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Posts posted by Hookedup

  1. What kind of gun (and scope) are you planning to shoot to that distance with? Just curious, i've always wanted to experiment out to that distance with my 30-06, but i don't have a powerful enough scope on it to even see a target at that distance right now lol.

    Thanks for info guys. I am having a 300 mag built right now. Any good glass, with adjustable turrets will get you out a hell of a long ways. I'm using a huskemaw but leupold, night force and others all fit the bill. Great ammo and a gun that shoots sub moa at 200 yds is a great start. Then lots of practice I'm lucky to have a lot of shooting time under my belt. Its just hard in our area to find spots to shoot long range.

  2. Hi folks, Anyone know of a good rifle range in NY or northern PA with a 500 yard plus range? Looking for a spot to shoot this summer out to 1000yds. To much development around my farm to shoot that far anymore. Thanks Sean

  3. Well the neighbor plowed the barn in and I have been chipping away at the snow for awhile but with this weather I am pulling out all the stops that snow will be gone and the boat will be out one way or another by Friday hard water is leaving have lots of new toys to clean the dust off with shinny three pronged pointy things attached to them!!!! It's time!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app

    Wanna come shovel mine out? I got snow up to my waist. I did go sit in the boat and day dream a little today:). Battery's are charged up just need a wash and wax.

  4. Long tail blackbirds showed up at house this morning! Saw a road kill woodchuck on way to office this morning. Calling for 60's in central Jersey on Wednesday. Let's hope we've turned the corner!!!!

    Same here! Drove past a road kill woodchuck out in Schuyler yesterday I just figured he couldn't take winter anymore and killed himself :)

  5. Just so it's full disclosure, and most people already know this, I have been on Cannon's Prostaff for 5 years.

    I don't replace them every year. More like every two years. I know of no captains who replace their riggers every year. That happened a lot back in the day, but it doesn't happen anymore.

    I don't know how you can bash a company after you took their manual rigger and converted it to electric. Not to mention it was with parts most likely from pre-JO's ownership.

    Our riggers get about 100 trips (charters, tourneys, and pleasure) a year out of them. That is a lot more than 90% of the guys out there. They've been bullet proof with that 1 exception. If you do have an issue with the new line-up there are many success stories where the customer service department is praised. One of those stories being the pullys.

    Let's be honest.......You bought a used car, replaced the motor and tranny, and when that went bad you blame the car manufacturer!?!?!?!?

    All of the caps are glued on, so that is a false statement. Name one rod holder company that uses caps that hasn't had this problem? Those same companies also sell replacement caps. Apparently, all these guys have an issue when trying to get rubber/plastic to stick to metal.

    Rick I know your in with Cannon and I'm not here to start crap but don't tell my ass I made a false statement! I stated they had no glue on them. I'm not a dumb ass and I know what glue looks like. When I called company they said they are glued on and when I said they had no glue and I had just bought them they charged me. I use cannon riggers but is it good buisness to charge for a lost end cap on a new rod holder its first trip out? You know dam well if u called for a lost end cap they would just mail it out. Sean Brown

  6. Got to love it! I had brand new dual rigger rod holders from cannon at $250 a shot. Plastic end caps fell off due to no glue put on them. Called customer service had to pay for a $4 dollar end cap and shipping on a brand new rod holder. What bull crap I pay for thousands of dollars in riggers and don't get them given to me each year like others, and have to pay for a part a week later!

    Now on the other hand I had a four year old rod holder break a weld from Great Lakes Planers (my fault) and Tony sends me a new one now that's customer service.

  7. I've grew up with hundreds of horse's, my dad was a black smith for thirty years and has broke and sold hundreds of them. I've see horses racked flat out in the sun and at night for hours sound asleep. As for shooting one that is pure stupidity.

  8. Why would you do it at all?

    This is a prime example where the offenders need to have their hunting privlidges revoked.

    I'm with you on this one plus pay out the a##

    My aunt had four guys who were deer hunting kill one of her black Angus cows a couple years ago. Guys loose their head and think they have to kill every deer that moves and that's what you get.

  9. Anyone ever run otters with long lines inside and shorter segs or cores off 22's outside ?

    Like Jason posted above we run some serious boards off my boat and multiple wire divers. Some guys run less and do great and have more fun, but we got the gear and enjoy it. We put the auto pilot on a course and with both of us working we run three rods per person usually 12 to 21 rods out. As for your question if I'm running a 500 to 600 copper I'll run that off otters on the inside and run multiple lines off small church boards on the outside. Then usually two wire divers deep per side. Copper off one side core on the other. Then say you are pounding them on 200 copper will run four of them on one side and use musky floats to stretch out the spacing bend the inline board. I started 30 years ago with the first in lines I could find running 4 per side out of a row boat, my budy and I would row all day in that 12 ftr. I was ten and didn't know their was a rod limit:). For running multiple boards per side you need low drag backing, good calm seas and no weeds. You can't have crap dragging together. I only get to fish Ontario two or three times a year due to how busy we are down here on the finger lakes but its the same up north. Run what you can when you can till you figure out what they want. Lots of guys on here know a hell of a lot about boards don't be afraid to shoot a pm to any of them. Look at jason he was running in lines off snoopy poles in my pond before the ice hit:)

  10. Just keep going Dawson!!! I have taught several hundred people to shoot and to shoot and survive in combat situations. Day or night its all the same, sight picture, stance, grip, breathing, and trigger control its all the same only difference is if someone is shooting back LOL. I have found most folks shoot better in the dark or low light situations they have less to focus on and groups tighten up big time. Just keep your head up at least your out doing it and not just reading it on a forum. Sean

  11. Deer numbers were non existent on our farm here in Chemung County. We have seen it coming the last few years ever since 2001 things have been going down hill. Its like a pond or a lake that gets fished out they just don't sprout up out of the ground. The unlimited doe tags, several fawns killed by hay binds , coyotes, and crop damage permits have destroyed deer numbers in many areas. Then the state manages or I should say attempts to manage the deer over broad areas. You may have to many deer around a small town or city in the county then the rest of the county is void of deer. I've been hunting for years and have never been given a survey regarding amount of deer seen or the ratio of buck vs doe. Our crew quit hunting early this year no point sitting in the woods for nothing. And no way could any of us shoot one of the only four does and two fawns we had on the farm. Although I watched one of the button bucks cross the line and get dumped by a tool on a neighbors property. So four does and one fawn now and that's next years future deer crop. So if you have an area with deer left count your blessings and take care of it. Sean

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