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Mickey Finn

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  1. I'll take them if bbwalleye doesn't.
  2. Complete unit with new probe and 300 foot coated cable installed last year. Includes contact sleeve for Scotty Downriggers or use without it. Also incudes break-a-way cable (unused) and terminator (need to re-terminate) to be able to remove the probe. Works as it should. I upgraded to the Fish Hawk. $300 shipped in the U.S. Payment thru paypal.
  3. Looks like it was sold according to June 15th post.
  4. Got a chance to buy back a 1992 Penn Yan 255 Intruder that I sold back in 2002. Stringers are soft and the lower part of the transom is too. Has anyone on here attempted doing this work themselves? Just wondering about how to approach this if I do it. I think the stringers are good from the front of the fuel tank towards the bow. Looks like the options are remove all the screws under the rub rail and take the top off or just cut the floor out enough to access the bad stringers and lower part of the transom. Then I would glass the floor back in. Has anyone attempted this? I'd like to know how much time and money it took if you did. I'm also interested in if you might have hired it done on a boat like this and how much that cost and what they did to fix it. Thanks
  5. Is this the "95" rebuilt 350 volvo that goin deep had for sale or an actual knew engine?
  6. Here's the link to the one in Syracuse: http://syracuse.craigslist.org/boa/4620660787.html
  7. We took Kings in two areas. South of the finger out in front of Southwick and also a couple miles west of the finger. The west area kind of dried up for us so we went south. They seemed to be moving a lot. We'd mark a good bunch and when we went back they would be gone. Maybe the current was moving the bait.
  8. We fished Henderson 4 days last week. There are some Kings there. We got two on Tuesday 16 to 17 pounds, five on Thursday (2 were little guys), none on Friday (dropped the biggest one of the week) and two of Saturday (one little guy). We pretty much just stayed on the King program but we did pick up 9 lakers and 7 browns in the process. Water was pretty warm. Caught most of the Kings down 120 to 130 feet in 130 to 150 feet of water. Current was really bad.
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