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Posts posted by BLOCKHEAD

  1. Call iroquois refuge I'm pretty sure they stock 2x a week during the season. Also bradacks has been stocked. I saw birds friday.

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    yeah , sat was the opener. For wny. The truck usually makes the rounds 2x a week. Haven't heard or seen of birds being stocked this week.
  2. I had about 25 hunters sharing 1000 acres by me. 6- 10 birds were taken give or take. 1of the 3 phez pointed offered a shot. One was shot by by another hunter, one went in the marsh. At least half the property was unhuntable . Hopefully they are going to spread the birds out over the season.

  3. That's rough. Yote hybrids are here to stay. HS friends hit the same farms year after yr with hounds. They run almost every day of the season they can. Each year they kill more and more . As a sometimes trapper , i don't mind them as much. Getting permission to trap on deer property is near impossible . A decent trapper can put a dent in the population with little disturbance. Hard to compete w traps that operate day \ night 24\7.

  4. I wouldn't beat yourself up. No shortage of tree cows. Coyotes got to eat. Its cool to have one for the wall. Sounds like you have a target rich area. Older buck rarely eat well. Western deer hunters routinely take deer in much warmer weather. Might have even did you a small favor IMO. Costana works pretty hard to make deer meat not taste like deer. For a couple of bucks you can make your own sausage. Doesn't take much skill or equipment . Plus you get your own meat back.

  5. Deer hunters have it made in ny. I don't have an issue with the temps. I shot antelope in aug. Don't really think it's fair to lock up state land with big game hunting. Small game , trapping, and waterfowl deserves its fair share. I preferred states like colorado. They make u choose a single a weapon per species. Archery elk might be month long. If u pick rifle, it may only be a week long.

  6. lol... it was a sloppy hunt. borrowed my wife's car, forgot the drag. my friend drops my case on the ground before we walk in. ( later found out it was 5" off at 20 yds) . wrapped the deer in a borrowed kennel cover and jumper cables mafia style. wife is not understanding about blood stains in her car. 5 minute walk w a 60 lb deer is no biggie. the landwowner walks her dog back there. she's cool, but i try and leave zero trace . gut piles and bloody drag marks aren't her thing. deer went 30 yds, and i had it cut up in less than a hour. tenderloins were fantastic, the guts were easier to take care of at home. 3 days in my cant loose brine and diver ducks taste decent. punching my tag opening day lets me chase birds and fish in peace.

  7. Snows are tiny. Blindsides are silly IMO. Square flies better than round ? Think about it. Sure you could stack more square pellets into a shell. Or you could just use a 2 3\4 shell and have room left over. They created a solution for a problem that doesn't exist. Money would be better spent on tungsten or the like. I usually used duck loads,unless i was hunting a full blown snow goose spread.

  8. I'm the first to admit, i'm not a great shot. That said , i have met very few people who are consistently great shots at 50 yds plus. At 50 plus , steel lacks kinetic energy. Its physics, plain and simple. A pattern that works well at 50 is going to suck at 20. You cant have it both ways. I focus on what i can hit. Under 40. At this range, round steel kills anything flying. A round pellet is going fly better than any other shape. A 1 1\ 8 easily fits inside of 2 3\ 4 shells. Nothing sexy about it.

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