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rod hog

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Posts posted by rod hog

  1. to momay 4000... the deer was shot late morning, the picture was taken about 430pm. You can still bend the legs. I'm sure  you know more than me. I took the picture,and I was with him from when it was shot and dragging it out, haning it and cutting the deer up. Duckman1 that is the only buck he shot I dont know why his face is blacked out.And to matt (jakey baby)my first post was not aimed at you.The guy shot a nice deer can't people just say nice deer and leave it at that! and keep there comments to themselves. why does everyone have to pickapart everything.

  2. I was with that guy when he shot that deer. There was snow on the ground when it was shot in the morning that pic. was taken at the end of the day. Why would that matter.Also it was not shot on a country club it was shot on privte land. The deer was shot sat. not thanksgiving day.

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