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Posts posted by Chromeslayer

  1. NEVER draw a bow without a arrow nocked and pointed at a safe direction! D-loops break, releases fail, fingers slipped etc.... dry fires are usually costly and can easily be prevented with a arrow nocked!

    [ Post made via Android ] Android.png

  2. Pete, that wasn't "ice fishing", it was what I would call, "winter harvest". I don't know what lake they were on, but I saw pics and I'm pretty sure the lakes now fished out. Anything that breathes below the surface was laying on the ice in a pile. I think I even saw a few Mud puppies. Good eats!

    Word on the street is there is legislation being worked on to prevent that gang from EVER fishing a single body of water at the same time again--with the exception of Lake O. I think they finally got around to finishing up filleting(mud puppies, skinning?) them yesterday.

    LOLOL!!! Team Webber is already planing on goin back just to make sure we got them all!

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