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Posts posted by FishingTheFL

  1. Something happened 3 years ago... It's not the manure spreaders, it's not the sewage, winery run off... I have had lots time last 3 winter's listening to the story of how everyone crushed the perch then after that all fishing seemed to go down hill. Cayuga has had many of the same issues but still producing fish. Maybe it is just a bad cycle for Seneca. I know a few guys that catch about 80% of the time and they will tell you it's slow and a bad a cycle. I know since I started fishing with them I caught more fish. It's tough fishing on Seneca. Cayuga is a breeze.

    Sent from my XT1609 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  2. Pike are doing well this year... Only seen one with red slime but it looked like the fish was recovering. Healthy fish this year. I would say about half have had lamprey wounds. Any large fish seems to have one attached. I wonder if anyone hunts Seneca for carp, the larger ones usually have one attached.

    Also anyone know if they treat the Seneca River area with the lamprey treatment? Seems some of those creeks and little bays would be good spawning grounds for them. One spot in Waterloo I can think of especially since the owners really hammered down on the no fishing there.

    If anyone remembers the pictures someone took in early January when the water was clear from an air plane, the North end looks like the moons surface... I would imagine the rest of the lake probably looks the same... Finding what's up will not be an easy task. Someone mentioned purposely polluting... I would hope not but image the task of checking every hole in the bottom of the lake... the pure cost alone is mind boggling... I would hope someone would not pollute on purpose or on accident but do you really think they would stick there neck out for some local fishermen? Maybe it is just a bad cycle. Time will tell.

    Sent from my XT1609 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  3. I personally haven't seen anything in the act of dying... I have seen many carp and Pike with lampreys attached. Usually longer then the fish... I guess this is a good sign right? Little ones are the beginning of a new cycle?

    These fish know when the water temp and air pressure is going to change... Not being able to adapt to changes is a load... Maybe the sick ones or injured from predator fish but there are just as many predator fish dead too.

    I guess it would come down to someone or a group of people to come together and get the funding rolling for the research.

    Sent from my XT1609 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

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  4. I have at least one buddy that does it. I have $35 into it right now and got an 8" auger 2 rods and a tip up. Only reason I am giving it a try. Plus I'll admit when it comes to ice, I am not brave. Fell threw in a shallow swamp as a kid and had to walk a quarter mile in knee deep snow... Not a fond memory... plus got those little swamp specs in my eye so that made it worse.

    This is why I am torn between a flasher and camera - I can see how the fish react with the camera and I can use it in the summer time to get the kids to watch.

    Flasher is more stealthy and probably catch more fish if I don't have a camera staring at my bait

    Sent from my XT1609 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  5. Will be fishing mostly Gil's and perch. Crappy if I ever figure out how to catch them [emoji23]

    I'll probably end up travelling more this year as I usually fish Seneca and Cayuga and they didn't freeze enough last year.

    What do you guys use for safety gear. I got some ice pick from a guy when I bought my auger. Looks like they are used to drag your self out if you fall in. I would rather not fall through and a spud bar seems pretty heavy to carry.

    Sent from my XT1609 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

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