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Big Dave

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Posts posted by Big Dave

  1. The landlocks are a strain of the Alantics and they are a handfull when the get some size to them.  Hooked a 8# down 70'  It came up and jumped twice and sounded back to the bottom.  Did that a second time before running through the rest of the lines.  They like the temp in the top to the thermocline and orange colored spoons , flasher/flies. usual stuff.  Haven't got one on Ontario yet

  2. Its my understanding that the specs. for the fish is for the whole fish.  That takes in all cultures that use some or all of the fish in the meal.  The way you clean and prepare the fish makes a differance is what bad stuff you could get from the meal. 

  3. Egoody - I have tried Dipsey Divers for a couple years now on the finger lakes, and for some reason i was just not able to get the hang of them either.  They never seemed to get out away from the boat as far as i thought they should be, and think i only caught 1 fish on that set up after many trips.  I bought leadcore last Spring and set up a 7 color and a 3 color and had a lot better luck with those than i did Dipseys.  With that being said, i will still try to figure out how to use the Dipseys because of the large number of people on this site that swear by them and say that they won't leave the dock without them.

    Put a flasher and fly on them and run 2.2 to 3 and you will catch fish on them.  Lakers can swim faster than alot of people think.  Chrome dipsies in the bright sun with a chrome finish flasher works good for kings too.

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