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Posts posted by LongLine

  1. Genny 08-02-17

    Splashed in at the river at 5:30 today.  Lots of geese & their young at the launch.  Cloud cover to the east & north but clear overhead and to the west.  River temp 74F.

    Red sky in the morning, sailor take…




    Headed out and to the left again.  WSW wind. Maybe a foot, mostly less.  Set up in 115 FOW and trolled out..  Surface whole trip bounced between 71 & 73F.  Didn’t see anything on the screen till 180FOW then saw small bait pods down 60.  Down temperatures really goofy. 45 one minute then 60 the next.  Crossed a N-S scum line then temps steadier.

    Two Cohos around 7:30-8:00, down 68 over 200-210 on R&R watermelon.  Larger one around 8 Lbs. Both clean.  Lost something much bigger down 84 over 210 around 9am.  

    Stayed in that area for another hour. Decided to pull the rigger & stacker around 10:00.  Got that all cleared and the weight off then spent the next 20 minutes battling this guy off the other rigger:




    Heh, heh, heh….17 Lbs!  84 down over 210.  Purple spook mag, trolling fast.  Took pix then another 15 minutes reviving him & he finally swam away.  Biggest one I’ve ever caught. (Don't ask me why pic came out vertical)


    Love having the lake all to myself!   Not another boat around.  Heard some on the radio but they were way out. No way am I taking my 18 ft’r out there. 


    Oh well, out by noon.  Little ragboats having another get-together on the river.  Couple kayers paddling around.  (Great day to paddle the river.)  One other trailer in the lot, geese sitting in the shade just relaxing. 


    Luck to all.

    Tom B.


  2. Keep boat in gear; get fish along side the boat; net the fish headfirst.  Do not just hold the net stationary.  It should be moving toward the fish and the center of it slightly below the fish.  Some say that spooks the fish...to which I say...the fish won't swim backwards to avoid the net, rather he's going to give it a burst of speed and try to go deep...hence right into your net.


    Did you know that you can "tail" a king?  Get him tired enough, right along side of the boat, reach over and grab him in front of his tail.  Kings can't collapse their tails.  Handy to know if you break, lose or forget you net. (been there...done that)


    Tom B.




  3. Splashdown - Finally!

    Well, it’s been quite a while. I’ve never had to wait this long in the year to go fishing before. …high water, lousy weekends, new roof, new stairs, painting, etc, etc, etc… I told myself “I’m going fishing, before the snow flies!”  And glad I did!  

    Hit the river solo about 5:30.  Had to put the rear axle in the water to launch but water was 74F & docks about 4” out of water so I guess that wasn’t too bad.  Only saw one log in the water.  Checked out the engine then headed straight out, a little to the left.  Heavy clouds and slight wind from the west allowed for cruising speed.




    Stopped at 125 FOW & said “what the heck.”  A couple boats around but not many.  So loaded the riggers there and started trolling out.   Single rigger fired at 90 down over 135.  About 15 minutes into that fight and the second rigger fires at 75 down.  Saw that one jump then the stacker fires.  A 1st for me, fishing solo with a triple.  Netted the 1st one; 2nd one throws the hook back at me and I go after the 3rd.  Anyways, ended up with a 24” stlhd and a 22 ½ Lb King.  Took some work reviving them but they both swam away.  King was FAT!  Both fish clean & no lamprey marks.



    There was a pretty good N-S thermal off Russell. Definite change in water clarity.  Not many fleas but a lot of seaweed down a ways.  Worked out to 170 & back to 130 a couple times.  Went 7 for 9.  2 stlhds, rest small kings in the 17-24” range.  (all clean fish) Good day for fishing, Great day for catching!  Purple spooks, short leads, trolling fast did the trick


    Pulled the lines a little after 9 & headed in.  Wanted to beat the crowd.  Some festival going on at the beach.  Stopped at DEC Angler Survey boat on the way in.  Maybe 10 trailers in the lot.


    Luck to all.


    Tom B.


  4. FWIW:  NYS tried to put very stringent ballast rules on incoming freighters & it was the Feds that shot it down. The Phosphorous laws were also 1st proposed & adopted by NYS.  The good thing from the Feds is the USGS and I hope their funding doesn't get cut.


    Tom B.


  5. The ones with the devil face on them are eppinger's.  Look like flutter chucks to me.


    1st picture: top ones with the red bead are evil eyes.


    7th picture: the ones towards the top (green with blk/yellow stripe) look like either southport slammers or northport nailers.  Very bottom one in same picture is a Doctor spoon. (Loved that one as you could reverse the ring & the hook & get a completely different action)


    Tom B.


