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Everything posted by JLK

  1. Sounds good. Thanks. Stick to a dipsey is spring, or use a planer board instead ?
  2. A cheater should be legal, if one or both lures are spoons. Ontario regulations :"Two lines may be used when angling from a boat in parts of the Great Lakes and for ice fshing in many areas. A fshing line must not have more than four hooks atached." Hook – A hook includes a single-pointed or multiple-pointed hook on a common shaft but does not include a snagger or spring gaff. The number of hooks includes any single-pointed or multiple-pointed hooks that are part of a lure.
  3. I live in Ontario and fish for salmon solo. Ontario rules limit me to two rods. I've been running dipsey's on both. Any suggestions?
  4. A goldilocks. Not too big and not too small. Just right. 27' was too big. 14' is too small.
  5. Both boats are safe to a point Getting off the lake before you reach that point is key
  6. All I need now is a speed probe and a ball and a bigger boat ...
  7. The number of days we are blown off the lake will increase, assuming climate change is real.
  8. Trolling with current should be just as good, but requires increasing GPS speed. Is the current in Lake O. the same at the surface S down 50 ft? If so a spoon over the side at the surface would let you check the action.
  9. Physics and fishing. Color matters, but not necessarily the way we think. Light is different under water. Physics and fishing https://thegreatlakesfisherman.com/lure-color-selection/
  10. I feel ya. I bought a 14' Big Fish. Lovely on flat water, but I've learned I prefer Lake O, plus I live 5 minute drive from launch ramp. 14' greatly restricts the time I can go out on Lake O. Too many choices. Good luck picking your next boat.
  11. That's it for this year and place. Some areas of the province do. Each year it may change. To the best of my knowledge it never changes mid year. Watch out for species and waterbody exceptions under the general zone regulations.
  12. I've never seen it that bad. My daughter wanted me to take her sailing once. I checked the forecast and it was for 4 to 5 METER waves. We didn't go sailing. No mater how big you're boat is, it can and will get too rough some days. My lessons learned was 1. know before you go out. 2. Wait for a better day.
  13. This might not make you feel any better, but I haven't caught one either in the west end of the Lake.
  14. I suspect colour is grossly overrated. I opened a salmons stomach, all I saw was small fish, dark on top silver on the bottom withe large black eyes. I suspect that's why 95% of Spoons have silver back side, and that's why the Salmon strike, flashing silver looks like lunch. I may be wrong but I suspect marketing puts out all the colors to catch fishermen, not fish.
  15. I suspect Sk8man survived on boat handling skills. 13 Boston Whalers may be unsinkable, but they don't keep people inside the boat, or keep it upright. Once it's upside down you're ****ed. Ditto for falling out in a storm solo.
  16. I've noticed that fun disappears before safety does, and just because something can be done, doesn't mean it should be done. Wave height is crest to trough. Don't double, do add 1/3. Forecast wave height is crest to trough AVERAGE. Some waves will be higher than average, approximately 1/3 higher. 2-3 ft avg. Means occasionl 3+(1/3*3)=4 footer. 3-6 ft avg. : 6+(1/3^6)=8 ... Source ndbc.noaa.gov (bouy data site) Significant wave height, WVHT, is approximately equal to the average of the highest one-third of the waves, as measured from the trough to the crest of the waves.
  17. I fish out of a 14 ft. Must pick days, and pay attention when out. I used to have a 27 ft boat. There were still days I wouldn't go out. I think he was referring to 1 to 3 ft waves, not 1 to 3 mph wind.
  18. Any place to mount downriggers?
  19. JLK

    for sale : usa Starcraft islander

    Still available?
  20. JLK

    Boat storage

    All year round actually. I used to have a 27' boat kept all year at a yacht club. Sold it in 2013 and was boatless until last year when I bought a 14' boat now in my garage. I've concluded the 14' works fine on small bodies of water but is too small for what I like most, being out on Lake Ontario. . Keeping a boat in the garage has it's charms, but I'm not sure anything that will fit in a 20'x10' garage will actually provide satisfaction on great lakes. a 16 ft boat doesn't really seem much bigger than a 14. The garage door is 8' wide. Some boats are so beamy that I might have to grease the boat to slide it in. I could squeeze a slightly larger boat into the driveway, but it's a four car ( 2x2) driveway that already has 3 cars in it so space there is still limited, maybe a 19' or 20' boat with motor & trailer tongue fitting in behind one of the cars. Gas and time to the local launch ramp is negligible, it's a 6 minute drive. Seems life is full of compromises.
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