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Posts posted by JakeyBaby

  1. Sat all day AGAIN. 46 deer sightings throughout the day. All the yearlings I saw alone last Thursday have been reunited with their mothers. Crazy how all the doe in this area were breeding the same day or two! The last hour was insane with deer coming from every direction! Was impossible to move to look to see what the next deer showing up was. Not a single buck all day over a first rack. Could not believe with the amount of deer in the area. Acorns were the key tonight. Back to work for 3 days then I more bow hunt, then off all week for the boom sticks.

  2. Sure is perfect. 5 doe and a first rack so far. Back where I saw the high volume of yearlings one Thursday. Looks like moms are back from their dates. Crunch time for me also, might be my last sit for bow season besides Friday. Another all dayer, need to get it done today!

  3. This morning was pretty slow here, didn't see a deer until 10. 2 big donkeys with a yearling. 15 mins later a cruising 1st rack and that was it. On the downwind side of big bedding now. Action has been unbelievably slow here for me but it's what I got and it's the rut. My target buck is MIA over the last week. Would really like it if he would get his A$$ back home!

  4. I always stop them if it needs to be done. With that said I ALWAYS aim low, especially in that situation. If they are alert before the shot they are more the likely going to drop. Aim for the heart, if they drop you still have a chance at the lungs.

  5. Took last night and this morning off to recharge. With this crazy wind I slipped into a big bedding area. Sure would love to put my eyes on a mature deer , since I've yet to see one yet this season. Well, here goes nothing and if you are out tonight good luck and hang the F on!

  6. Another all day sit. Saw somewhere in the neighborhood of 35. Tons of yearlings with no momma. I'm sure some where repeat visitors. 15 racked bucks and all but 2 were first racks. They were pounding the acorns. Once these does get bread I think it should get hot! To many yearlings on their own in my neck of the woods. These bucks are going to be a search mode.



  7. The last hour has been pretty solid. Have 2 doe milling around feeding right now. At 11 heard a loud buck growl behind me but was not able to see the deer. If you have never heard one before its truly insane! It's the 3rd time I've heard it live!. As 0f 12 PM, 18 deer seen, 7 bucks, and the one other that growled that I didnt see. Hopefully the rest of the day is just as exciting.

  8. Ok, its November 7th my favorite day to be in the deer woods of the year. And, against my better judgment I decided to work and save another day of vacation due to the weather that was predicted for today. What a mistake! That being said for those on stand, hows the action this morning?

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