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Posts posted by steelfire

  1. 22 hours ago, rolmops said:

    Yes a hoax! Our President has said so, so it must be true.

    We will no longer drink the cool-aid. We will drink chlorox instead

    Well in my line of work, I dealt with and treated many, many  who had the hoax and died from it. Just because it dosent happen to you, dosent mean its a hoax!! 

  2. On 5/29/2020 at 4:31 AM, phil2 said:

    I use a boga grip tied to mid cleat tow them for a while. If they dont look good they go in cooler. Saves from turning and scooping floaters. 

    Ditto for me too. Towing works great. Safe way to revive them and there is no mistaking when they are ready to be let go! Been using this method for the last 15 years and very few fish do not recover using this method.

  3. 2.3 to 2.5 has been my go to speed for the last 15 years. However, after a tip from a charter boat I cut my rigger leads in half. Kept them at 10' both low light and high light (bright afternoons) and I doubled my rigger hits this year. Before I was running 20 to 40' leads (40' in bright sun) Im now sold that the rigger torpedoes attract fish and you don't need long leads in bright sun light.  

    • Like 2
  4. 23 hours ago, buckboardjr said:

    Can you elaborate on the spoons that have been working? I'm heading up for a 9 day trip out of Fairhaven and my Spoon program was poor on last trip. My favs didn't produce such as:  Sea Sick Waddler, Carbon 14, Orange Tux, Black Ice, 42nd, NBK., Mongolian Meat!.

    one spoon has over produced for me all summer and now again last week. I could not keep this spoon in the water the other day when we were out in 600' of water. I had this parked 40 feet above an Atommik stud meat rig and it took 14 hits and we boated 8 adults on it. Not sure what its called but fat nancys has them. Make sure you get the one that has the glow stripe on the bottom. There are several variations of this spoon but this one has the glow stripe on the bottom and out fishes all of them. It even out fished all of my true "go to" spoons this year.

    Since your going to Fairhaven, I fished out of there the second and third week of July and this spoon was on fire there too!! :)



  5. Finished up 5 days of fishing out of Oswego. Fish are all out deep. From 450 to 600’ with 600 being the best. Very few in shallower and even fewer staging out front. Meat and spoons were the ticket. Temp is at 70’ down. Many meat bites coming on the deep rigger parked at 100 with many spoon bites coming on the high rigger at 65’.  Our biggest king was 24 pounds with most in the high teens. Seems the fish are a few weeks behind schedule as they are still out deep feeding. 

    • Like 1
  6. Been fishing out of Oswego the last 3 days.  Fish are scattered from 200-500 feet of water. There also coming from the ice water. Meat in 42 degree water has taken 90 % of our fish. A couple spoon bites.. Can’t buy a flasher fly bite. Nothing big yet for kings. All about the same in the high teens and low 20’s. Not seeing any staging fish yet. We will get 1 more  day in tomorrow before the big cold front comes through with big NW winds tomorrow evening and big waves Thursday and Friday. 

  7. Started fishing in 325’ of water and only managed a couple small steelhead. Trolled back in to the 200-250’ foot range and started marking small pods of bait with fish in them up high in the 50’ range. Put a rigger and spoon at 55’ down and we started catching kings. We went 12 for 14 all on spoons. Temp at 55’ was 63 degrees. They were out of temp at the top of the bait pods feeding. Nothing huge for kings, all in the mid to high teens. But we had a blast. 





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  8. Fished out of Fairhaven this morning. Started out rough with 4 footers but eventually smoothed out. Very slow.  Went 1 for 3. 1 king in the mid teens on a stud fly. Other 2 hits were on meat but didn’t stick. Not a lot marks on the sonar. Fished from 135’ out to 200. Strong current coming from the west. Temp was 52 degrees down 85’.  Anybody else out in Fairhaven?/ 

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  9. On 6/21/2019 at 10:19 AM, Sk8man said:

    Free ranging sliders 6-8 ft in length, good quality solid ring ball bearing swivel with medium length orange, red, or pink spoon run in the prop wash. Periodically abruptly increase boat speed, when changing out lures pop the downrigger and let the spoon flutter Cohos or steelies will love it.

    Thanks Sk8man and jig stick. Believe it or not, my number 1 spoon for summer steelies has been the NBK. I do great on the kings and browns but struggle with summer steelies. 


    On 6/21/2019 at 12:02 AM, jigstick said:

    Raspberry dolphin

    steelie dan

    blue dolphin

    caramel dolphin

    purple frog

    monkey puke

    blue chilly whillie


    Run them up high or on fixed stackers. In about 3 weeks the big silver bullets and coho will be on fire out in 4-500fow


  10. Thanks for all the info guys!   I haven't had much success with free sliders for some reason. But i know when the thermocline is set up around 100' down and i'm seeing Marks on the sonar from 60 to 70' down that those are usually steelhead. I have had some success with the fourth down rigger parked just above the high marks but not as many as I should be hitting. Just curious if anyone else targets those higher marks. 

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