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Posts posted by ReelSilver

  1. Thanks for posting as the move by the netter to lift the fish to the surface could be the tip of the year!  Great idea.

    Thanks Gill, that move works most of the time, have to be carefull not to get the flasher or ballbearing caught in the netting, or you'll be reaching for another net, LOL  Also, notice moving most of the rods to one side, leaves lots of room on other side to net, especialy with a hot fish...


    Capt. Dave

  2. Well, finally recieved the video from the boys at Team Adirondack.  Got most of the fish on video but these guys are not used to even the small waves so their  fishing was cut a little short, but as you can see, they caught some very nice Salmon.

    1st King of the day was 28 lbs plus, and another just under 32 lbs




    Thanks for watching

    Captain Dave



    These are "The Good Ole Days"

  3. Love it! Already got out of Mexico this feb 24 th and 28th. Steelhead qnd browns in tight. Should be another good year.

    [ Post made via iPhone ] iPhone.png

    :devil: Yes, me too, was out in early March with a friend, lots of fish not many big ones then but had a great year once mid April and my trips started. Overall the fishing was the best I've seen in 28 years of Lake "O" fishing. The Salmon was just crazy, 30 plus salmon hookups per trip in May!!! Can't wait, only 3 months and we'll be out there doing it all over again...

    For me, Christmas comes is April. LOL


    Captain Dave

    These are "the Good Ole Days"

  4. nice report, looks like you could use some more rod holders. I see in the pic the rods sitting in the back of the boat.

    Sunday morning while sending out a lure, a fish hit off the boards and the guy just layed the rod down with the tip out the side. and grabbed the rod with the fish on it. A nice sized brown hit the lure he was sending out, it was only 10-12 feet behind the boat, I thought it was going to break the rod in half, but it spit the lure first.


    Capt. Dave

  5. Only six months to go before we start with the brown trout trolling again.. This year was hands down the best fishing I have seen for Lake "O"... we caught Salmon from the end of June to the end of Sept. and the y were still jumping out front when I moved the boat on Oct 7, unbelievable!

    These are "The good Ole Days"

    Capt. Dave

  6. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:





    Time on Water:


    Wind Speed/Direction:


    Surface Temp:


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 6

    Total Boated:4

    Species Breakdown:

    Hot Lure: spoons, plugs, flasher/fly

    Trolling Speed:

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth:

    Lure Depth:



    left the dock about 6:00 am, set up in the dark and hit the first fish at first light, glow green fishlander spoon with custom tape. soon as it went back in the water another hit on it took some line and gone. put it back in and 10 minutes later other rigger fired, Glow NK mag, chart/ green edges orange ladder back on it. Slid out a little and the bloody nose J plug flat line takes off, 3 for 4. Put it back out and half hour later it took off again but got off. Then went almost 3 hours with out a hit, almost time to pull rods and go in when the dipsey started pounding with a green chip/hammer fly. very dark fish, but, they are fish, no hogs, all about 18-22 lbs..

    These are "The Good Ole Days"

    Capt. Dave


  7. I don't know much about the depth raider but blowback I can help with. My sonars tranducer is tilted slightly forward, simply put, I do not want to mark my rigger weights. I know where they are, the rigger counters work fine. The sonar will only tell you how much cable is out, not the running depth. the transducer shoots a cone, this is why fish look like an arch... you can draw this on a piece of paper. use a wide cone of 45degrees. a fish at 100 ft will not show up at 100 ft when it enters the cone, but more like 110 or 115 ft. because the outside edge of the cone is futher. yu can measure it on the paper. remember, your rigger weight is actually a pendulium. If you are stopped and send the ball down 100 ft. now you start trolling. it is still 100 ft from the boat, even if you power up, the ball is still 100 ft. The fish does not move, but the boat and cone does, and so does the distance from the transducer. When the fish is straight under the boat, that is the true depth.

    Hope this helps

    Capt. Dave

  8. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:





    Time on Water:


    Wind Speed/Direction:


    Surface Temp:


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits:

    Total Boated:

    Species Breakdown:

    Hot Lure:

    Trolling Speed:

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth:

    Lure Depth:


    SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILSIs it really the middle of July, it feels like the end of August, with out all the boat traffic,LOL. Fished Friday, left the dock at 7:30, setup in 125 ft straight out of my port "big Salmon" and trolled west , tried to stay in 125-150 ft. Could not get all the rods in the water for the first 1 1/2 hours. Dipsies did most of the damage, coppers were ok, and riggers worked. Hit at least 15 fish. 2 average browns, The 17.5 lb brown came in the middle of a triple. The rest were all kings, 1 skippy, couple teenagers an the rest big guys. while taking the salmons pic a dippy rod started to scream, "of course". Lots of stuff working, old green chip/ green crinkle fly is best. Buddy of mine has not put a flasher fly in the water yet, all spoons and he's doing well. heard cut bait is also doing well. Pick your poison I guess.


