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Posts posted by GAMBLER

  1. Did you adjust the tention on the Scotty release? There is a light and heavy steeing on the back of the Scotty releases.

    Gambler, do you run them on that high tension setting? Seems like they might be hard to trip down at 100' if you want to change out?

    Run them on the heavy setting when you are fishing deep of running flashers. Lots of extra drag on the line as you go deep. With fleas building on the line, there is a lot more resistance. Find the sweet spot in the pinch pad. Don't bury the line all the way in the back of the release.

  2. We have and did think about it carefully again as I said before:

    Will, you buy gas at Lake Breeze, eat lunch at 4C's, eat breakfast at the Lighthouse, have a beer at the BNI? Fishing from the Oak the chances of this happening increase since they all have a stake in this not just Narby's and Captains cove.

    Funny, the Orleans County Rotary derby is not limited to Orleans county. The people that fish the Rotary derby from Monroe and Niagara county are not spending any money in Oak Orchard getting gas, food and beer. Yet the boarders of the derby are the Niagara River to the Genesee.

  3. Are the reels from the same manufacturer? Is it the same brand of wire? Same pound test wire? Does on reel have backing under the wire? Does one reel have less wire than the other? The reason I ask these questions is ever brand of reel has counters that read a little different. If the reel is not full of wire, it will read different. Fleas gathering on the line will also pull the dipsy up in the water column. All things to think of with this one. The real way to test it is run one on one side with the same exact setups and see which one ticks bottom first.

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