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Posts posted by BAZOOKAJOE

  1. Otter boards and one copper per side for me. Nothing better than watching the line getting plucked from the release!! Then your fighting the fish and not a board. It would be nice to run multiple coppers per side. But I'm a small boat guy and only run 6 lines. Benefits to both ways. No each his own.

  2. I use the same rods and love them. Sharpen your hooks and bury your line in the release. If they seem to hold too loose, adjust them so they have a firmer hold. I use the little Scotty's. And I bury my line so that I often have to pop the line out when a (smaller) fish hits. Although I had a nice king hit my 5 color the other day. I thought for sure (as I popped the line from the release) it was a small fish or a laker. Then the drag started screaming! Steelhead can be hard to keep hooked on long lines. Usually the jumping is what throws the hook. I tighten down fast (by thumbing the spool) on anything on a long line. Then let them scream out if need be.

  3. I've had one break, now I try to be "gentle" with them and stop the boat to bring in my boards.

    Cisco makes a replacement reel that's all steel. I plan on trying them if another plastic BJ cracks on me. Their not cheap either but at least you shouldn't have to replace one because it cracked.

    Yup, same here. Slow or stop the boat. Even pressure. Shattered one on a hand crank. I wasn't man handling it either.

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