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Posts posted by muskybob

  1. Im pretty sure you can have as much ber as you want. 5 kegs if you choose. Although the driver has to be sober. Containers can be open as well as long as the driver doesnt have 1.

    I agree with Landshark. I was checked as I got off the water last year up in Henderson Harbor. A State Police Trooper was sitting in the launch area checking boats as they came in. Both of my buddies were snockered, empty cans were all over the bow, but I hadn't had a drink all day. I was checked for BWI but surprised the trooper when I didn't register anything on the alki-sensor. He smiled and said he couldn't believe it.

    Be advised however that over indulgence by your guests can lead to problems out on the water, so to avoid problems, you should limit the amount they can bring onboard.

  2. Well, I was ready. I had ordered my LOC registration online 2 weeks ago and had received the card in the mail last week. I called my cousin and made plans to fish out of Oswego. I told him to order his derby reg. online, but when I picked him up at 4:30AM for the hour and a half ride to Oswego he told me he didn't believe in putting his credit card online and we would have to stop at Larry's Salmon Shop before we hit the water. ARRRGGHHHH!!! I suffered in silence for the hour and a half because I knew what happened last year when we were told the shop would be open at 5:30AM and we had to wait over an hour before someone finally showed to open the shop at 6:45. Sure enough, we got to the shop at 5:55AM and found two guys from outside the Albany area waiting at the door for it to open. They had called the night before and were told the shop would be open at 5:30. They were highly PO'd. We waited with them till finally 6:40 someone finally came to open. My cuz got his registration and we left the shop without even checking the shop for other things to buy, the guys from Albany did the same, vowing they would never return.

    After stopping for doughnuts, hitting the head at Wright's, and prepping the boat, we finally got on the water around 7:30. :devil: Fishing was real slow throughout the day. We started along the shoreline for browns in 8-10 fow, nothing, went out deeper, 15-25 fow, nothing, went out deeper for kings anywheres from 50-200 fow, one sheephead. That was it for the whole day, almost.

    I heard on the radio that a boat's engine had failed and the boat was close to the rocks near the lighthouse. I told "Cuz" to pull the lines and we headed to the lighthouse to see if we could help. We found "Fish Nutz" anchored off the lighthouse and offered a tow back to Wright's. He threw me a line and it was then that it hit me. "I finally had the Islander I had always wanted." I got him back to the docks but he made me give it back. Oh well, so much for salvage rights. :P He's a heck of a nice guy and I'm glad I had an opportunity to help him out. Come to find out it was a blown spark plug that almost disintegrated. :shock:

    All in all it was a good day on the water though. The weather was nice, we didn't get completely skunked, and I met a new friend and fellow L.O.U. member.


    The Sheephead had a belly like mine. He must like beer too.


    Thumbs up for the ride back.

  3. Scotty Walleye Tournament Series:

    Scotty Walleye Shootout - June 16 & 17 Sugarloaf Harbor Marina, Dunkirk, NY Call Jim Robuicki at 1-716-897-1522

    Amara-Can Tourney - Dunkirk, NY July 14 & 15 Call Jim Robuicki at 1-716-897-1522

    Can-Am Tourney - July 28 & 29 Port Colborne, ON Contact Peter Leavere at 1-905-834-5607 for more info.

  4. You picked a good Capt. to go fishing with. He'll put you on to some fish and make the trip a memorable one for you and your son I'm sure. Welcome to the site and Good Luck on the water.

  5. Well, I goofed. :$ I was messing around & editing my site and somehow lost the banner link to L.O.U. on my site. :$ Can you post it again so I can get the hot link banner back on my site again. :$ Oh Jeepers!!! :$

    Nevermind, I took the pledge again this morning and downloaded all of them in case I screw up again. ;)

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