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Posts posted by Persistence

  1. Brian, thanks for noticing the typo. The mean weight does not change as I calculated it using 24.11. The range will increase as you stated.

    Motoman, I have been up to Altmar also and have seen the egg taking process. The day Iwas there, Oct.15th ) the guys stripping eggs seemed to be selective in the females they used. Males not so much. Most were placed back into the tube for a "rerun" without being used at all. Weither this was due to the females not being ready or they were on the small size I am not sure. They were also taking the early maturing "jacks" out of the population as they came down the tubes.

    I agree with your anology to a point, however, guys from up and down the lake have commented on the samller size of the fish they are catching. Canadian charter captains and recreational fisherman have also noticed the smaller size. This is not to say that the fish are "runts". I can't believe we are catching only the smaller fish in the population. The LOC stats and the DEC catch reports demonstrate the overall weight of the fish down the last few years. '06 was a great class of salmon weither it was due to an abundance of bait, earlier Spring, size at stocking or some other effect ,all are understandable theories.

  2. Guys, thanks for your input. It is interesting to read all the different experiences and thoughts on the fishery. It just goes to prove that we are a group fishermen and fisherwomen who have a deep interest in the fishery. It is good to see those individuals with experiences outside our fishery to add their thoughts on the various topics that are discussed on the site and to compare our fishery with those that they have experienced.

    Those 60,70,100lb salmon have to be really something to have on a rod and reel. Alaska - one of my dream trips.

  3. Yankee and Motoman, perhaps the drop in size in the Kings can be explained by the 3 to 4 week delay in the lake warming and getting the Kings to start feeding. I believe the alwives and smelt came in late also from talking to guys at the West end. Obviously there was feeding going on but not as heavily as an early Spring. Correct me if I am wrong.

    Motoman, 50 to 60 pound Kings!! Now that would be fun!!!!!

  4. I had some time and was interested on the weights for the last few years.

    Here goes:


    '07 29.46 mean weight of 21 fish / Range 31.15 - 28.12

    '06 34.08 mean weight of 21 fish / Range 38.14 - 32.04

    '05 29.84 mean weight of 20 fish / Range 32.09 - 29.06


    '07 11.92 mean weight of 13 fish / Range 14.05 - 10.08

    '06 11.23 mean weight of 12 fish / Range 13.03 - 10.00

    '05 12.58 mean weight of 6 fish / Range 13.11 - 12.04


    '07 15.43 mean weight of 20 fish / Range 21.05 - 13.11

    '06 14.92 mean weight of 20 fish / Range 19.05 - 13.01

    '05 16.55 mean weight of 20 fish / Range 24.11 - 14.06


    '07 14.37 mean weight of 20 fish / Range 17.06 - 13.11

    '06 13.96 mean weight of 20 fish / Range 16.13 - 13.00

    '05 12.43 mean weight of 20 fish / Range 13.15 - 12.00

    Looks like '06 for Salmon was a great year class! '07 on average with '05

    Browns were on average but interestly the division has not been filled for the last three years. Perhaps due to fisherman not targetting Browns.

    Lakers down a over a pound from '05

    Steelhead up each year and almost two pounds over '05

    I am sure everyone will look at the numbers differently but I thought it interesting to post.

  5. Just a quick report for the weekend fishing out of Sandy:

    Fished Friday through Monday. Caught Kings,Browns and a couple of Steelhead. The bite for me was quick at times then slowed then picked up. Each day seemed to bring different conditions and bites. The biggest King for the weekend was a 27.9 lb male caught by my girlfriend Cindy. This fish took "Fish of the Day" for Satruday.

    The Kings for us were caught from 25 to 50 ft down running long leads. SD/Fly combo's ,Stingers,Yeck and Lightning Lures all took fish.

    Hope everyone had an enjoyable derby.

  6. Jadedharley, as a moderator of this I have to comment on your response to not getting a reply about Sodus.

    As you may or may not know. the LOC Derby is currently underway. As fishermen and women we sometimes keep information close to the vest whether it is a derby or not. Your posting as to not getting a reply was totally uncalled for and not desired on this site.

    Accept it and move on, there are too many good fish to catch!!


    To all who responded, you may have noticed that some of your responses were deleted. It is great that you all are responding, however, let's not fall to lower levels when postings like this appear.

    Good Luck and Good Fishing Hope to see you all on the leaderboard.

  7. CDS, glad to hear you are having good action to the East. The deep water has been producing a lot of good quality fish. Can you tell me what North line you were on?

    Get the net, that 30 line has been great also all the way to the Oak, from what their web site states. I contacted a captain out of there and he confirmed the fishing success they are having.

    Sandy has been very good this season as the various tournament placings and postings from this site confirm. We have had some outstanding fishing.

  8. Saturday 8/25 started the day heading off shore. Found the break at 220 but decided to continue on North. Dropped in at 400 and trolled out to 500, there we found 60 degrees on the surface and 50 degrees down 50 ft. Set up and before the second rod was in the first fired. From there it was a very active morning working a line of several weighpoints. One in particular was HOT,HOT,HOT Mature Kings and Bows.

    Sunday 8/26, ran to Eagle Harbor and set up in 100 fow. Turned back East and the fun started. Mature Kings and Cohos all the way from Eagle Harbor to Sandy. Snapped off two very large Kings after having them jump several times within 10 ft behind the boat and tangling in the cables. :x :x I have not seen this large of a King jump as many times as these fish did. They must have thought they were Steelhead. :D:D It was a real rush. We mainly worked from the nose to Eagle Harbor but hit fish all the weigh back to the creek.

    Great weekend and very active fishing. I do not get into the numbers thing but the action was HOT HOT HOT

  9. Orleans County Derby Resulted in 8 fish being weighed at East Fork Marina:

    Grand Prize - Jeremy Miller- 30.13

    Salmon Division - 5th Place - Joe Bianchi - 27.8

    Brown Division - 2nd Place - Mike Engle - 15.0

    5th Place Joe Bianchi - 14.3 Not a typo

    Rainbow Division - No Entries

    Lake Trout Dicision - 1st Place- Cindy Ciaschi - 13.15

    2nd Place- AprilAnn Johnson - 13.13

    3rd Place - Chad Lapa - 13.11

    5th Place - Jerry Felluca - 13.0

    Here is a photo of my girlfriend,Cindy Ciaschi, with her 1st Place Lake



    Here is a photo of Jerry,Cindy and Chad with their winning fish


  10. Optiangler, I believe your Cabela setups will do fine. However, I feel the 7 foot rods you plan on using for dipsy's may not do it for you. Most dipsy setups incorporate a 10 foot rod due to the pressure put on the rod buy the dipsy. Of course you can always try it and see how you make out. I use Mason wire on my dipsy set ups. The wire allows for deeper running dipsy's but you need to realize there is no stretch to the wire so you need to be concious of that when playing fish.

    There is a fleet of charter boats in the Habor on the Hotel side of the river.Most of them will be happy to show you their setups as far as rods.reels etc goes. Don't be too intrusive and they may offer you more information.

    I am sure there are other fishermenon this site that may offer you more suggestions. Good Luck and have a great vacation.

  11. Brian, great report. I was out with Rebel in the evening on the 14th and found the temp. band to be just of bottom at that depth. We moved off a bit and took some steelies down 80 ft.

    The copper setup is fast becoming in vogue and seems to be effective on Kings. I know it is used quite a bit at the East end. Guys do get upset when someone does not realize how far back from a boat it is running and tangles cables with the copper.

    See you on the water.

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