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Posts posted by spoonfed-1

  1. 59 minutes ago, HB2 said:

    Also any scuffed up or rash stick baits , spoons or flashers ,etc can be brought back to life with a couple quick coats . 


    Maybe some super fine steel wool to clean them up first . Then spray . 

    Spoon has been cleaned, polished, painted with nail polish, run and it slammed my local trout. it is exactly how I want it and I do not want to scuff up the existing finish.

  2. 18 hours ago, HB2 said:



    Light coats 


    12 hours ago, GAMBLER said:

    Like HB2 said Lacquer.  I buy Rustoleum Triple Thick Lacquer for the custom Spin n glo colors I paint for Gambler Rigs.  It’s available at Lowe’s, Home Depot Amazon and other hardware stores.  Spray a light coat first and let it completely dry.  Then you can apply a second thick coat.  

    Thanks guys.:yes:

  3. I recently came across a hand made spoon my father made over 50 yrs ago. Solid copper blank and a design painted with womens nail polish. I have buffed out and shined up the copper and repainted the design with nail polish. Now I want to clear coat it to maintain the shine and keep it for tarnishing. Keep in mind I have to go to a hardware store and buy a spray can. Any suggestions on what I should use?


  4. On 11/29/2022 at 8:04 AM, Pete Collin said:

    Hello All,

    I have a Happy Troller plate for the main prop.  I want to put it on my new boat, but it formed a crack because of the many times I accidentally gave it full throttle while the plate was down.  Is it possible to just buy some brazing rods and fix it that way?  Or do you really have to know what you're doing?


     I replaced my happy troller plate with one that was hinged and spring loaded in the middle.  It was made by dyco marine but that was 20 or so years ago. It worked excellent. The bottom of the plate would be pushed up so no damage and you knew right away what happened just by the lack of acceleration.

  5. 15 minutes ago, brucehookedup said:

    I tried to get some reels on LOU and i thought i was dealing with the owner of these reels and sent 600$ thru paypal. Come to find out it was not the owner. I should have been suspicious when they said they could only text. Then they tried 2 emails for paypal to send and only one worked. They wanted a confirmation pic to see i sent it, which makes sense to me. They were checking to see if it was sent and i never hear back. Then i just got a call from the owner who has no idea what i am talking about. WTF, Dirty rotten bastards that do this stuff should go to hell. If they spent their time doing something constructive they might be something. Hopefully paypal will do something to help. I have already filed the case. Just BEWARE !!!

    That sucks.  Freaken thieves. Was the add bogus and they hacked the owners account or did they contact you about the reels using a text about a legit add?

    Thanks for the heads up and sorry to hear this.

  6. On 11/23/2022 at 8:49 AM, HB2 said:

    If the Feds are footing the bill for this , I don't see what the problem is . As much as everyone hates the lake trout , they sure save the day more times than a lot of us would like to admit . That is  a successful fed program . I'll take a let's wait and see attitude on this . 

    A diverse LO fishery is a great thing .All the more reason for people to come here .  And no one style angler , lake or trib owns it . Both contribute financially to the state tax revenue . 

    Absolutely nothing wrong with trying to develop an AS fishery in LO. However if we are to believe the data that tells us the bait fish population is in bad shape does this make sense? The majority of people, especially out of state fishermen come to LO and contribute a whole lot of money to the communities along the southern shore to catch Kings, and they settle for the other species when kings aren't available in any specific area. If we have another couple tough winters and the bait situation deteriorates we know what stocking numbers will be cut again. It won't be the Atlantic's or Lakers. Does Federal money influence these decisions or are they based on maintaining and enhancing a fishery the majority of fisherman want and we already have?


    I should also mention that when I want to jump in the boat solo and hit the lake for a few peaceful hours on a beautiful morning, my personal preference is catching big Browns on light rods so my opinions and observations are not based on me,me,me or "my agenda" as I read here so often. Also I am in no way anti DEC and I'm fully aware of the importance of the agency. I will however question decisions made based on what I'm told and what I see going on on the lake. "Shooting from the hip and wrong" as I've been told.

    Hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving!!!

