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Posts posted by Gator

  1. You are shooting exactly the same setup as I am. Based on what you've said, it's almost got to be the scope. Scotty had a scope that he'd been shooting on his shotgun for 20 years sh$t the bed this year while we were sighting in. Drifting all over the place every other shot. It wasn't an expensive scope and didn't owe him anything, so he replaced it. I definitely wouldn't be relying on the Leupold for your Ohio hunt - it's good you ordered something else. But if your mount is too low, and you have some weird reverb thing going on through contact, then you could see the same eventually with a new scope too. This sounds like an issue that's best left until after the season to sleuth. Too nice a scope to just ditch though.


    One thought - I'm no expert, but I do know that if you over torque the mounting rings, you can damage the inner workings. Any chance you "tightened things up" when you sighted in this year?

  2. 18 hours ago, Spacecb said:

    Well I guess you boys are calling me a story teller / LIAR. Well that's not the case. Bought a switchback from Phil Sep. 2006. killed 12Pt. on Nov. 14th quartering away liver lung heart. Gross 140+ net. 133.5  2yr. old  weight 155. 2012 Nov.2 Killed 8Pt.  gross 140.6 net 138.1 weight 185 I also killed 163+ gross buck with my Ithaca in 1999 on Sunday at 12:00pm net 154.7  In 2013 on a sat. morn in Nov. I saw 5 yotes out of my stand the 1st one I couldn't bring in it scamper off. The 2nd one I drilled. Saw 3 more that day all were coming in to give me a shot but they caught a wiff and scamper off. The next day Sunday got back in same stand was watching group turks  monster hens and young ones 70+yds. off not scratching not pecking just hanging in a small grp. lost interest in them 1/2 hr. later these birds start clucking hard they are walking straight at this yote you could see this dog was getting nervous  pushing him to me so I drilled him hard did a flip went less than 20 and the big hens walk up to this dead yote and gave it the 1 eye look then walk off. Skinned and tanned them both gave 1 to this syco **** in Dansville big mistake. I killed my first long beard in 1996 and have 30+ birds to my credit. If you want to stop over sometime I'll show them to you. I'm on 259 mile north of ridge.  If you tell story's here you are digging yourself a grave. Happy now!!

    I looked back through the thread, and didn't get the same vibe you did. IMHO, everybody loves story tellers. And we know that fisherman is Latin for liar, right? This is an easygoing, friendly community. Sorry you felt the need to defend yourself (not quite sure against what, but that's okay). It sounds like you've had many successes. I smell mahogany and rich leather lol. Be well, aim small, shoot straight.

    • Like 1
  3. On 12/23/2022 at 2:05 PM, schreckstoff said:

    Found this in my muzzleloader buck


    NAP Spitfire, maybe? That's what I shoot out of my crossbow. Didn't lose one though lol. I think Grim Reapers are similar. Leg hits are rarely fatal, no matter what brand you shoot...it seems like MZ season provides lots of "clean up" opportunities. 

  4. Great information. I don't know about sexually mature, but we sure caught them in the lake...had to leave certain areas because they covered the water column, top to bottom, and we didn't want to kill fifty young ones to catch one adult. I kept one to eat - mistake - I think they spend significant amounts of time in warmer water. Neither cajun nor smoked was palatable IMHO.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 14 hours ago, reeleyz said:

    I was reading something about this veto, and at first glance it seemed like a win for sportsmen, but the authors made the point that it's actually the state exerting the right to supplant local decision making, and goes right along with the executive branch making decisions that agencies like DEC should be making. In other words, like most things in Albany, it's about power. I'm not sure whether I buy the argument, but I remain skeptical, even when the dice fall in my favor.

    • Like 1
  6. That's better than the forecast I saw yesterday...


    They moderated the overnight low from -17 on Thursday night to -13. Your pee's going to freeze before it hits the ground, if you're even willing to expose the willy. This is how family legends get started! Aim small, shoot straight.

    • Haha 1
  7. Question on the above regulation: does an orange hat alone meet the requirement? Because it seems like you only have to fulfil one of the three to be legal - obviously you don't have to fulfil all three, or we'd be decked out in both solid and patterned orange, which is a fashion faux pas lol.

  8. Camera have been in decline the past two weeks. I pulled one property's; the other is staying active until the end. I did grab an SD card and was amazed at the "flip a switch" lack of pictures from November 6th onward in this particular spot. I didn't realize it when the camera was live, until I started going through the card itself. Either lockdown or more likely increased pressure from crossbow on an adjoining property. It's crazy how small spots are impacted by boots on the ground.

    • Like 2
  9. lol! You are not wrong about the stupid shortages and cost overruns. I've been waiting for almost a year for my lab renovation to be finished. We are currently working all of us out of basically a closet. There must be a single 97 year old half-blind, drunk who builds epoxy benchtops somewhere in northern Saskatchewan, and nowhere else to source them. Otherwise, I don't get the delay.


    So, what's your load formulation that uses 150 grains of BH? If I tried to load that, I think my gun would explode. Does the Paramount accept higher loads? I know many black power formulations use 150 grains, but in terms of energy that equates more to the 110-120 grain range for BH209.


    Not trying to be a know-it-all...just don't want to see damage to a new gun...but what do I know? Blackhorn publishes load data on their site. Interesting looking at it just now, I see that the 110 grains I use is calculated in a volumetric measure, which equates to only 77 grains actual weight on a scale. I'm glad I use volume to measure it out!!! Big. Bada. Bang.

  10. Is my math off? 8 oz is 3500 grains, at 110 grains per shot that's $2.48 a shot...which is not insignificant, but not too bad either. I bought two of the 8 oz bottles many years ago for my Accura V2, and I'm still on the first bottle. Of course, I only shoot a couple rounds to make sure the scope is sighted in and then a round or two in the field (if I'm lucky).  So at my current burn rate I figure I'm good for 15 years, give or take


    But in direct response to your question, nope, I can't find anywhere more reasonable. Canadian, you know? COVID, the border, supply chain issues, staffing, all that stuff that folks talk about when $hit goes awry. Heck, these days my wife is using those arguments rather than just saying she has a headache :).

  11. Every day I open my computer hoping to be able to annoy my wife with those wonderful Xmas lights at the top of the screen. Then I cry a little when they aren't there and try to get through the rest of my day. Hope springs eternal.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  12. Could somebody remind me? I'd thought that the holiday hunt was doe only, but the DEC website clearly states that deer of either fun loving may be taken.


    Did this change since last year? Or am I crazy? I guess the two are not mutually exclusive...

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