    Capt. Dave

    These are "The Good Ole Days"




  9. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:





    Time on Water:


    Wind Speed/Direction:


    Surface Temp:


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits:

    Total Boated:

    Species Breakdown:

    Hot Lure:

    Trolling Speed:

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth:

    Lure Depth:


    SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS Well, kids baseball is done, Daughters Grad party over. It's Time to fish. Fished Sunday evening with a had to charter. I passed up 4 or 5 trips for this past weekend due to my daughters grad party and family visiting and all, but When my 1st mate Mark said we have to take these guys out Sunday afternoon, I could not refuse. headed little north in 125 and shut down on some nice marks and bait. just got all set up and the rods started to move. went 12 for 12, 7 nice kings, 4 of them over 20, 27 was the biggest. 3 nice lakers and couple small lakers not counting the skipies caught. The guys ended up calling in sick on Monday and we headed back out on Monday morning and same results. few more lakers and the kings not as big but great fighters just the same. The fish that went to the taxidermy man was a 16 lb laker from monday


    Capt. Dave

    These are "The Good Ole Days"



  10. The 2 things that erk me about that boat was the fog, we did not see him until it was too late, all I could do was turn even tighter. We told him we were heading back in tight, and he still would not budge.

    But, you know what? The fishing has been so fantastic, this little blip means nothen. Oh yes, As a captain, I can't spend time screaming and cursing at the top of my lungs with clients on board. We just shake our heads and (keep Catching Fish), LOL

  11. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:





    Time on Water:


    Wind Speed/Direction:


    Surface Temp:


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits:

    Total Boated:

    Species Breakdown:

    Hot Lure:

    Trolling Speed:

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth:

    Lure Depth:


    SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS Fished Thu. Fri. Sat., and had lots and lots of fish on...thursday was very good with large fish taken. I wish we had those bigger fish on Sat. with us being in the little Jons brown trout derby. we did hit a few nice browns on Sat. but dropped them at the back of the boat, biggest looked like 10 plus. Placed 8th overall with 6 nice fish, not to bad for 45 boats... Friday had a family from Pa and it was 2 hours before we could get all the rods out, the fish kept them busy. The big story was the FOG!!! Fri. we had sunshine for the first 2 hours or so and then, pea soup fog, I mean at one point we could not see our planner boards. Lucky for us not to many boats around. Sat. the same thing, The sun came out about 11:30 or so and the fish turned on a little. Funny thing sat. when the fog rolled in, the fish shut off big time, so we changed things up and kept a slow pic going. Lure colors changed with all conditions, sun, green water, dirty water, heavy fog, it all made a difference, kept us busy changing up, lots of spoons working now..

    oh, I wanted to mention something that happened today, in medium fog, I was 3/4 through a turn, and this little boat was going the same way I wanted to go, I spotted him in time to turn even sharper. I thought he would slide out just a little as not to run over my board, but no, he was on a straight line and would not move an inch, He even yelled at us stating he wasn't moving. My mate Mark pulled the board in some or he would have run over it. My outside lure was not so lucky, it caught his rigger but somehow we got it back. WTF???

    I guess it gives us somethng to talk about..

    Capt. Dave


  12. Fishing alone, keep it simple... I haven't done it in years but can not even think about dipies by my self. with 2 or more people on board, anything goes, cheaters, long leads, snap weights on copper, you name it. Solo means not just hooking fish but now you have to land them,That can be a trick.. I would only run 2 riggers, if you have to run cheaters make them short. with 2 riggers, run a stealth program, just spread them out. Lots of times less is better anyway.

  13. Tormentors, You can find them on e-bay. But they are from europe. :@

    Yes, and Malaysia. My buddy ordered some from there and got screwed...

    Notice the front hooks missing on the smithwicks. We remove the front hooks and nose split ring. That front hook causes you to bring the fish in sideways, even a small brown sideways means lots of time to get it in. The split rings on the smithwicks are weak and will cost you fish, they open up after awhile. The new ones are better but we replace them all the time..

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