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Everything posted by eatsleeptrout

  1. I did work on the inner and outer parking lots of ginna this summer. Brought 2 rods with me in hopes i might be able to talk my way into something.... not a chance. I had an armed escort anywhere i went. My guys and i couldnt even turn a corner, and go out of site, before the guards did. However, i was talking to one of the guards about fishing and he actually escorted me to an area near the water and in view of some interior water channels. It was like a haven of fish. I sawnumerous carp at least 40lbs, largemouths that could inhale a softball and quite a few pike. Some prolly over 40 inches. Never fished or trolled around it for trout and salmon nut i could imagine how fun itmust have been. Although the guard said they still allow boats in somewhat close. Either way, stupid terrorists. [ Post made via Android ]
  2. I would like to wish the best for Taylor, and also a Happy Birthday. Although I do not know her or her family personally, I do know what it is like to have medical issues. I also know how important it is to be surrounded by a great family and awsome friends. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the dinner. However, I am meeting Missy tonight at the Elks Lodge to donate a few gift certificates to the raffle off. I am a contractor and just wanted to throw it out there to other LOU members that if they ever find themselves in a similar situation that I would be happy to donate my services to be raffled off. Happy Holidays to all.
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