  7. 16 hours ago, Yankee Troller said:


    My understanding is the LT and AS program are both Federally funded. We're also supposed to take it and like it otherwise funding for programs like lamprey control can be pulled as they fall under the same budget/program to restore the Great Lakes. Gotta love politicians! One instance where they DON'T follow the money......lol.

    That is my understanding as well. If it is the case the ROI you talked about earlier might be positive. Just not for the regular guy that fishes the lake or the communities along the southern shore. I'm waiting to hear from King Davy on this but so far nothing. He had an awful lot to say until I asked that question so maybe he's just out fishing or worse digging out of the amazing amount of snow some areas got hit with. I also posed the same question a couple years ago when the Salmon stocking was being cut substantially but the Lake Trout stocking didn't seem to be any problem as far as the  bait fish decline. It seems that federal money impacts decisions that don't seem to make sense for the LO salmon fishery.

  8. On 11/13/2022 at 2:24 PM, King Davy said:

    Brian, I was with a group of guys who clipped the LL’s this past March at the ADK hatchery that were meant for the LO pen project on the Salmon River at the lighthouse marina.


    it was so cold in the pens house there was ice formed on the pipes circulating the water. The water the fish were in was very cold, which is pretty unavoidable in the ADK in March. But also affects growth.


    When you observe fin rot or folding it normally means a possible crowding issue. We put 5k steelhead in the two pens we run at Oak Orchard. They seem to fair well at that number. We put 5k salmon in the pens at the SR (15k in three pens)and some LL experts say that’s too many per pen. Should be 2,500. The LL’s need more space. And we did observe fin rot and folding.


    For years and years the Salmon river LL’s were stocked at less than a year old at the top end of the river. In hopes as they swam the 11 miles to the lake they’d imprint to the SR. Can you imagine if you did that to the chinooks . They’d be gobbled up before they got out. As the LL’s were.


    Meanwhile they were stocked at the mouth of the other river at Oak. The returns to the Oak have been successful. Two weeks ago walking the Oak A colleague counted 24 LL’s behind a pod of kings up through the fast water and saw several caught by smart anglers fishing to the flanks of the kings.


    Two seasons ago DEC began stocking full one year old LL’s at the mouth of the salmon river. Think about the last two summers. Drought conditions this summer the worse in many years, low water, no flush to induce summer runs, even with a few kayak releases.


    LL salmon imprint at 48 to 52 degrees in a river. The only marina the past two years to offer space at the SR for the pens will not put their docks in until May. By the time the fish arrive, they imprinted at the hatchery in ADK or the opportunity was missed at the SR because the temp has exceeded optimal imprinting range.


    The crowding in the Pens also enacted higher mortality than expected and the fish were released early. Further complicating condition and probably survival. The LL ‘s I’ve seen at Sandy and the Oak have been decent looking fish. Most are true grilse ( 3 to 5 pound’s) but there have been some brutes caught in Sandy, Oswego a true 15 pound fish and some nice ones in the Oak and the SR. Several caught in the DSR in Sept and Oct.


    The other factor is since they arrive the same time the kings do, they do get bullied by the kings as do the  brown trout. So they get pushed out of the runs the kings decide to hold gravel in. 

    Many anglers are focused on those big fish and not finding the LL’s but they are there. My buddy caught four LL’s in the Sycamore hole two weeks ago fishing well behind the spawning kings. He was actually fishing for them.


    Also LL salmon are not fished for overly successfully bottom bouncing. Or fishing near bottom. Much like king salmon LL’s aren’t actively feeding once in a river. But they will much like King salmon strike out of instinct. ( Which is why I enjoy swinging streamers at both kings and LL’s because it’s a very effective way to elicit that primal instinct to kill something. Many guys fishing for browns right now are not swinging streamers but rather egg or bead fishing, or nymphing. Not the most effective way to catch LL’s. Not impossible but not nearly as effective as to have a bug or streamer swinging high in the water column. 

    So while a LL may be present in your run, the anglers aren’t likely fishing the most effective method.


    The DEC is never going to be able to stock millions of LL’s. Why? Because it wouldn’t be a good management move to add that many fish to an already stressed food web. Even though LL’s are an extremely diverse forage feeder. And there isn’t many hundreds of thousands or millions available in federal hatcheries anywhere in the US.


