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Posts posted by jmyers8

  1. You can run anything off leadcore or copper the weighted line takes the lure to the depth it's made for depending on length. On Niagara bar this spring alot of guys were having good luck on spoons ran off copper on boards I think the I creased boat traffic made the lines away from the boat more attractive

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  2. Alot of that is making in the same color patterns purples greens blues instead of mixing everything. Also spin drs work at speeds with spoons I would run a wire diver then a high diver and 2 boards off each side or a rogger and board off each side I think a rigger and board off each side gives you more spacing

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  3. We fished the bar for the first time this weekend. Wow, boat traffic doesnt compare to walleye in ohio. We had prolly 30 to 40 boats workin the same line of fish and just about every pass someone was yelling or blowing horns at people. We tried to keep the east west trolls but it was inevitable you were dodging out of the way breaking your course. We ran 2 riggers and 4 dipsys and would not want to consider having long lines out a few did and they usually werent budging

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  4. We did a little better this morning ended with 2 small kings today and several real good bites that came unbuttoned. We were just north of the buoy on the bar and there was a ton of boats workin thr same line of fish which made it interesting. It was a good trip, learned alot and will be ready to go next time. Thanks to everyone that helped us out on here and at the docks were super helpful. Back to walleye on erie.

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  5. Thanks that's what I like about the candy colors that's actually a candy blue over chartreuse that gives it a green with blue shining through in the right light.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

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