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  1. Ok guys, i just went out and got a new fishawk X4, got it all hooked up and ready too go, how do i target salmon with it i know basicly, temp and speed at my ball, ,but what temp and speed should i run my spoons, flies at too increase my chances of more fish...ive seen that once u find the temp u want u punt ur riggere just above the temp and just below the temp is this accurate or am i wrong, any help would be appreciated Woody5734
  2. Longline Thank u very much, greatly appreciated Woody5734
  3. Hey all Is there any sights that everyone uses for wave forecast on the Big O, I was looking at the NOAA sight but its a pain in the ass to navigate, any help would be great. I usually fish by myself on the weekdays because I work a weird shift at Baush and Lomb so i only get every other weekend off a month, and dont want too go out and get beat up, Was going too get a slip at sodus but decided too just launch out of bear creek. Thanks in advance guys Woody5734
  4. Any reports from Sodus, got a slip on the bay and will be going out Monday morning Woody5734
  5. Had a Charter Captain who always used an external flash from a camera and flashed all his glow spoons and flies and dodges and he swore by it always put fish in the boat but who know
  6. I just recently.bought an 1988 nordic 22 ft...I have a foft spot in the middle of the floor by the engine seems seems too be a 4x4 section the floor is fiberglass...how would I go about repairing that section dont even know were too start..Thanks in advance for the help... WOODY5734
  7. Yes the water level is really low..be careful if ur using the public launch.sheared my prop off because it's so low...I would suggest using Martin's marina up the road...its the old arnies marina...its 20 bucks but u should have no problem...if u do go out of the public my suggestion is go all the way to the end of the dock befor u go out.. Have fun be safe and good luck...let us know how u do
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