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Posts posted by Hookedup

  1. I have some Otter boards that I run with copper as well as in line boards, but do any of you guys run bigger boards for running two or three copper riggs off a side. I think I read an article in GLA that had mega boards that were used for several copper lines. If so can you buy them or do you have to make them? Sean

  2. Chowder The EZ-Steer is no problem just call them with the set up you have and they will take care of you. I had the Merc kicker on my last boat, I now have the Yamaha 9.9 High Thrust with remote throtle power trim and tilt. I had no problems with the Merc it was just didnt like to start when it was cold. The Merc was a 15hp and the Yamaha 9.9 has more guts then the Merc did.

  3. Same thing yesterday I sat in the back of my boat in the hot sun doing motor maint and taking out all my equipment :( . I should of went out and put some fish in the boat. Stinger what autopilot are you going to go with? I am going to put one in this winter to just dont know what one yet. Thanks Sean

  4. Fished the North end today from 8am to 12:30pm, we had a great morning :) . I ran a Bow program and it payed off, we put 25 fish in the boat 15 Rainbows and 10 Lakers. The bows all ran over 15 inches and the lakers were 3 to 10lbs. Riggers at 40 and 60 were hot, we had three doubles on the 40 rigger with bows one on the spoon and the slider. Also cranks and spoons off the boards down 20 to 40 all took fish. I will post some pics when I get them. If you get out run some small stuff the bait the bows spit up was only around two inches. Sean


  5. If you can troll spoons and cranks at 2.2 to 2.8 down 20 to 40 out over 90+ you will get browns and bows. You will still find alot of Lakers on the botom in 80 to 90 FOW, if you want to jig for them. You will get them up with the Bows to, the water is 55 to 56 deg all the way down to 90ft. So if you find some bait on top you can catch them all in it. Sean

  6. It was one great day to be on Cayuga, had a group from PA on the boat and we put some major numbers in the boat today. We ended the trip with over thirty fish. Only 5 of them were Lake trout the rest were Bows and Salmon with three Browns mixed in. We only had to keep four the others went back in the lake. We were taking fish from 10 down to 100', two nice salmon hit at 90' on Flashers and Flys. Most of the fish hit the 80' rigger and cranks off core and copper on boards. Hear are some Rainbow Pics.



  7. Hi gaj, Speed depends on what you have in the water for gear and lures, I almost always run 1.8 or faster at the ball. This time of year I run a mix bag of spoons, flashers and crank baits. The crank baits in silver/black run from 20 to 50 down are always good this time of year. Sean

  8. Fished Keuka today, launched at the State Park and then drove to the South end of the lake to give it a try. The wind blew and it rained on us all day. We had fish on all day every rod took several fish copper, core, riggers, and wire divers were all hot. Took fish from 10' down to 90' all Lakers. The final total for the day was 27 Lakers none of them over 4.5 lbs. Sean

  9. Fished Cayuga today out of Ithaca the weather today made for some tough fishing. I didnt get to fish the derby, I had a trip today with some guys up from PA to fish. The cold front had the fish slowed down big time we put 8 hours in with only 8 legal fish in the boat. We had two big Salmon, one real nice Bow, and 5 Lakers one that was 10lbs and one just over 9lbs. But my best catch of the day was the 20 ft ponton boat that ran up my stern and crossed my boards :o . One thing I will say is the boards are hard to see in a chop and he did stop to untangle my line so I was able to save the board (Thank You) ;) . Now for the sailboat that did the same thing even after I changed direction three time from North to East, then back to South (to avoid you) thanks for the lost gear and smoked drags :@ . As for most of my fish we took them from 70' to 80' down on the West side. Sean



  10. Had one slow day on Cayuga today, we got a late start and then the cold front started to blow in and the fish got lock jaw. We put 10 fish in the boat but 5 of them were 12 inch salmon. The five other fish were nice fish, 4 lakers and a bow. The Big Laker was a 13lb pig that we were able to let go for another day :D .



  11. Had my six year old, my dad, and two friends out on Owasco today. Had some wacky weather with the North and North East wind but we did get some great fish. Put some Lakers in the boat frm 17" to 31", the 31 inch laker only went 8 lbs. Things got slow for an hour or two mid morning but then the port side planer board took off with a big fish. My daughter starts to yell for the net before she even took her first crank on the reel :D , with a little help from dad we get the big rainbow in the boat. We get some pics set the riggs back out and hit the same spot. Just as we cross the waypoint off goes the board on the other side off the boat and she is yelling for the net again. After long battle we put the net under a bigger Bow. We marked fish all over the lake from 20' down to 100' but most of the bait was fom 20' to 40' and most of the fish we marked at 80' out over 140+. Some pics of the first fish of the day and the Bows.





  12. Launched out of Ithaca fished South of Taughanock North then some on the East side. Found loads of bait and fish, had good fishing up to 9am then things went dead. Only put some small salmon and bows in the boat up to 1pm. At 1 the fish turned on and we got a few more and drove back to Ithaca. I had to use every trick in the book today to get the 12 legal fish in the boat. One good thing is the weeds were gone on both sides of the lake. If it was a five fish tournament day we would of had well over 40lbs, the fish we did get were big :D . Two bows one over 6lbs one over 7lbs, one nice salmon and a nice brown. The lakers, we had three over 9 one 9.5, one 10.2, and one 11.4. Only had one fish on a flasher and fly, spoons and cranks took all of the fish. Marked fish at 80' to 90' but could not do a thing with them. Most fish we took from 40' to 60' down.




  13. Launched at Severne 7am and then started on the East side. Found the fish and a crap load of weeds thanks to the North wind yesterday evening and the strong South wind this AM :@ . We did manage to put 20 in the boat today some nice big Lakers and 3 salmon :D . The fish did not hit the feed bag today like yesterday. Yesterday out of 25 fish over half the fish were Bows and Salmon. For the first part of the trip today the weeds gave me a work out. The lake layed down around 10:30 and the fish turned on around 11am up to 1pm when we finished up. Yesterday was a flasher and fly bite, today it was 90% spoons on the riggers and the copper. I see most of the big lakers are on the move towards shore to get ready to spawn. If you want the bows and salmon just find the bait out deep and hit that 56 deg water. Sean

  14. Seneca 09/04/09 We started at Severne at 7am back at the dock by 12pm, it was one great day to be on the water . We found the bait and fish down 70' to 90' out over 500+. I had a father and son out today they did a great job geting the fish in the boat. We put 25 fish in the boat and half of them were Rainbows and Landlocks. We let most of the fish go only keeping some of the salmon. The flasher and fly bite was great today on both Lakers and Salmon at 80' to 90' FOW. Most of the lakers were only 3 to 5 lbs but we did get two over 8lbs and one that was just over 11 lbs. I will post some pics later,

  15. It was slow fishing on Seneca today, the weather and the weeds made for some tough conditions. We fished five hours and put 10 Lakers and one nice Salmon in the boat. The fish were down over 80' and scatered all over, the salmon hit on the rigger down 95'. It was all I could do to run 4 rods with all the weeds. Wire dipseys and the riggers down 70 to 100' all took fish. Sean

  16. Fished for five hours this morning, had a good South wind kicking for the first three hours then things layed down. It was nice today most of the weeds from last week were gone so I could run some boards. We put 5 nice Salmon in the boat and around 15 Lakers. Most of the lakers were 5lbs with one just over 9lbs. The fish have moved South in the last week. I was a good mile from where I found them the Last two weeks. Wire divers out 240, copper, core, and riggers all took fish. One thing I am finding is over half the Lakers have lampereys on them, and a few had two or three.

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