    Much like the Sturgeon program. They are trying to find a strain that successfully survives the LO lake and tribs. Next hoping to find a watershed that  actually produce wild fish. That has happened in the Salmon river. Not to the point where you can expect a wild production of LL’s to create a super sport fishery. However if they can find success even in a limited fashion they can claim some victory on their Mantra to revive a heritage species, maybe there is some sport fishing impact as minimal as it might be.


    And all of that can’t be a distraction or a detriment to the rest of the stocking program for at this point it isn’t.  

    That’s the situation in a nut shell. I love Atlantic Salmon for sure. But I love all of our salmonid species and fish hard for them all. Would I personally love to have a highly viable LL fishery??? Sure but I’m very happy to at least have them in the mix I get to fish for on a river. 




    Is the state getting Federal money for the AS program?

  9. 10 hours ago, LongLine said:

    No hard feelings there bud.  Seriously, hope you get the boat out ok.  Rochester local weather said Oswego only had 4 inches of snow at 6:30. (so far)  Hopefully it'll move more north of you.  Poor Orchard Park has had 62 inches.  Rochester lucked out & has only had a trace or so.  


    Win 11 can be a bear!  I've had it about 8 months now.  Wait till you start getting the unanounced "cummulative updates."  (Then edge updates....ugh!!!!)

    Never hard feelings when it comes to a discussion. A lot of head shaking in this case but no hard feelings. There are some settings in 11 I need to locate. Between jumping in and out of here while getting the seasonal maintenance done on the outdoor machines yesterday I had a mess on the computer .with dozens of windows open in the background. Fishing in my little boat up on the lake is done for awhile anyway. Still have plenty of Browns and Rainbows to catch local until the ponds ice up.

  10. 16 minutes ago, TyeeTanic said:


    The info comes from the Associated Press ... but I can't figure out how to get the link ... it just shows as a summary on my Google Search. This one results ... but I see that the Dems here have 50 votes, but that includes 2 independent parties (which I assume are leaning Democrats).  So I think that is where the Associated Press says it's actually 48 for the Dems, 2 Independent, 49 for Republicans and 1 vote for the VP (Dem). See here (to reiterate, look at the notes below the 50 count for the Dems ... it includes 2 independent seats).


    Senate Midterm Election Results 2022 | CNN Politics


    So there's only 1 senator seat up for grabs in Georgia?

    Yes. One seat open for the Senate in Georgia. Neither Warnock or Walker got 50% or more of the votes so according to Georgia voting laws there has to be a runoff vote which will take place in December. The best the republicans can do is to win  that seat which will split the seats 50 to 50. Whenever a vote is tied the VP ( Kamala Harris) will cast the final vote.

  11. Just now, spoonfed-1 said:

    LOL. Holy mackerel. I think I've just witnessed a total deflection of the original topic. So I have to believe your debate of the facts I posted is based on a hypothetical situation invented by you and not based on law?  Let me make it totally clear. Presidents cannot make laws despite your opinion and hypothetical situations. Try and be better.


    Thanks for the weather report. My buddy sent me pictures of my camp in Mexico with a foot plus. I been trying to haul the little boat up and get out in the Bay for Browns for two weeks now. Haven't been able to catch a break with the wind and now the snow. I give up.


  12. 1 hour ago, LongLine said:

    Yes, I agree: It's what they don't tell us!

    - That Fox didn't tell us that Jessie Benton was just found guilty of funneling $100K to trumpuska's 2016 campaign. No mention that trumpuska pardoned him in '20 for same funneling crime to Iowa senate campaign, just before leaving office.  
    - They didn't report that DeSantis's "anti-woke" laws was overturned by District Court in Florida. 
    - They didn't report that Title 42 (a trumpuska policy that turned migrants away at southern border and which has been used to turn away 2.5 million people away in '21-22) has been ordered invalid on 15 Dec.

    However, on a positive note, they did give airtime to Michelle wearing braids at the White House.


    I suggest glancing at Reuters, APnews, UPI, PBS and even BBC, rather than Fox-CNN.


    Great quote!  Glad you gave source.  Too bad you didn't read further down where it says: "They are not legislation."  (Hence not laws.)  And even further down where it declares: "only a sitting president can overturn an existing exec order."


