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Posts posted by GAMBLER

  1. Jax, my neighbor, and I took the boat out on Sunday morning off of Sandy. Trolled from Sandy to Watoma and back and ended up 4 for 6 with 3 browns and 1 steelhead. Ended up calling it early due to a boat issue (still can't figure out what is causing the problem). The water was very very slightly stained and varied from 44 - 48 degrees. 3 fish came on sticks and one on a spoon.

  2. Just do what I do. Tell the guys that normally fish with you that if they want to fish, come and help. I give them a trip were they do not have to pitch in for gas and I also buy them lunch the day of the work. This year I had too many guys helping. I did not do any waxing. I just painted the bottom while they waxed. It was great.

  3. My last boat (19' Princecraft) have the same floor Fishinman is talking about. The stuff is great. The only time it gets slippery is after a doulbe of slimers on the floor. The stuff will last way longer than carpet and will not hold odors.

  4. The LOC only gives youth prizes to the top youths in each division. It used to be the same as the adults (5 divisions w/ 20 places) but too many people were cheating. At the awards ceremony one year and they interviewed the one kid that won. When they asked him how he caught it, he said his dad caught it. :shock: The father looked like he wanted to hide under a rock.

  5. Nope. I looked it up in a book and it is a Blackburnian Warbler. This was the first time I ever saw one of these. This bird ended up coming in the side window and eating spider off of my dash. He stayed on the boat for half of the morning.

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