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Posts posted by steelfire

  1. Dipsies

    From the Dipsy to the flasher fly or lure. Do you guys run straight regular line or are you guys running Flurocarbon leader. I have been running straight 30 pound big game and have caught plenty of fish that way. But recently I have read a few articles were guys are running fluro leaders from the dipsy to the flasher or lure. Just curious what everyone else is running!

  2. 9 hours ago, Jerryriggin 2 said:

    Do you have a probe? Its not just the flasher its also the herring if it aint spinning you aint catching. Ryhs davis heads require tuning at some point. John king heads are by far the easist to run i would suggest getting some atommik meat rigs with the john king heads and it will certainly shorten your learning curve. Speed can be all over ive caught fish at 1.5 mph down speed aswell as 3.5 downspeed and everywhere in between. Also dont think you have to run the big fish flashers with meat 8 and 10 inch spin drs work great aswell as 11 pro troll pro chips. Paddles without a fin dont work well mith meat for me.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Lake Ontario United mobile app







    I have a fish Hawk. I just purchased a bunch of meat heads from atommik. I'm going to try those this year. I have run every type of flasher with meat last year and couldn't get one to go.

    I run a 3 rigger program. Usually two flys and a clean spoon. Two dipsies and 2 coppers of the boards. Where do you usually put your meat in your program? I had run mine off of the deepest rigger and one of a dipsy. My down speed is usually 2.0 to 2.5

  3. MEAT

    Need a little help from the group. Getting ready for my up coming trip. I have had great success fishing flys and spoons for Kings. But for some reason I suck at fishing meat. What is a good speed to run meat at with the big 11 inch flashers??

  4. 20 hours ago, Flyer88 said:


    Did grounding fix the problem permanently? And how did your mechanic do that? Run the black wire to the ground instead of to the battery negative terminal? My Subtroll works fine below 2mph but cuts out when I speed up.

    Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk


    Flyer88 that was 2 years ago. Unfortunately the only true way to fix a sub troll is to buy a fish hawk. My mechanic tried everything and nothing would work permanently. I finally got frustrated enough after a few ruined trips and bought a fish hawk. Best thing I ever did because the fish hawk is awesome. This is my second season with it and it works awesome. No more stupid freyed cable or pinched antenna. AND the best thing about the fish hawk is that it gives you the depth the probe is at so no more guessing at what depth your running at with cable blowback. Save yourself a ton of frustration  and spend the money for a fish hawk. It will be well spent money!!! Oh,  and Fish Hawk customer service is awesome too.

  5. Thanks Mr Clean. We stay at a house with a dock at the beginning of the bay. and that dock was under about 6 inches of water. just wondering if it will be down enough when we come up to keep our boat there or should I start looking for another dock. I guess time will tell. We have 4 more weeks before were up. We have rented the same house for the last 10 years. Absolutely love it there!! 

    Thanks again


  6. GPS/Mapping unit

    Looking for a little help. My 12 year old Lowrance LCX25 just crapped out today. I use it only for GPS/mapping. I currently use a Lowrance LCX112c for sonar. I need to replace The LCX25 for mapping. Has any one recently purchased a good GPS/mapping unit recently that they could recommend to me. I may even buy one of the newer GPS/mapping sonar units. Looking for a mid ranged priced unit if possible. Any help greatly appreciated!!

  7. 3 hours ago, skipper19 said:

    They each work on days when an attractor is working. Equally in my experience. Depends on what you put behind them too. Like Les mentioned, a lot of variables to think about. Some times neither will work, but I think the more aggressive the fish mood, the more each work. I run 90% attractors on junk lines, and maybe one on a downrigger. Usually too much commotion in a downrigger set with balls and other lures, so if I run one, it will be on about 50 to 75 foot lead from the balls and deeper by 10 to 20 feet or more than other sets on a center rigger.

    Money doesn't buy happiness,
    but it does buy horsepower....
    I've never seen a sad person in a boat haulin' A$$...!

    I run 3 riggers in the summer. Outside riggers both have spin doctors and flies. Middle rigger has a clean spoon tail gunning . I double up quite often on both riggers with the flies. I think running 2 flasher/flies on riggers really brings them into the spread. I can watch them on my sonar streak up into my pattern.  If i'm fishing 90' or deeper I run 15' leads of the torpedo weights. Spin doctor/Atommik run off of wire dypsies is killer on my boat in the summer. If its slow I will run two coppers of the boards and mix spoons and flies with them.

    I have heard of boats running 4 riggers with all flasher/flies that do really well. I guess it all comes down to what you feel confident in running. But its great to hear on here what everybody else is running.!!

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