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Traveling Circus

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Posts posted by Traveling Circus

  1. Net your fish head first. I hold the back portion of the handle with my right hand and support the handle where the handle meets the hoop with my left hand..... also holding the net basket with my left hand. You hold the basket tight so that it's not flopping around in the flowing water. When the time is right, let go of the basket as you slide the net handle through your left hand (powered by your right) to capture the fish. Mission accomplished. The only time it fails is when you get impatient and try to net the fish "early". then all bets are off..... The pinchpad pretty much takes the place of manually holding the net basket, and keeps the basket tight and out of the way.

  2. 35 minutes ago, King Slammin said:


    There is really only two major spawning runs on the US side. The Kings stage in front of the Niagara River on the "Bar", and the Salmon River. There are minor packs of staging Salmon at all the ports in between but usually not as heavy of concentration. We kill them every year at the bar as long as the weeds coming out of the river don't clog up the lines



    When do you start to see staging fish off the bar? 

  3. Sweet! Congratulations........ Brined Breast, smoked, and sliced thin on a sammy is pretty tough to beat.


    You gotta give us a little more of the story......

  4. I've shot tungsten shot for a couple of year now Bill, and really like it. Not the hevi-shot, but an old Remington goose / duck load. Remington HD. They're not giving tungsten away, but for the number of round you go through a year, it's acceptable. I shoot it at turkeys / foxes / coyotes, and think it performs very well. 

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