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Posts posted by Frogger

  1. Vince, this works for me on the 3m 5200. Tube is from last year, still good. Took Saran Wrap pulled it over spout tightened cap on it. I use what I need by only pushing from bottom up then close her back up. I know it is frustrating but since I read about Saran Wrap it seems to work for some reason by keeping air out.

    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United

  2. Took the tip from yesterday's posting about the marina upgrade. Enjoyed going out of there and was just as close as sodus is so looks like I may have a new launch site. Started in 150fow working out to 190. Seemed I went deeper than I should of divers fired at 110 and then a 5 color. Ran riggers at 50 and 75 but I think I was too deep. Ended with some nice steelies and kings. Green froggy, green Dw, orange veggie. If I could do over I would of ran stuff shallower maybe put the lead off the back with 2 or 3 colors out instead of 5 and 10 and headed out to 200-250. Still new to me on the lead but we're working it. Fished from 7 - 10:30. Didn't stay too long, more of a get the boat out and test from the new fuel system install I did this past week. Worked out good. No more boat projects.

    Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United

  3. Update: purchased two of these, look very well made and durable. Only thing is I usually wrap the leader around the diver when storing, I noticed some nicks from it so I'll have to modify the edges or something but no biggie. Good news is within half hour we ripped a king, nothing big but worked like a charm. You guys will laugh at this one. Second rip, nothing there, but when the rod went limp and I went to grab it, it felt like the whole rig was lost. I was ticked to say the least, until I reeled it in and everything was there. That's how easy and light they feel compared to a Luhr dipsey. Anyway, thought I would share. Good product.

    Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United

  4. Adk, the test I was referring to was 1) on the oil side, you disconnect the oil line and replace with a clear 1ft tube that has markings on it to indicate when it's dropping due to the engine using up the oil. Again you would want to be running mix gas during this. 2) the fuel side test was with a vac guage on the intake side, needed to be avg 4-5 inches and on 5-7psi on the outlet side. I know I flew through these but you get the gest.

    Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United

  5. Just went through this this past week. You need to be careful. You may want to run off a portable tank with pre mixed to verify your vro is working. There's links on how to test the oil side to see if it's working. Don't take it apart on the oil side, there's no replacment parts if it's an evinrude. My issue was the fuel side. @370.00 for a new one I went with a reg diaphragm pump instead and will have to mix in my main tank. Wasn't worth rebuild kit with the unit a 93. My low level alarm was a chirp every 45 sec. Mine didn't shut the engine off. Just be careful. If she isn't getting oil you'll not be happy after testing. There's lots of experts on here that know more than me that I'm sure will chime in.

    Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United

  6. reillym, I tried to download an image off of my Elite 7 from a post last year, ( How did you find them)  if you want to search that post.  I had mine on the 83Khz and worked like a charm. Not sure if this will pop up for you on the download.  As far as the other settings, Id play around with it if I were you when your out there on the water.  It really doesnt take that long and will become so familiar with it once you do. 



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  7. Congrats to all of those that were able to get out and fish this past weekend on Seneca and also honorable mention to those that were able to get up on the board, and that Brown, what a monster.  Incredible stories with the ( who woulda thought ) size of the fish this year.  Les, good to see you down at the lake, I cant agree with you more on the family traditions this derby has brought to many families including our family.


    Our weekend story, started with one person being late, lol, trolled around the docks until he arrived, actually caught a nice lanlocked while we waited, then headed out to the deep to start the day off.   Banged a 11.25 right off the bat.  Headed in to weigh, what no power at the scales?? lol  Oh and I cant leave out the 13+lber  I lost at the net, damn hook got caught in the net, but some how I feel a lot better now than I did Sat.  Went from losing a potential 5K fish to now a possible 200.00.......    With a banner day on Saturday, put 4 fish up on the board.  Sunday was a different story, caught fish, but slow, everything seemed to be near bottom for us.  Did anyone notice the bottom depth change off of Belhurst? Use to be 125-145 now is 200ft????  thought my Elite 7 was going bad.  Going to see if I can contact a professor at Hobart to see if they noticed this change.


    Monday, dissapointment at the start with all of the our fish getting knocked out of the divisions from the previous day, ( I said damn southenders,  lol)  our plan was go back to basics with going deep again.  Booom,  hit a nice fish in the same vincity we worked Saturday with a 12.6 laker, didnt want to wait long to bring it in for how close the boards were in the divisions.  How badly she wanted to claim  her division two years in a row, didnt happen this year, oh well theres next year.


    Funny story, a good friend who calls me up on Saturday whos not having a good day with losing his net and a flasher rig on wire has his luck turned around on Monday after I reel up??? you guessed it, his rig, and yes by the way the small laker he said that was on it when he was bringing it in before he lost it, is swimming free to catch another day!


     Some pics of the weekend with my youngest who incidently is the first mate and telling his uncles what to do and how to properly reel in the fish........... Hope to see you out on the water!




  8. Hon do, try going deeper of the shelves with the saw bellies. If you have 200ft plus you can get anchored in that 130 or so if it's calm. You'll need way more if there's a chop. I'm seeing lots of success with guys out deep.

    Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United

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