    I question the last statement by the bar as they also say, on this site:



    "Q: How do you end or overturn an Executive Order?
    A: The President who issued an Executive Order can revoke it. Likewise, an incumbent President has the power to revoke an Executive Order issued by a predecessor. Congress also has the power to overturn an Executive Order by passing legislation that invalidates it....Congress could also effectively thwart an Executive Order calling for an action that requires funding by using its power of the purse to deny the necessary funding. Finally, the courts have the power to stay enforcement or ultimately overturn an Executive Order that is found to be beyond the President’s constitutional authority."

    Which is exactly what the court did on trumpuska's ord # 13769. (7 country imigration) & then again on his ord #13780.  

    Also, my post said "could" not "did" direct to aggressively pursue."  (Great example of reading what you want & not reading what's there) I wonder why the far right voted against more funding for IRS other than being afraid of more audits. (?)  And why McCarthy just said he wants to repeal the additional funding for the IRS in January. 


    Come on!  Reminds me of the cartoon scene in Ice Age, where three dodo's jump off the cliff chasing a watermelon. (Which they couldn't eat anyways) Even Candy Owen admitted that your boy is paranoid.


    At least I respect your opinion, fought for your right to express yourself and won't call you full of S*** for it.


    Only 1/2 inch in Rochester, bright & sunny too.


    OMG, 47 spams now.  I admire their persistence in a lost cause.

    LOL. Holy mackerel. I think I've just witnessed a total deflection of the original topic followed by an amazing amount of BS. So I have to believe your debate of the facts I posted is based on a completely hypothetical situation invented by you?

    Here is my original post you are arguing about'



    Any presidential veto can be overridden by a 2/3 rds vote by both the House and Senate.
    As far as executive orders go they cannot be used to subject private citizens to any specific rules and restrictions, nor can they abolish an act of Congress. 

    Presidents don't make laws."


    Thanks for your service and thanks the weather report. My buddy sent me pictures of my camp in Mexico with a foot plus. I been trying to haul the little boat up and get out in the Bay for Browns for two weeks now. Haven't been able to catch a break with the wind and now the snow. I give up.

     Enjoy your holidays.

  13. 13 hours ago, LongLine said:

    Spfd - yes, please finally do some honest research & enlighten us.  Some would appreciate hearing facts rather than hearing Tucker, Shaun, Beibert or Putin propaganda repeated over, over and over again.

    OK. I can't fish today because of wind so I have some time.

    How about the American Bar Association?



    On 11/16/2022 at 1:49 PM, LongLine said:

    Executive orders, while not laws, can have the same effect as laws.  E.O.s are directives from Executive to depts within the Executive branch.  For example: Trumpuska directed Immigration to not allow anyone from 7 Muslim countries entry into the US.  He also ordered Border Patrol to separate kids from parents at the southern border. 


    Can an E.O. affect an ordinary citizen?  Yes. The IRS could be directed to aggressively pursue tax cheats. The DOJ could be directed to provide further assistance to local law enforcement. (As they're currently doing in NYS by having AFT & FBI involvement with crimes involving firearms).  TSA could be directed to perform greater security checks at airports. DOD could be directed to alter guidelines for defense spending, consolidation and/or grants.  (Remember Seneca Army Depot?)


    As to overriding vetoes: the last one that was overridden (by 322-87 and 81-13 margins) was Trumpuska's veto in Dec 2020 on a defense spending bill.   


    BTW, the official count is now 35 GOP spams since election day.  


    "An executive order is a signed, written, and published directive from the President of the United States that manages operations of the federal government."




    The IRS is already tasked with going after tax cheats. The IRS and it's duties are in existence with congressional approval and no executive order can abolish any act of Congress

    Perhaps you would like to direct me to the executive order issued to aggressively peruse tax cheats you refer to.

    As far as executive orders go they cannot be used to subject private citizens to any specific rules and restrictions.

    That directive would have to be done internally like when Obama directed the IRS to target conservative groups.

    As far as your constant attacks on Trump largely based on CNN and MSNBC talking points all I'll say about that is take a good look at how great of shape the country is in today relative to 4 years ago. 

    Congratulations.!! Nice work.



    How hard are you guys up on the lake getting hit with the snow?


