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Posts posted by Nessmuk

  1. Yes, the Lotsa Flea was interesting and there were a few bargains one of which I took advantage of and one which I missed.   A slightly larger room or more spread out would have been better but all in all a nicely run event.  I wish it was in Rochester to save driving :yawn:


    I'm looking forward to FLTA Watkins Glen!

  2. I guess I was thinking in terms of getting a lure to a target depth and assume there is some inaccuracy inherent with the dipsy but not sure how much.   Seems like 2'-4' added to inaccuracy could make a difference but maybe not enough to make a significant difference.    The speed part of the equation  is probably a big deal.  I plan on using 20# mono to start with and might compare actual depth to the chart using a Fish Hawk TD probe to see if I am anywhere close.

  3. In the end it does not matter.  No REAL difference will be realized in depth of the diver over a couple of feet of line out.....unless you are trolling in 8' FOW. 


    Is it just a couple of feet or is it more due to the angle the line comes off the rod tip.   In my case with a 12' boat the rod is fairly close to the water.    <8' depth I guess I would be thinking side planers or flat lining?

  4. Superhawk,


    Though on a very tight budget, I am in the process of gearing up to troll in the FL.   Though I have chased stream trout for a number of years I find lake fishing somewhat intimidating for anything beyond small pan fish.   Find the fish and present the bait/lure is the simple game of fishing but it gets a lot more complicated in big bodies of water.


    I decided to go for a Fish Hawk TD ($130) which I hope will allow me to get a rough idea of where the temperatures are and an inexpensive Huminbird 561 sonar to "see" structure and maybe fish.  


    After reading a lot about trolling both here and in books from the library I decided to try to get BOTH DRs and Dipsys  as well as a pair of in line planers.  I may also try bottom bouncing with some big sinkers  and might possibly try a SGR. 


    My goal is to have at least some idea of where the fish are or should be and to present the lures to the fish.   I am assuming that it will take some time to learn to use both the Sonar and TD to best advantage.   I'd like to add an X4 to the DR but will wait till I get more experience to make that decision.


    If you enjoy reading about fishing as I do you might want to look for Ken Schultz's book "The Art of Trolling"    Many old books have some interesting material on trolling and fish species that may or may not be useful.

  5. Seems typical NY police state.   Good intentions but not practical or reasonable.   Unless facilities/equipment for cleaning boats/trailers at the launch site are provided it seems impossible to comply with the reg.   If the facility/equipment are there who will pay for it?   If this reg. is approved and enforced  I guess you need to be a cottage owner to fish on a lake.   I only fish Canadice/Hemlock and in a very small boat.   This sort of thing could prevent me from fishing.  I can't comply given the crappy launch sites at Hemlock/Canadice and they won't let me keep a boat there.  The way I see it you need running water and hoists etc.


    Fed up with NYSDEC and NYS government.

  6. Are you trying to make the dipsey do the job of the downrigger weight with the purpose of having the dipsey make all the noise it would normally make in the water,but once you hook up you don't have the dipsey as part of the line? 


    Yes to all but with the dipsy having the ability to pull to one side.   Two dipsys would spread the two lures out to the sides rather than to be locked the narrow track of the DR weights.   To me the ability to fight the fish w/o the dipsy and the ability to have more control on where the lures travel are both advantageous.    I also think the dipsy color and noise helps.

  7. Let me take another stab at this.   Put the dipsy on the DR cable (no DR ball) as if attaching a line from a rod.   Attach a release to the dipsy where you would normally attach the leader.    Attach fishing line to release.    Lower cable and let out line.   Assume that the dipsy will go down and to the side.   Fish strikes and line is pulled out of release and fish is played w/o dipsy.   This would be using the dipsy as a DR ball and allow a wider spread.


    I was thinking about this but since I hadn't read about it or seen it in discussion on LOU I dismissed it.    Then while looking at a book found this described in one of the last chapters.


    Probably not suited to working the deepest depths but might be a useful technique.  


    Mostly wondering if anyone has tried this.  I don't have a clue as to how well this would work.

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