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Posts posted by VooDoo

  1. I have a garmin 73sv echomap. (7" screen) that will cover out to the side a long way.  It has different settings for how far you want to cover.  you can even vary distances, say 200' on port side and 25' on starboard if your hugging the shore on that side.   However you are limited to what you can interpret by the size of the screen.  The further out the setting, the smaller it is on the screen.  It is hard to tell what you are looking at.  I usually leave mine set on 100' on each side.  Side scan does not use a cone shaped beam like traditional sonar.  It uses a very thin beam that spreads out in a half circle from directly under your boat to the surface on each side.  It will work in very deep water, it works on 2 frequencies, with one better for shallower water and one better for deeper water  but there again anything deeper than around 100' is very hard to interpret.  Hope this helps.

  2. General consensus seemed to be to put the entire 1000' spool on.   Even after putting on the 1000' I ended up taking it back off  to add backing in order to get enough on the spools so I could calibrate the linecounter reels, which is very important.  I may just take it back off and use 500'  with enough backing to calibrate.  My thinking, right or wrong is this might help to prevent tangles from the wire wrapping over itself.  Less wire less chance of tangles....Even though it is entirely possible, how many time are you even going to get to the backing.  I also like the idea on the Blood Run website about adding 40 or 50' of fluro at the end of the wire so you can break the rods down.  If you take any tension off of the wire that is where you run into problems. Blood Run has a bunch of good tips if you havent been on their site.  I'm using their copper and steel.

  3. Anyone ever use any of the Church TX 6 mini planers for spring browns?  I'm pretty sure they could handle a spoon or 4" crankbait.  Might be a good stealth technique.

    Rough water would probaby cause some problems.  But if it was relatively calm they might work.

  4. Excellent, very well written article.  I too would like  a little more info on running multiple lines per side.  Right now I have 3 copper setups a 300, a 200 and a 150.  the way I understand it the deeper line (300) should be on the inside board.  I also plan on running a wire dipsy.  I also have 3 leadcore setups.  A 7, a 3 and a couple 2s,  The 2s can pull double duty as sw rods off the riggers.

    Would I run all copper off one side? or could I run lead and copper off the same side?  My questions are if I'm running my 300 on the inside board, with all of the snaking the copper does, how do I keep it out of the dipsy?   Secondly although I've read a lot of stuff on this I am still a bit confused on the issue of what to do with a fish on the middle or outside boards.  I've read to clear lines,

    Also read that the higher lines will ride over the deeper lines so leave the inside lines deployed.  With a berserk steelie or king this seems like a nightmare waiting to happen.  Then there is the question on how to redeploy say the outside or middle board if you are leaving the inside boards set.    Also if you are running a copper down the shute, do you have to clear it to fight a fish off one of the other rods, especially a dipsy?  I'm running a 19' deep vee that has an 8' beam so I don't have as much width as a bigger boat with say a 12' beam. I'd say this would also figure into the equation.

  5. I think the biggest advantage to braid is  quieting the "sing" of the rigger cable.  Although it will help with blowback some.  Compare a braid dipsy to a mono dipsy.  The braid will get deeper with the same amount of line out just simply because of the smaller diameter.


    I have Big Jon Captains Pak riggers.  They are rated for 20 lbs although I think that might be a bit excessive, not to mention being hard on my gunnels and booms.  I realize heavier weights would be better for deeper water.  I was using 10 lb weights as an example.  You could compare 15 lb weights.  I was just wondering if there would be a significant advantage to the style of the weight, everything else being equal..  Would i see a major difference switching from cannonball with a keel to a fish shape or torpedo of the same weight.  Just trying to figure out if the difference would be worth the investment since I alread have the Cabelas cannonballs with a keel.

  6. Ok guys,  I'm not looking for any particular brand comparison because I know you will all have your favorites.  What I'm looking for is mainly a comparison in styles.

    In same pound weights of course, say 10 lbs.   How much difference is there between the round ball style with keel (which is all I have ran) vs the pancake style vs Fish shaped vs torpedo.

    Tracking, blowback, twisting etc.  Common sense figures that the round ones would have more drag than the others but as expensive as these are I was just wondering if it would be significant enough to switch to another style.  Thanks



  7. Yeah,  its by prescription only.  About $25 a piece.  They're about the size of a dime and you stick them behind your ear.  They are good for 3 days.  Of course thats cheap compared to puking for 8 hrs.  I still prefer the meclizine.  it works. 

  8. The patch is a prescription and pricey at that.  Got a buddy that uses them and they work for him.  He says sometimes they make him see double.  No wonder he's always telling people he catches twice as many fish as me:lol:

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  9. Get a prescription from your doctor for Meclizine.  Its what they prescribe for vertigo (an inner ear issue that causes dizziness and nausea and is related to motion sickness)  I used to get bad sick especially when tying knots or trying to work out tangles.

    Haven't had any problems since I started taking this and no side effects.   Its also cheap, costs $3 for 30 on my insurance. 


  10. Your local craft shop is a great place for beads of all colors and sizes.  I prefer to use heavier line.  I like clear 25lb Big Game about 18" with a red #4 octopus trailing hook and a black  #2 octopus leading hook spaced about 3'' apart.   I then use a 17lb

    Fluro leader  about a foot shorter than  your rod.  I too use a plastic change out clevis.  I have experienced failure with metal clevises on commercial tied harnesses with heavy line.  Theory is the metal creates friction and weakens the line. but have never  had a problem plastic.  You can make a simple jig out of a board and a couple of nails so you get your hooks spaced the same. Drive a couple nails in a board 3 to 3 1/2'' apart, snell  your trailer hook, slip it over first nail and slide line thru the leading hook and position the bend of the lead hook around the 2nd nail hold in place and finish your snell.  Finish off with a surgeons knot.  You can also use a size 6 or 8 treble as a trailing hook.  Good luck

  11. Yes,  one piece of wire running inside along the belly. goes from line attachment eyelet to rear hook attachment.  Also have rattles.

    I probably wouldn't have thought to buy them on ebay but since I have a whole box of them, might as well get some use out of them.  Plastic is tough.  They are translucent with some kind of holographic foil on the inside that shimmers different colors.

  12. Still amazes me how they can make them so cheap.  I had a $9 Rapala snapped clear in two

    on a strike last year.  Have never had an issue with one of these and they track true.  Knowing now where they came from I may

    change the hooks out on them....but then again if it ain't broke don't fix it............

  13. Anyone have any idea what these are.  Dozens of these came with a boat I got a couple years ago.  All different colors.  Cant find anything that looks like them.

    Pic 1 is a triple segment and is 4" long.

    Pic 2 is 2 of the same kind.  also about 4 "

    They have rattles in them and seem well made and run well.






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