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Everything posted by Missdemeanor

  1. It appears the chew is back on... We did pretty good on kings today. It was still a bit later in the AM when they turned on. Still had some short bites and lost fish, but overall a much better day.
  2. Deep rig tackle baits do it again off my long coppers. .. Great day with awesome guests ...
  3. One thing I forgot to mention about yesterday.... The west wind finally had an effect on the fish..... They are on the move as the warmer water invades the inside/mid waters. I think we are to the point where we are actually fishing for them now. With that being said, don't get hung up on Temperature. Follow the marks and put baits where they are.
  4. I also run the Saltist 40s... I put on about 400 ft of 20# mono backer ... Then the full spool of 7 strand. The 30s work just fine for wire like Yankee said. I went with the bigger ones for an even faster retrieval.
  5. I think I still have some of them.... Somewhere...lol
  6. Remember how bad those graphs smelled when you had to change out paper? Lol.... Or the false releases at 100 ft down and we had cranker Riviera riggers .. the old Fish hawk temp probe on the wheel.... The probe had a big rubber band on it to attach to the "Herbie" weights. . Dandy Glow plugs ( hollow J plug type lures ) that you put glow sticks in.... The list goes on....man I'm dating myself...
  7. I know..... All this new technology.... I was very reluctant to get Panoptics... I mean I've been fishing for 40 years and caught fish without it ... But dang that unit is awesome... Glad I got it lt. This year I put in the ITroll ... Man, that's awesome to... Kind of like a caveman seeing fire for the first time...lol..... Jury is still out on the Smart Troll.... Maybe, maybe not
  8. Kobra Sportfishing... Great guy and very knowledgeable about the Upper River and Lake Erie. Bass, Musky, and walleye... +1 716-725-2002
  9. Report 05/20 & 05/21.... Tough fishing right now.... Ran out to our Numbers from Sunday to find a ghost town .. I should have known better.... Went into shallower water and competed with the gigantic clouds of bait. Caught some cohos small kings and a couple steelhead. I've never had my fish finder screen be totally blocked out by bait clouds Yesterday we had a short day, so we fished the bait again. Super tough to compete with the real McCoy! Laker, cohos, and a 2 year old ... This is exactly why they call it fishing and not catching...stinger Black and Silvers on Freeslyders, DW super slims acid Rain, DW Superslims in magic Man were all producers the last two days. It's funny how it goes from rockem sockem robots to a total grind. But that's the Transition for you. Let's hope some stable weather comes in.
  10. I fished em most of the winter and Spring.... They are around... They happen to be smaller. The reason for that is ( my theory) is we are missing at least one year class. Year COVID... I remember getting a call from a lady who said she had a bunch of dead fish washed up on her beach in Greece and asked if I could come look at them. There were 100s of dead fingerling browns. Two days prior the DEC stocked them. How the fish Died is anyone's guess, however the lake had dropped 5 degrees in a day and the DEC was in a rush to stock due to government agencies closing down. As far as catching.... Browns have adapted to the round Goby as everyone knows.. in areas where the alewife spawn hasn't started yet, they are still munching on those gobies. I caught a bunch of Browns in the Spring LOC, most were puking up Gobies. All the browns we caught were released ( no stomach checks) except one ....and she had a big gobie in her gut. The size thing is a head scratcher.... But my feeling is, this will turn around as there are still nice classes of fish out there.
  11. Two day Report including Olcott/ Wilson Big Boy Shootout tournament.
  12. Tough BT fishing . Fished hard to get one that squeaked in above the minimum...
  13. Right on!!!!! I love watching guys in smaller rigs getting after em... One day I was out in 3s .. good friend was out in his rig ( same size as your rig) right next to me .. a couple times I looked over and just saw the guys heads above the waves ... They were waving having a blast.... Keep after em....
  14. Niagara County ... Very good this weekend .. I ran a hodge podge of spoons this weekend. First trip this year I ran a Spin doc and meat Rig. Super impressed by Deep Rig tackle bait. Sorry the video isn't that entertaining. I was exhausted...lol
  15. Thank you to all the volunteers who made this pen project possible. The Genesee River Pen raised Kings were released this afternoon. A really good turnout made this work detail go very quickly and efficiently .. thank you! Now as far as the condition of the fish... They looked great! Very lively, and in great shape. Maybe a handful of dead ones for 6 pens was a fantastic survival rate. Another good note... The Genny is churning out some chocolate milk water to hide the little guys. And most important, we saw zero Cormorants and gulls around the marina. The old saying " If you build it, they will come" comes to mind . So all the hard work and dedication from our volunteers is an investment into this great fishery!
  16. I agree..... The thing the little guys have going for them is the dirty water of the Genny...should help a little. Wish the feds would open a season on those nasty birds.
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