same with the magazine they put out. it's nice but an online version would save a lot of money

  3. plan sounds solid enough. try the bay at the boat launch. there is a very productive drop off about 75 yards south of the launch. I've caught a lot of nice bass there fishing for esox;no reason you won't catch esox there with a bass approach. with today's heat and the approaching thunderstorms don't rule out the shallow water.

  4. post-142867-0-77725800-1369006325_thumb.jpg my boat has a bait well/minnow bucket combo I never use. I turned it into a mini tackle box. I cut a piece of plexiglass ,drilled it with a hole saw,and glued pvc tubes in it. then I filled all the empty space with spray foam. (looks like I could have let the foam set up a bit longer) if I ever want to use the baitwell the tube insert comes right out.

  5. the drains in my champion have the rubber covers in the water and ping pong balls at the floor drain. they still let water in when I slow down fast or have people in the back. I bought pvc plumbing ball valves and put them in the hoses. now I can close them when keeping the deck dry is a concern and still use them when needed.

  6. it was nice to meet a few of the guys from this site. I didn't count but it looked like a dozen boats or so at the start. my son and I bailed at 1 after 6 hours casting with nothing to show for it. not even a follow. the only fish we saw were the ones being netted by three guys in a gray and white  boat 100 yards from us just north of the causeway. they got two for sure,and I think I saw a third in about a half hour. not too shabby! I won't be out for awhile,the wife is getting a new hip Monday and i'm gonna be house **** for a few weeks. hope to get her back on her feet before the muskie opener.

  7. I haven't been out yet. my history in may is I see a lot of fish and don't catch much. i'll be at Otisco next Saturday;hoping the warm weather will get 'em going. hey mortigan;working the edges for bass will get you esox at conesus,if they're in the mood. try the bay at the launch;one of the best spots on the lake.

  8. maybe conesus is just not the best lake for tiger stocking? Maybe Seneca or Cayuga where the pike run smaller would be a better choice? Perhaps the real potential of conesus lake is manage it for trophy pike fishing? 22" minimum and limit 5 is pretty liberal. Maybe a 40" and one a day limit would produce some world class pike fishing and with no cost? without tigers to eat the pike will have to chow down on those rudd. I am no biologist I just fish there a lot and I catch 20 pike for every tiger and the biggest fish are always northerns. just a few thoughts.

  9. With tackle boxes careful of any soft plastics coming into contact with other plastic.  I had a few loose ones melt into the tray of the tackle box after one winter of storage.  Not high on the priority list but it does cause a mess.

    I bought a Lakewood muskie extreme box 2 years ago. in it was a paper warning me that soft plastics could damage the box. I ignored the warning,of course, and next season my bulldawgs,red Octobers,and bondys were welded to the sides of the box. I wrecked the baits getting them out and to this day the dividers in the box are still soft. p.o.s!

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