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Posts posted by RD9

  1. Yankee did you use it on segmented cores on the boards? I fish salmon but i tourney fish walleye mainly and I'll tell you that the difference between seven and eight color can make a huge difference some days. Then dialing riggers and divers to match that targeted depth can be a mystery. We start with divers higher then the marks and then creep them out 5 to 10 feet at a time until the fire. To put all my rods in the same ten ft of water column in walleye fishing suspended fish could be crazy cool.

  2. I'll fish regardless but it being the day before Mother's Day is tough especially for the guys whom are traveling back to were ever they came from. I guess if you win and have a whole bunch of cash and bring that home to you're wife and mom it makes things easier. For the rest of us it was much more difficult. Thanks for understanding. It's a great tourney and thanks for the effort putting it together. Like I said we will be there regardless of date, just a suggestion.

  3. I think what happens is that the judges could care less in the city. Bigger fish to fry. So it trickles down to the officers thinking they are just wasting there time down there.

    Absolutely. Honestly they do have bigger issues. Sucks that this stuff happens but the reality of the situation is that the court system does throw a lot of these charges out or reduces them. A guy with his limit of salmon and no more is hard to prosecute to full extent and it is time consuming and costly when other more pressing issues are at hand. Best friend is an officer and yes they are directly told not presue things the court system doesn't up hold in court. Obviously this situation sucks but we need to adress realities and our reality as sportsman occasionally doesn't mesh with our societies realities. By this I mean the general population doesn't give two ****s about the dieing salmon at the genessee river even if we all do. It is our responsibility to try to educated and intervene when necessary and bring these issues to the appropriate people's attention to prove it's importance.

    On a non related topic. I also heard one of the Asians was smoking a marijuana cigarette and no one even cared.

  4. I think what happens is that the judges could care less in the city. Bigger fish to fry. So it trickles down to the officers thinking they are just wasting there time down there.

    Absolutely. Honestly they do have bigger issues. Sucks that this stuff happens but the reality of the situation is that the court system does throw a lot of these charges out or reduces them. A guy with his limit of salmon and no more is hard to prosecute to full extent and it is time consuming and costly when other more pressing issues are at hand. Best friend is an officer and yes they are directly told not presue things the court system doesn't up hold in court. Obviously this situation sucks but we need to adress realities and our reality as sportsman occasionally doesn't mesh with our societies realities. By this I mean the general population doesn't give two ****s about the dieing salmon at the genessee river even if we all do. It is our responsibility to try to educated and intervene when necessary and bring these issues to the appropriate people's attention to prove it's importance.

    On a non related topic. I also heard one of the Asians was smoking a marijuana cigarette and no one even cared.

  5. Ok so whom is running perfect 10's by smithwick on Erie. I use rynowskys mainly and some Bay rats. I love Bay Rats color selection and quality but I catch more on rynowskys. Problem with the rynowskys is the quality, they flat out catch fish but you need to buy two to find one that doesn't fill up with water and crack. Heard of guys running perfect 10's and doing well on Erie in the eastern basin. Just wondering if guys are having success with them mid to late summer. I believe they were first used on Erie in the western basin because of the capabilities to troll slow.

  6. I've been laughed at when mentioning that one of the best times to shoot a good buck is the first 2 weeks. Much easier to pattern than any other time during the season. Heck, the buck you've had on camera the last 2 months has a 50/50 shot of being elsewhere soon.

    Lots of old timer only hunt the rut or were so use to hunting when the season used to start. We hunt tight to bedding areas close to food. A lot of times it's not a pretty place to sit but the action can be great. The property behind my house I hunt but my best buddy has hunted there longer then I have and last two years he filled his bow tag on nice 8 pointers opening day afternoon. This year around mid August a typical 12 point with forked g3's has been showing up in the field about once a week during late afternoon. He is a real trophy buck. If he isn't dead by mid October he will go into hiding. We are so serious about this buck we have stopped having fires in back yard and the kids play in the front yard now, so not to spook him this week.

    Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters

  7. For me and a few buddies down here in Chautauqua county the first week of bow is really exciting. Especially when bucks come out in the agricultural fields nightly. I personally don't have one pattern but have two friends whom have been watching two big boys coming out at least one evening a week to feed. Usually this will occur until there is pressure or the rut approaches.

  8. I fished with a gentleman this weekend whom has spent his entire life fishing Erie and Ontario. This past weekend off the bar was the best fishing experience they have ever had on Ontario. He fished with my grandfather since they introduced Salmon into Ontario. Also spent tons of time on Erie. Said he believes that back then everyone could catch em. Now it's harder his theory is based more on water clarity. We only fish the western basin of Ontario and for us it's wonderful. We catch kings every time we go some days better then other. Lake Ontario is a great fishery and I believe is strong right now. I can't speak of the east end of the lake but all reports from Olcott west have been good for along time. I have noticed a real lack/decrease of detailed reports on this site.

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