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Posts posted by FISHINMAN

  1. Congrats to Shawn for placing a 27.15 oz king on the LOC board (tied for 2nd or is in 4th not sure how that works :wondering: ) today :yes: . Well sort of.... I guess his GF Cathy actually landed the fish.

    The story goes (at least this one :o;) )he wanted the rod but she said she had heard of his fish fighting technique and that this was not a fish she wanted to take a chance on being "ethically released" by him so she pushed him out of the way and she told to just to steer the boat and get the rods out of the way while she took control of landing the fish. Either way that's a great fish :yes:

    :wait: Wondering what my cut will be for the white on white tip yesterday :wondering::thinking:


    Congrats Bud :yes::yes:

  2. Thanks guys :yes:

    Tim I have a 12lber that's not quite round the black coated one from Gander and the 15lber is a homemade one from TROUTMAN87 here on the site, iy is a "round" on and I am wondering if it's an issue from that one since I didn't have the problem until I swapped it out a couple of trips ago :o:wondering:

    I have always let the riggers out relatively quick.

    Gill-T, I have my rod holders pitched off towards the corners and usually as far apart as I an get them.

    Keith I noticed the same thing abut the rpms and actually mentioned it to Brian while we were fishing. I had some massive blow back at times today :devil: with the speed i was having to run to get 2.7- 3.0 down speed.

    The nice new fiberglass ride isn't gonna happen unfortunately. Never really thought about the boat pushing sideways :thinking: I am gonna try running different setups next time out to see what happens.

    You know Tank I almost got on the radio and asked if any guys from here were out there :@

  3. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:





    Time on Water:


    Wind Speed/Direction:


    Surface Temp:


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits:

    Total Boated:

    Species Breakdown:

    Hot Lure:

    Trolling Speed:

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth:

    Lure Depth:




    Well I got out with Brian Ward who is responsible for raising some of our fish's at the Caledonia Hatchery :yes: on my boat. We trolled out to 330 and had only gotten 1 steelie in the boat and had lost 2 other fish when the wire out 290 with a white spin Dr and a No See Um fly starts to take off. Well Brian managed top get the big fella into the boat after about a 40 minute fight and we weighed it on my scale which showed it to be 25LB :yes: (I wasn't really sure of how accurate it was :( ) so we took off to get to the weigh station and see how close the scale was and what we ended up with was a 24lb 5 oz gorgeous king. Perfect looking specimen :yes::yes: . Not enough to get us on the board :@ (neither us nor the guy at East Fork marina new what the bottom fish weight was) . We left some nice water that had calmed to a mere 1 foot chop and when we came back out it was a little bumpier :( . Fished for about another hour or hour and a half and only managed 1 more fish that we dropped. I had some serious issues keeping the rods in the water with dipseys triggering and down rigger ball problems again.


    I have had my riggers cross 3 times in the last 2 trips out :o:devil: I just put on a 15lb weight on my probe side and have a 12lber on the other and the riggers are both out to the side at 90 degrees and the arms are extended all the way out too. Today they were both set deep in the 100-110 foot range. Any suggestions? I have heard maybe I am dropping the Scottys to fast? It not been one side going over the other all the time it's been the 15 crossing over the 12 and visa versa.

  4. Ray check with Musky on the Barbie pole, I think he took it with him after the last Pro Am (he said that's what you guys were using for rods since they were strong enough to handle the fish you were catching :o:lol: ). He told me he could pair it up with his "Ken Pole" and run them down off the riggers on the same side to attract fish to that side of the boat :D

    I lost one spoon this past weekend (my last Get Ur Done :@ which has been replaced after hitting CC yesterday :yes: ) but could have done even more damage. I had the riggers cross and had to do some serious maneuvering in the back of the boat to get back my probe, 15 and 12 lb weights with only the help of a newbie :o . Lucky for me I only have to cut back a few feet of coated cable that got frayed in the mess and I will be good to go!

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