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Posts posted by Hookedup

  1. Fished out of Severne today from Ross point North to Long point the weeds and waves made for some tough fishing conditions today. Tried to run a ten to twelve rod spread but that was not going to happen with the weeds covering the lake. We ran 4 rods and constantly cleaned weeds, but it payed off we put 14 fish in the boat including one nice salmon and a laker over 10 lbs. The surface temp was 67.8 and the temp down at 60' was 56. Most fish taken at 80' to 90' out over 300+.

  2. We had some great fishing the last two days, Sunday on Seneca we launched at Watkins an ran up to Long Point it was all I could do to keep the wire divers and the deep rigger in the water we put 25 Lakers in the boat and one legal salmon on just three rods. Today we were on Cayuga it was the best day for big Lakers I have had this year. We started at 7am from Ithaca and ran to a spot North I do not recall the spot :lol: . By 10am we had 13 Lakers 8 of them were over 31 inches 3 over 10lbs and one that was 11.8 all of them on divers. All of the big fish but one we let go for the next derby. This would of been the day you could of had over 30lbs with just three Lakers. :o I hope the fishing will stay like this for the summer. Sean

  3. Chowder, Cayuga 07/16/09 Hit the lake today launched at Ithaca we fished from 7:30 am to 10:am only ran 4 rods and put 15 nice Lakers in the boat. The T-Cline was 40'to 50' in the center of the lake and down to 80' on the East side. Speed was 2.0 at the ball we hooked a lot of fish on crank baits today. Weeds suck you find a clear spot the wind changes direction and the weeds move in. I had to take the wire diver out of the water as soon as it would hit depth FISH ON, :D I was trying out some new gear and we got tired of reeling in Lakers. The bait down South is 30' to 40' up North it is 50' to 60' due to temp change. Sean

  4. Fished Cayuga from South end, we covered a lot of water today from Ithaca to Sheldrake. Weeds were bad and the Fleas are very bad :@ I had fleas on core, wire divers, flea flicker line and the hooks of spoons. We did put several lakers in the boat from 20' down to 80' FOW out over 200+. Good luck to all you guys fishing the derby in the morning. Sean

  5. No eyes yesterday but we started at 7:30 I think we had one on at the start nice heavy fish on a board but he got off. I have the trailer back on the road for now and the dealer is working on a new one. I would start North on the East side first point in the morning for eyes and bows. Good Luck Sean

  6. Fished Owasco out of the North end had a great group on the boat. We put some big lakers for Owasco in the boat two in 9lb range and several in 5 to 7lb range and a nice Bow. Marked a lot of bait from the top down to 60' out over 145 to 150', speed 1.8 to 2.0 at the ball. Wire diver was hot today at 240' with spinn Dr white fly, riggers 70' and 60'. Also if you find some church walleye boards on the lake they are mine, I had a boat come by and take out two boards and all of my core ;( . Sean

  7. Fished out of the South end today it was one slow morning down South, so we picked up and went North found some fish nothing big, did lose one Big bow. 67 to 68 on top 56 at 55' I ran it all today copper, core, wire divers, wire sliders, and riggers nothing was hot. We did put 4 bows and 4 lakers in the boat nothing over 5lbs. Marked alot of fish from 40' down to 80', only bait I found was on the West side in 112' FOW.



  8. What is the best boat trailer you can buy? I have my new Parker 2320 siting in my garage on my new broken junk Venture trailer :@ . The dealer is going to get me a trailer ( when I am done with him). I hall it 2 to 4 times a week and the boat stays on the trailer. Thanks Sean


  9. Had a good morning on Cayuga, went after the Bows, Browns and Salmon. We put some nice Bows a small Salmon and a big Brown in the boat. All fish taken over bait in the top 30' of water. The last part of the trip we got on some big Lakers :o one that was 10lbs and another that was 11.8 lbs. We were able to release most of all the fish and only keep what we had to. I will be out on Cayuga in the morning give me a call on the radio ( 68 ) if any of you guys are out. Temp on top 64, temp at 50' 55.4 speed 2.1 Sean




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