  6. I've always called it the anode fin.  Don't know if that's right or not.  It has absolutely nothing to do with the "tilt" of your boat at high speed.  As the other guys said it's to counteract steering pull.  Does your boat tip the same without the kicker on it?  If not then it's a weight distribution issue. If it does then I'm thinking the boat isn't wide enough for that size power-plant & the only solution would be to invest in trim tabs.


    Tom B.



  7. Trade deficit with Mexico for goods is at 60 B for 2016.  For services, it’s a surplus.  US imported 80 B worth of vehicles last yr from Mex, so it makes sense to impose additional taxes on Mexican made vehicles & bring that manufacturing back in country.  Get Ford & Chevy to invest billions in new factories here.  Should be great short term…get construction jobs, get assembly jobs, get investments, drive stock prices sky high.  But what happens when Mexico retaliates with tariffs on our exports?  What happens when Ford & Chevy want return on their investment?  (I don’t know, just asking)

    BTW, did anyone catch what both Ryan & McConnel’s said about reducing sanctions on Russia?

  8. Pap - I agree: a large concentration of ammonia is very bad for aquatic life.  But I think the question is about the phosphors/ates.   There certainly has to be a balance there.  I'm sure we don't want a glacial lake as nothing will live in that.   It may be interesting to research the Lake Guardian's water chemical research with the best fishing areas.  (Someone told me that Erie has dead spots, yet  many guys brag about the Walleye fishing there.)  Will the fishing even be better in the Black River a few years after it's been "cleaned out?"  I don't know but I certainly hope so.


    Tom B.


  9. Reportedly, fishing's pretty good on the North shore & look at all the issues they've had with overflows in the last 3-4 yrs...Toronto, etc.  If memory serves me right...the biggest trawl of alewives came off the North shore...something like 40,000 in one netting.   In fact about 4-5 years ago there was a major dairy farm spill up on the east end of the lake...something like 40-50-60 tons of cow crap in a holding pond let loose into a trib.




    Tom B.


  10. Alewives

    Thinking about alewife’s – knowing what happened to Huron, Stocking cessation in Michigan & our own stocking reduction of Kings – got me curious about the worldwide population of these fish.  I found this article in the Federal Register which I thought was interesting.  If you have a couple of hours to kill, you may want to read through it.  


    Basically, it’s about saltwater alewife & river herring from the Northern part of Florida all the way up into Canada.  5 or 6 years ago, NOAA was petitioned to put both species on the Endangered Species List.  They say neither saltwater species qualifies for endangered or threatened status however most states have banned or restricted catching them.  Ocean and Lake Species (andronomus ..sp..and landlocked) are now physiologically different.

    Towards the end, in their conclusion, they say:


    “While neither species is currently endangered or threatened, both species are at low abundance compared to historical levels, and monitoring both species is warranted.  We agree with the SRT that there are significant data deficiencies for both species, and there is uncertainty associated with available data.”

    They further say they’ll revisit the subject in 3-5 years, although earlier in the article they say it generally takes 18 years to obtain proof for their determination of endangered/threatened.  That should be interesting.


    I find it interesting that it’s not just a Great Lake issue but that throughout its native range, the alewife is struggling. Also the requirements for getting listed are “wow”! 

    I can’t help but thinking:  One factor that all fishing literature talks about is that pollution affects fishing quality and yes I do agree with that, however back in the 60’s, Ontario was quite polluted,  (Remember mercury, merex, dioxin, PCBs, and a whole bunch of others.) and there was a tremendous alewife population.  Well, Ontario’s retention time is estimated at 6-7 years. (i.e. it takes 6-7 years to replace all the water in the lake) and I can’t help but wonder if the anti-phosphorous legislation, in just about all the states, had an undesirable side effect.  For Ontario, especially in combination with the invasive mussels that take the other “good stuff” out of the lake.

    They do talk at length about climate change, but a few years back, that was quite the bandwagon to climb on. (I’m not saying that they’re wrong about it.)

    Oh, well, just thoughts.

    Tom B.


  11. SUNY-ESF published a study back in '98 that put the DEC on alert for natural reproduction.  They concluded that Natural repro could be anywhere from 15-90% depending on lake wide conditions. i.e. food supply, temps, winters, invassives etc.  Also I believe a couple years ago DEC did a study on the cormorants & found that in addition to eating a lot of smallmouths, they also went after gobies big time.


    Tom B.


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