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Iron Duke

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Posts posted by Iron Duke

  1. Can't wait for this tournament !! Its going to be a blast .. Shotgun start, Some really great competition and of course to the winner a pretty nice check.... Come on guys let's help Nick by getting those registrations in soon and bettering the competition ... Hope to see you all out there....


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  2. Thanks guys !! Chowder that was not me or the Duke ... Lol.. But there are a few boats that look just like it, still have the ole Duke but will be up 4 sale soon if anybody knows anyone who is interested... The boat will come rigged ready to go except for kicker motor... The new boat ran like a top and went through all her paces well except the Garmin gps fish finder is not working properly but everything else worked great... To hot to fish this afternoon so decided not to but will be out there soon and reporting back once again.. Thanks again guys!!!


  3. Well after about a month and a half of cleaning rewiring and installing all the new toys I am just about ready for splash down with the new to me Sportcraft .... This boat was a former sherrif patrol boat on Oneida Lake, We tried like hell to get them to let us have the lights, sirens and decals but they said that was a no go.. LOL... Here are a few pics of how the boat looked when we got her and how she looks now.... Cant wait to get back on the water and FISH!! Hopefully splash down later today....



    What the boat looked like when purchased


    After a decal removal and a few good pressure washings


    Look from Helm


    5.0 Merc

    5.0 Merc


    Bert's tracks install


    Great Lakes Planners Tree Install


    Scotty riggers mounted on Berts swivel bases


    Ready for Splash down...

  4. Erabbit.. They do there best to keep everything in stock but sometimes they do run out... I work there part time and if u need something let me know and I will get it to u ... I believe we are both in the Watkins area every weekend or close to it so shouldn't be a problem at all


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  5. Took a few days off to pre fish with lakebound88 before the derby and we found some great looking temps and some pretty hot fishing... We took some great fish in the days before the derby and really tried hard to just find spots and not over fish them so they would be there when we needed them but the south winds came and blew all those great temps north and pretty much had to start fresh on Saturday morning... We found fish but not the size we were finding before ... We fished out of Watkins and fished as far north as Lodi small spoons were my hot ticket all weekend taking many nice bows and browns on them.. I really wanna thank Nick, Sean, Jason, Nick D and Tom for all working together and working different spots and sharing info.... One of these years it will all come together ... Wanna congratulate all the winners and everyone in general for working together this weekend and keeping it safe out there.... Here's some pics of the Fish including Lakebound88's personal best salmon 10 pound Landlock that we got Wednesday night....


    Heres the link to the rainbow video..


    My Brown


    Nicks Salmon



    My favorite pic of the weekend .. Joe and his awesome Bow and Nick hooked up on another in the background...


  6. Thanks Rabbit.... It was my sons 13th birthday also.. Great job out there keep it up... I use to run a jug rig also bit with todays in line planers its like running 10 jug rigs at one time .. So much better.. I had a laker pull my 2 liter orange painted pepsi bottle under the water one year right next to the barge on Seneca .. It was pretty cool.. The fish weighed just under 16lbs....


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