  14. 7 hours ago, TyeeTanic said:


    So, I'm looking at the live results ... Dems have 48, and Republicans have 49 in Senate ... Aren't there 2 senators per State? Is it only 1 up for grabs in Georgia ... or both?

    Also, it says Dems have 48 seats, not 50 ... ?? Or are they counting the 2 "other" parties as Dems ... why Dems ... are they just left leaning?

    I don't know where you are getting this information but trust me. The Democraps still control the Senate and Longline is still full of ****.  I will address his post when I have time but it will be without political implications because the owner and moderators of this site aren't into the political stuff. I will approach his BS strictly from a legal standpoint, I believe they will allow a discussion regarding the legal aspect of executive orders.

  15. 4 minutes ago, RiggerRob said:

    Watching from across the pond about American politics & your Constitution while observing 'stuff'.  Minding P's n Q's are tough but will try.


    Some people repeat what they see on yesterday's news while few people have time to do research.  Information Warfare in the new (novel) social media & Section 230 is an ongoing battle. 


    Concerns like 0bamacare, Democrat vs. Republican, $$$ of gas/energy, recession/depression, world conflicts, mail-in voting, voter I.D., taxes/gov't spending, censorship, ballot harvesting, bail & crime problems, AG's, abortion laws returned to individual States, 1st & 2nd amendment rights, Electoral College, lawfare in the Judicial system all need to be discussed and/or fixed...'of the people, by the people, for the people'.


    There's a problem when a politician does not do what the people want or need while also following the Constitution.  T'would be a major concern if control of information & speech becomes corrupted.

    Too late. Already the case and has been for a good 2 decades.

  16. 15 minutes ago, TyeeTanic said:

    Can someone give a current status on the midterms? High level?

    From what I see ... Republicans need 1 more seat to control the house, and that seems like a 100% certainty, so we can conclude Republicans will control the house?

    For Senate ... it's tied (Dem has one more if you consider the VP (Dem) vote).  Georgia will decide whether the Senate is controlled by Dems or Republicans?


    Do I have that right?


     No. The Democrats control the Senate. With a win in Georgia by Walker in December, the Senate will be divided 50/50 leaving any tie breaker up to the vice president.

  17. 11 hours ago, rolmops said:


    Presidents do make laws in 2 ways. They can give executive orders and although they are not laws as such, they might as well be, and they have to sign off on every law that passes congress which they may or may not do.

    As for who makes laws. Usually a special interest group -lobby- convinces a member of congress that a certain law should be proposed and after that has been done, the lobbyists write that law being very careful to write 2000 or more pages to make sure that nobody will read the small print in which any and all special desires of the special interest group are satisfied.

    When that is all done some member of congress claims to have proposed and written the law and the lobby will reward him with bigger donations while the special interest group represented by this lobbyist will get a lot richer.


    Any presidential veto can be overridden by a 2/3 rds vote by both the House and Senate.
    As far as executive orders go they cannot be used to subject private citizens to any specific rules and restrictions, nor can they abolish an act of Congress. 

    Presidents don't make laws.

  18. 4 hours ago, LongLine said:

    Crime - crime - crime


    Who signed a law that allowed career criminals to get sentences reduced? (Hint: First Step Act, 2018)

    Who required unanimous jury decisions to find guilt? (Hint: "red" SCOTUS", April 2020)

    Who allowed criminals to conceal carry? (Hint: "Red" SCOTUS, June 2022)

    Who's had more mass shootings? (Hint: 41 from 2016-2020; 15 from 2020-2022)


    Will enjoy the new governor, perhaps only because I won't have to endure those annoying sensationalized, mud-slinging "red" commercials anymore.  (Hope you enjoy yours)


    To be clear, IMO, the blame for the current condition belongs to both "red" & "blue."  I looked at this election as the "lesser of two evils."  I support protecting social security & Medicare; I support lower medical costs & no government involvement in medical decisions; I support fixing roads/bridges; I support catching tax cheats; I support freedom and the rule of law.  I support more fish in the lake.


    PS.  I just got another one!  Hey fools, election day was yesterday!



    Glad to see you are happy. Thats all that counts. As far as crime goes you would have to look at who supports BLM and Antifa burning down the city and attacking elderly people without repercussion and maybe then we could have an intelligent conversation. Enjoy your day.

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