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Posts posted by BlueEye

  1. Had the pleasure to meet Crash and his son Justin four years ago fishing the PMTT.  They put Kentucky on the map for musky fishing - a great option when the season is closed up north.  Crash was a class act who always had time to talk to everyone.  A self-less angler who will be sorely missed in our sport.  His contributions to the sport were felt far outside the Kentucky borders.  To Justin and the rest of the Mullins family, our prayers are with you.

  2. I saw this post on the LO Tweets page from Capt. Jeremy and thought it worth repeating and creating a topic about to bring more attention to it.   Anyone who has used the parkway in recent years knows how bad it is.  Here is the link and video to a good story done by News 10 about it. 




    If you want to let the state DOT know how you feel about the parkway, you can contact their Albany office at 518-457-6195; you can also contact them here:




    Drive safe!

  3. Sorry guys -this was my fault as we upgraded the servers last night. If a post was made during the update it looks like it might have been missed. No moderators to blame for this one - sorry about that as I thought the upgrade would be instant and no posts lost but that clearly wasn't the case. On top of that they charged me $250 one time charge for the upgrade.... Grrrrr.... At least it's a holiday weekend and things should be back to normal again. No more upgrades needed hopefully for a while now. Thanks again guys and Happy 4th!!

    Sent from Lake Ontario United mobile app

  4. Last year there was a thread posted on here that explained how to safely catch and release a musky.  At the time, I had never fished for musky, and did not feel like I really needed to know the information since it wasn't likely I'd be targeting them any time soon (but I read the thread anyways).  It was very informative, and a few days ago while fishing for bass with my parents on Waneta Lake, I caught and landed a 37" Musky (my first ever!).  Had I not read that thread the previous year, it's likely that I would not have known how sensitive of a fish they are, and I would not know how to properly release them.  I also probably would not have posted the picture that was taken out of fear that maybe I did something wrong and would get crucified on here for it.  However, I am happy to say that after I held her up for a very quick picture, she was back in the water within a few seconds.  I gently held onto her tail in the water until she finally took off like a bullet.  I always welcome constructive criticism, so if there is anything that I could do better next time on my catch and release, please feel free to let me know on here or through a PM.




    Love hearing stories like this Guppy - congrats on the fish and the safe release.  :yes:


    Larry & Adam are both first class individuals who dedicate a lot to the fishery.  Nice to see their issues resolved in a civil manner.

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