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Posts posted by FISHINMAN

  1. Fishinman,

    Rest assured that I had nothing to do with their decision as to which shirts to blur or not. I simply fielded a team, designed shirts that included my sponsors logos and went fishing. What they did with the pictures was solely up to them.

    Billy, I was just using your picture as an example to compare and show what was happening because that's what had come up on my FB page and it was not intended to be a "shot" at you or the Cannon sponsors personally by any means. I am glad that Cannon is pouring some :cash: into the Pro Am more the merrier or so we thought :o . Although Billy they are kinda bumble beeish looking :lol: .

    I don't participate in the Pro Ams anymore for other reasons and really want them to succeed because they were a great time when I did do them and have told many others to give it a try, but it certainly seems that Tom and the A-TOM-MIK name is getting screwed over and he certainly doesn't seem to have deserved it with all that he had done in trying to help the Pro Am succeed. I thought that this was something that needed to be shown.

    Shade very well said :yes: and I will be purchasing a couple A-TOM_MIK stickers to put on my boat now for sure :clap:

  2. Anybody else get to see the Thrillseeker A-TOM -MIK team shirts that got the name "blurred out" :o in the Oswego Pro AM pictures yet somehow the Billy V Cannon team ones were not :wondering:

    http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pho ... 1174207024

    http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pho ... 1174207024

    Oh and here's one of the second place Primetime team, great photo editing on their T-shirts too :devil:

    http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pho ... 8085070192

    I guess it really isn't who you know but who you_______! Still haven't been able to figure out why they would crap on what was such a GREAT sponsor! All that :cash: you were giving to them each year for prizes must not have been wanted or needed to be passed along to the competitors . Apparently they had to much :lol:

    Just go win it again this week and make sure ALL the teams you helped thank you guys like a NASCAR driver does :yes:

    It doesn't seem like it's anything personal though Tom :shake:

  3. I let tom reel in the first rod that went off the first time i met him ,,,,,,,,yup same results nuttin but lips,,,after that i only took him out when it was real bumpy that way he stayed busy in His corner of the boat..while we reeled in fish.

    dont feel too bad tom that was a nice FRESH catch of weeds.. and i heard some guy in the "OPEN dev." at osweago was sweating bullets reeling in a monster on the dypsy rod , or was that a small fish and the dypsy "forgot " to trip, Ill ask bottomfeeder for more details...

    PS: those things are HUGE where did you find such large shirts ?

    How easy someone forgets about who boated the BIGGEST king in Pegasus pro am history (might have been the last one too :P ) to keep it in the :cash: in Sodus a couple years back even while staying my in corner and to think it's been DONUTS ever since. :thinking::thinking: ....... really makes you :wondering::wondering:

    Hey the dipsey thing happened to me in the ESLO a few years back while fishing on the KING ME with Steve and Jack aka Shorthanded. Those guys were getting ready to run in (I could here them spending the :cash: in the back round) when that fish was on until we found out that the dipsey hadn't tripped on a fish that was 23+Lbs. Happens to the best ;)

  4. Shawn thanks again for a great time of fishing :yes:

    Still trying to get over the lost fish but landing that salad to go along with the entree's you guys were landing wasn't easy. Fought more than a lake trout does :lol: Nice try on the "pushed my wife out of the way" comment 9where have I read that recently :thinking::thinking:) she knows better than to get in my way when a rod fires :) or as she would say to paraphrase "that pole is starting to do that thing again back there" :o:rofl:

    Just so you know when my wife sees that picture with her hair (which I think was fine :inlove::inlove::* ) like it is might spell trouble for you ;)

    SS did a great job on the wheel again today getting us on fish and keeping the boat going in the right direction when fighting fish :yes:

    Ditto on meeting Maniac and Salmonite and the dock today and being able to put a face with LOU members and their names.

    Before you ask, no Shawn and I did not call each other to ask what shirts to wear :o:$. As a matter of fact that's how I got introduced to Maniac as I made a comment to him about his taste in shirts as he was docking his boat because he was wearing the same one too :yes:

    Shadster you know I have to take the blame on that one :o:$:$:$ I believe you are right :yes: now that I look at it. Shawn actually said Atlantic I didn't really look it over that well just wanted to get it back in the water quick because the ladies were having issues all day with fish not taking off right after they hit the water.

  5. Rick we (Shawn/FX his GF and I) passed you in Shawn's boat after we came back out. That was this knucklehead that was waving :hi::hi::hi::hi: at you. Saw the girl fighting a fish as you passed. Should have taken a picture of ya sorry :@:(

    We couldn't get them going after we came back out from weighing Shawn's fish. Should have done the east thing a bit more it seemed better and I noticed you didn't turn back, but I had to be in by noon to get to work :(

    Nice fish you guys got.

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