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Everything posted by Hookedup

  1. Perfect that's what it's all about!
  2. How much are you paying in Newfoundland? You can do a DIY drop hunt in Alaska for probably close to the same price. I've done three so far this was this last September. Sean
  3. That's one nice bull!! We're are you located out west. Thanks Sean
  4. Exactly!! Strict physical discipline LOL! I don't think anyone here believes beating a child is a recipe for success. Don't need a study to figure that out. But respect and fear of consequences at a young age is not taught by the majority of parents. I remember getting pulled over at 16 and it was yes sir or no sir. Now the little snow flakes are laughing and asking what the Fu** did you stop me for. My oldest is in high school came home the first week telling me how only her and one other girl in her math class don't use drugs. And the laundry list of kids that tell teachers were to go is insane. Maybe they need more safe zones to talk about there feelings.
  5. All ambush style shootings or drive by shootings. Just like the shooting PAP is talking about were two PA troopers were shot from a tree line 80 plus yards from there station.
  6. Exactly my point! the days of gun free zones for security reasons is over. Yet people freak out over a trained security or police officer armed in our schools.
  7. Not going to argue with you on that our military budget is greater than several countries combined. Fact is now we have terrorists of all types living here and the environment has changed. We need to dump the money into school security. And the majority of people in this country need to wake up.
  8. Yeah i have no problem with who you want to describe as a terrorists. But if a group of Muslims terrorists want to attack soft targets a school is a great place. Maybe we shouldn't protect our schools untill a few more get hit. But I love the little jab! How many police stations do you see active shooters attack ? Or state office buildings none since they first got hit then flooded with armed security and medal detector's. The word terrorists offending someone is the core reason we have these problems. You can't fix these problems and make everyone happy. Sean
  9. Just got to read this post it's a disaster what happened in Florida. I am not going to say I'm an expert but years in the military and law enforcement and hundreds of hours teaching all levels of active shooter training I've learned a few things. First off the vast majority of the population is clueless to what's going on around them. Everyone wants to blame someone for not seeing the signs or reacting to social media post. Most of these people are the same libs that would blow a gasket if law enforcement kicked in there door and dragged little Jimmy to jail or the psychologist for posting crap on Facebook. Yet today they are livid that that didn't happen with this kid. Yet when hundreds of black lives matter protesters March down the street chanting kill cops nothing can be done. And at the same time since 2016 there was a 167% increase in law enforcement officers killed in ambush style killings on law enforcement by the same people. It's definitely a combination of problems. I could take you to people's homes right now that have tinfoil over there tv and windows so the gov can't hear them. And they have piles of guns. They get them taken away and then get them back from the judge. I drop people off all the time for mental health issues, they are out of the hospital before my shift ends turned back out in society. Until people are willing to see some folks have there rights involuntarily taken away you can't fix that end. As for schools that really pisses me off. I can walk in any school around you may have a old lady pushing a button on a non secure door but that's about it. I can protect my kids at home I can protect them in public but at school I'm relying on " well nothing" . You may have one SRO that's not enough. Easy fix to school shootings money and education. Secure doors with armed security, response teams walking in school , and mix it up with random vehicle searches. Bullet proof glass and medal detector's. Now everyone that wants guns band will say your making schools militaristic. I'd call it safe. As for firearms wack jobs of all sorts should not be allowed to own firearms that needs to be fixed. As far as banning black scary guns I'm sure it will happen some day. Will it help no because they will ban the scary weapons of war LOL and the old fat wench hitting the buzzer at the school office will still be there to open the door for the kid with the sawed-off 12 gauge, and the Mason jars of gasoline. We live in a society were soft targets get hit I'm very suprized no mass terrorism attacks have accured at schools. In today's world you can't leave our most valuable resource unprotected. Sean
  10. Get a manfrotto not cheap but worth it then with the quick connect system you can get something like a triclawps Shooting vise for it. Go from scope, binos, rangefinder, to rifle.
  11. Exactly same here my daughter and I really appreciate the prize package. Thanks again!
  12. Draw not open yet I believe it starts in spring usually ends middle of May. Just apply on-line. I believe you can still have two hunters on a tag also in Maine
  13. You draw a tag you won't have any trouble getting someone to go with you! LOL
  14. I know a guy and his dad who have been picked three times, the first time was his first time applying. You never know I'll be applying same with all my girls.
  15. One thing I do know is farming practices have changed drastically in the Seneca lake watershed. Dairy farms with 70 cows and an old crap spreader that got used once or twice a day have been replaced by farms with thousands of head and slurry tanks that get spread all at once. Back in November every slurry tank in chemung and Schuyler County we're spread. I remember the last load hitting the ground as the 4 inch rain storm started. Next week I sneak into a hunting spot cross one of the small creeks for Seneca lake and sink in cow crap entire stream was black. Where do you think all that crap went. Not hard to figure that one out. Fields by me that were black with liquid crap were clean a day later all washed off. Sean
  16. Might as well add a couple more from this year. Daughters bull, my bull Moose, and a pic of one of the most peaceful spots I've ever hunted middle of nowhere Yukon Delta Alaska. Lots of great pics on this thread I've really enjoyed it. Sean
  17. That is amazing!! One heck of a deer great for her!
  18. Big gun has a Nightforce and the other rifle on the tripod has a higher end Vortex I believe it's the Razor HD. I've had very good luck with Vortex and they have the best warranty and customer service I've ever seen. Sean
  19. Thanks a bunch guys it's much appreciated. Just got out of mountains into cell range helped pack out some more elk. I hope all of you that are hunting back home get a great buck. I'll be out with the youngest one when I get back she wants to hunt with Dad now. LOL no complaints from me.
  20. Daughter gets it done in New Mexico Well my 11 year old daughter hit the lottery and drew a New Mexico rifle elk tag this year. We started her hunt Saturday and were done at 10 am. We got to see and pass on several bulls before she killed a nice 6 by 7. Things are always a little harder when hunting with kids so the perfect set up and situation was needed. We located the bull bedded under a ceder bush and was able to get her set up in the prone for an easy 258 yard shot with my 338 Edge. Yup a little tiny 80 pound girl behind a 14 pound 338 edge shooting a 300 grain Berger with 90 grains of H1000. LOL She can smoke them as far as you can see them with that set up. She hit him square in the chest and he never flinched. Lights out total pass through head to rear. I got some pictures of her set up before the shot since we watched the bull for 25 minutes before she killed him. It was a great hunt and one neither of us will ever forget.
  21. A little long range dry fire practice no live ammo in area. (that's why they are close). Keep them together so I can watch trigger pull.
  22. You can hunt moose, black bear, wolf, and caribou without a guide or kin. The powers that be in Alaska won't let you hunt grizzly, brown bear or sheep without a guide. Which is why it cost 18 grand to kill a brown bear with a guide that if allowed I could get dropped off and kill one for under 4k. As for now I hope the state never changes the rules for moose.
  23. Sitting under some big oaks on edge of uncut corn field. Just had two small bucks walk past at ten yards. They are lucky it wasn't me hunting when I was 14 LOL, she says she wants a bigger one. South wind and crap temps may make that tough. Having fun anyway Good luck to everyone who is out.
  24. Weekend Youth Hunt Anyone getting out for the youth deer hunt this weekend? My oldest hit 14 this year so we will probably get out. Going to be way to warm but will see how it goes.
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