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Posts posted by 1dogshy

  1. add me into the mix!! (Sat or Sun)

    yeah... between weather and flood clean up work....

    really slowed me down!

    I can't wait to hit the water...!!

    The rivers are too muddy and I've been out on a couple small lakes and ponds with my small boat...

    not much action...

    I am chomping at the bit! :yes::yes::yes:


    My boat is feelin neglected... poor boat...

  2. Can you tell me your speed?My son and I trolled from t-falls north to scout camp 30-80ft down in 120-280 FOW.Trolled across to power plant then went south to Myers.Marked tons of bait fish tried every color under the sun,had only 3 releases for over 8 hrs of fishing.So I can only assume it was speed.


    I think It's KADE ! He is a FISHING MACHINE ! ! :clap:

    NICE Job guys!!

    I want to fish but got to lay low and save up some dough... :no:;(

  3. I'll be watching to see what happens...

    right now I am in NJ, on vacation.

    My coworkers are getting their butts handed to them...

    and at 24 hr hour shifts.. it's BAD.

    I offered to come in if need be...

    I am prolly headed back up to Broome county today...

    I really want to go fish...

    I have to make sure 81 north is open...

  4. We saw you going up 81 this morning. Nice looking rig. Give me a call sometime. I have an idea for your rod holder problem. Wes

    Thx... Will do.

    Just home... at least I didn't get skunked..

    --the weeds were terrible on the sides.... I spent most of the time clearing off my lines--

    After trying both sides... I just trolled up the middle...

    1 short salmon hit on green spin... off Sheldrake

    1 laker (22") hit on purple spin... off Long Point

    both middle at 90'

    South wind was steady all day... 8-10..?

    I saw and met Hannah Marie.... Wife, Daughter and Hubby... nice folks :yes::yes:8)

    They had better luck than I... they were pulling and I was puttin'.... :)

    good luck.. all :yes:

    ps.... has anyone read The Hungry Ocean by Linda Greenlaw??

    She was the Captain of a vessel: the "Hannah Boden"...

    It is about Swordfishing.... interesting...

  5. WTG Carolyn!!!! If yer usin' the plastic rod holders in the second pic for yer dipsy rods...be careful, a big king will remove them for ya. Trust me. ;)


    Yeah.. I figured... cause a Laker had already 'pulled' one on me.. since they are just screwed in. :o

    I put in Bigger screws....

    I can't get a bolt in back there..

    Thats why you see that dog leash attached to the rod!! :lol:

    I tether my rods.... (low budget operation...but I make due)

    I also set the drag lighter than I would normally ....

    I plan to get a board or a track system....someday....

    I really enjoyed how those Kings PEEL off the line!!! :clap::clap:

    -repeatedly- !! very cool!! :yes::yes:

    One of them hit while I was letting line out and I felt the hit..Awesome!! 8)

    Yes... I've been addicted to fishing for a while now... and like a true addiction.. it seems to be progressing! ;)

    Lake O reminds me of the Atlantic... -minus the Salt :yes:

    I hope I can make it back out SOMEWHERE this weekend..

    I live in the Binghamton area and it is a haul...

    ....I need to find a fishing buddy who can split half the gas!! 8)

  6. Hi All...

    I just wanted ya to see what my lil boat did up the LOC derby...

    This was the first time I had actually fished up there!! :yes:

    I went up last Fri and Sat.

    Slept in the car in between. :lol:

    The weather was great and I had much fun...

    At one point I was even fishing alone, although that wouldn't count for the derby...

    Total 3 at 33" and 1 at 39"... :clap:

    I had to buy a new bigger net after that Big Boy...

    --darn those nets cost a lot!!-- :o

    Caught all the fish on dipseys on the bottom at 110-130 FOW

    11" green flasher w fly was the most hit.

    I want to go back up there... but I guess I just can't af$ord another trip draggin the boat all that way...

    So, I'll prolly be at Cayuga this weekend... if I can go... (($$??))

    Thanks to lil Troller... for teaching me how to catch'em up!!

    my first King Salmon


    I had my friend reel in this next baby!!


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