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Posts posted by Missdemeanor

  1. Blue water....I second legacy's suggestion regarding the Okuma classic lead core/ copper rod. Nice backbone for putting the gas to the fish when need be. I really like the Okuma clarion 55 high speed reels. Very smooth. The high gear ratio is very nice.

    Diawa makes the Saltist 50. They are very nice reels. In fact all of my rigger rods are equipped with saltist 30s. The Saltist line have great drags as well as the high speed gears.

    The Clarion reels have the same gear ratio as the Saltist 50s, however the Clarions are considerably cheaper than the Diawas. IMO the Clarions are quality reels and you won't get beat up at the cash register.....happy shopping.

  2. Rob, Scott, Keith and Mike....thanks for all the hard work you guys have done to make this event successful. It's finally nice to see a tournament for regular guys without the theatrics and drama that have come with other tournaments.

    For anyone on the fence about entering....this event is not your usual Lake O tournament.....there is no observers, all rules are on your honor, no giant egos to dodge. Just a bunch of regular guys getting together for a friendly competition and a few laughs afterwards. Plus the entry fee is big enough to make the pay out worthwhile, but small enough so no one gets beat up too bad.

    Guys thanks again for all the hard work.

  3. Bruce.....down west was an absolute massacre. As good as the fishing was, I was a little taken back to think of how many 2 year old kings that were killed in the pro am. It is what it is I guess.

    I love how consistent the fishing has been around Rochester this year. Diversity as good as it gets....

    Today was much of the same....14 for 17.... One skippy king, bunch steelies, cohos and the L.T action off the boards was good. No big kings today....best lures were orange and red stingers and DW SS.....good luck out there this weekend and tight lines...

  4. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name: Missdemeanor




    Date(s): JUne 7th and 8th

    Time on Water:


    Wind Speed/Direction:


    Surface Temp:


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 7th---13 for 15 8th---18 for 24ish

    Species Breakdown: Kings Steels Lakers cohos

    Hot Lure:

    Trolling Speed:

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth:

    Lure Depth:




    After returning from the bloodbath at the Niagara Pro Am, it was nice to get out on my home waters. Tuesdays trip was with a regular client who likes to fish by himself. He even lets me reel in a fish or two. We headed offshore to the Temperature beaks and found 54 degrees on top. We had some great King, Steelhead and coho action that morning. The MVP spoons were Yeck Obama regulars, Stinger glow alewife, and DWSS spooks. Torpedo divers off the boards were very productive


    June 8th Brought out some old friends from Riverview Yacht basin. We started in the same fruitful waters only to find the colder surface water gone. Trolled north and ran into fish. We boated an assorted species from Steelies,Cohos, one 22# king and a pile of Lakers. Funny thing was the Lakers all came off Torpedo divers towed off the boards. I estimate the lures were running about 20-25 feet down. Good spoons were Yeck Obama (Again), Mullato Honeybees, DWSS Spooks. Pictures to follow

  5. The shark was very good this weekend. 75 ft back, hooked up then 240 out. Put it on a board. Took a few of out bigger fish. Pre fish we found a pile of steelhead. 75 ft back and 85 foot down....snapper off the boards.

    Kings bit magnum yacks...obama and green glow....steels hit steelie Dan......I'm starting to love my torpedo divers.

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  6. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:Missdemeanor





    Time on Water:5 hrs

    Weather/Temp: Foggy Foggy Foggy

    Wind Speed/Direction: None to speak of

    Waves: zero

    Surface Temp: best was 48-46 degree break

    Location: No mans Land Off Rochester

    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits:14

    Total Boated:9

    Species Breakdown: Steelhead and Lakers

    Hot Lure: Yeck Steelie Dan, Bloody death SS, Acid Rain SS

    Trolling Speed: 2.5-2.7

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth: 400 plus

    Lure Depth: surface




    Headed out into the fog this morning. We slow rolled out to the 200 ft mark and trolled our way out to 500. Best rigs were the steelie Dan Yeck 100 ft back, Snapper Torpedo Diver and then 65 back then put that on the planer board. . Bloody Death SS and Acid rain SS. Various stingers with red and orange on them did fish also. Funny thing was we took three quality Lakers out in 500 ft on the surface...Lol..Go figure...We did catch some real healthy Steelies. Enjoy the weather and thanks to all that serve in our armed forces.....



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