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Posts posted by zackblain

  1. launched at 630 went right out to 80 saw what I assume were lakers glued to bottom, picked up a brown on a 150' braid dipsy on a 2 setting, one more hit on that. Picked up at 200' and ran out to 500' and picked away at steelhead and skippy kings.

    90î¼% of the fish we marked were in the 40-60 range with the other being higher.

    temps were all over

    current was ripping, west-east was more productive

    orange/bright spoons did most of the damage off the dipsy, and 40' rigger and 10 color.

    stinger spoons paint jobs suck

    to the oak tomorrow


  2. I'll second what justin said, when fishing rivers or snaggy situations when I know I'll lose cranks I have a box full of matzuos that I bought on sale for 1 or 2$ a piece. I never get them to run right, however their jerkbaits are decent but still there are way better alternatives.

  3. If you put it on before your leadcore I think that the diver is fighting against the pull of the lead, put it on at the backing and the leadcore is already doing its work and the diver only has the resistance of the braid backer and it's able to pull harder... Just how I've always figured it works.

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