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Posts posted by katydid

  1. Got out on the water at 6:30am.  Went out to 100 ft. and dropped a probe. Temps on top 63degrees  down to 30 ft.  At 35 ft. the temp drops to 50!  Temps. 43 on the bottom. So I started in 40 ft. of water out to 80. Dipsys down 30,35, 45. Occasionally, one down 80 ft. Caught nice  big lakers (5)  2 decent rainbows, and 1 5 lb. . LLS.  Not bad for 31/2 hrs.

  2. Hey, Rusty Rat, it appears that you are aware of the fact that most of ANY lake is devoid of fish. So, location IS important. However, I covered a LOT of water this weekend (off Long point)  60-70 feet down, and I did what EVERY boat that came in before me said......SLOW.....You apparently found a hotspot. But that does NOT make the fishing good LAKEWIDE.  If anyone would characterize Cayuga lake this last week, they would all say......SLOW.   You wouldn't mind letting us in on your secret location....?........LOL!~!!!

  3.   Went out of Dean's Cove, headed north. Left at 12:30pm and returned at 4pm. Found Laker temps. 48-52 approx. 50-65 ft. down. Trolled 2 Dipsy Divers 50 and 60 ft. down with Sutton spoons (38). Went 7 for 10, with one Landlocked in the mix. Action was very steady.....lot's of fun (and work) for one person!    My kind of work........

  4.  Went out on Mon. and did well on Lakers. I was kind of afraid of the weed and flea situation, but I went anyway. My dipsy rod has 30lb power pro braid(10 lb diam.). I got a few fleas on it, but because the line was so small , as I reeled it through my rod eyes, it completely stipped off the fleas and everything came in smoothly. Of course, after the fish was in, I cleaned off the gunk. Meanwhile, my buddy had 30lb test on the downrigger rod , and it was covered so bad with fleas, it stopped up his rod, and we lost the fish. We gave up rigging and stuck with the Dipsys. This seems like the opposite of what I've been told and read. I'm confused(yet happy about the Power Pro!.) Whatever works!

  5. I know exactly how you feel. I have a Hummunbird 565, and I have trouble telling what's going on down there. I was at the power plant July 15th, and the bait and fish were very scattered. It was hard to find concentrations of more than a few fish, and I think this makes a difference with jigging. I gave up jigging, and trolled with Dipsys, and ended up 8 for 9. Some decent-sized fish. Sometimes, you just have to troll. But I like jigging better. Let me know which unit you get. Best depths for me were 75-90 ft.

  6. I use any kind I can get my hands on. They seem to be harder to get. This time of year I go with a #31 or larger. I wish I could get my hands on some #44's. They are awesome and hard to find. I even went to Naples, NY and they had none. Frankly, they ALL work well .

  7. Launched out of Long Point, went south to Millikin.  2 dipsys 240-250 ft back, down about 80 ft, Sutton Spoons. 9 fish fron 6:30am to 9:30am. Not a ripple on the water. Too brutally hot to go much longer without shade. Best depth 75-90 ft.

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