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Reel Doc

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Posts posted by Reel Doc

  1. Out scouting over the weekend and found some fresh rubs and a scrape. Seems early, but Alsheimer and LaRoche say this year is a once in a lifetime event based on the moon cycle.....they are thinking we could have 2 primary ruts, but with fewer does in per rut so the bucks may not be as quick to wander away from one hot girl. One in late October, the second around the start of gun season.

    Anyone else seeing rub/scrape activity? I'm surprised to see 2 big boys photographed together if does are that close to cycle.


  2. I would love to see a photo of your 8 pt if you can post it. Clients in the area that hunted in there have mounts of some scrawny bucks.

    You are right about the draw too. Some have told of getting to hunt inside but could only take a brown one.

    I'm going to see if I can get a permit to bowhunt in Kremer's backyard instead. ;)


  3. If your connected to the right people locally you might get a chance to hunt in the Depot. Sadly, forage there is poor and the coyote numbers are high so the deer population inside are not conditioned as well as those outside the fences. I've seen a few mounts of bucks taken out of there and even on 3-4 year olds the racks are pretty skimpy. Some of the smart ones inside have found holes in the fence, so that helps them out a bit. Last week driving down the East side on Rte 414 there were 3 white does enjoying some soybeans across the road from the Depot.

    Just my opinion, but the groups trying to "Save the White Deer Herd" need to get some food plots in there. Otherwise, those white deer in Horseheads that someone posted photos of here last year will be better looking animals.


  4. biglaker,

    Thanks for the report.

    My guess is the thing you saw in the water at the point is the red marker at Sheldrake Point. I don't know if the bottom around there is conducive to lake trout spawning, did you keep the fish and if so, male or female?

    The kids have Monday off school, so maybe we can get some water time the next few days.


  5. A loaded question for sure, but I'm looking for recommends on a place with some straight shooters for mechanics to service my boat motors. We're running a 2 stroke 200 hp Evinrude and a 9.9 Yamaha kicker. I don't mind driving a bit from Seneca Falls if the motors will get good care. Thanks for your thoughts/opinions.


  6. Here's Andy and my son Spencer with Saturday's catch less Monster Al.

    If you guys are cooking up fish and want an easy bake that can taste like fried try this:

    Preheat oven to bake at 550. It'll take longer to reach temp than the fish prep time.

    Soak fillets in milk with Sea Salt added for a couple minutes, drain and pat in your favorite bread crumbs or crushed crackers, and for a little heat add Old Bay seasoning to the crumbs. Melt 1 to 1 & 1/2 Tablespoons butter per fillet and pour over the fillets. Put in the upper third of the oven for 5 minutes, then shut off the oven and check till browned the way you like, 3-5 more minutes depending on fillet thickness and prefered amount of crunch.

    I picked this up out of a Salt Water mag a few years ago, and it was named Spencer's Fish, so sure enough, we cooked his catch of the other day that way. It works great on any white fish fillets and judging by how the kids eat it, is good on the medium Lakers as well.

    Oh, and Andy, I'll pair it with a Corona in the summer and Talisker in the winter, but around here many would say a local Dry Reisling is the ticket. :)



  7. No problem Andy, I've got to be careful bleeding with young eyes watching. With the weather as it was, kind of hard not to enjoy the water yesterday. The only downer is Spencer really wanted a photo of you and that MONSTER alewife you landed. ;)


  8. Thanks for the tips. We're trying to clear the book for a morning run this week...crossing the fingers for no emergencies. If not, an afternoon can work in this great weather.

    The gang does a good job of chumming with crackers, bread, and grapes; we have the no bananna rule for the boat, but the pee thing is a new one. My boys will be up for it, but convincing my wife and 7 year old daughter might be a challenge unless we're on the water before first light. :$


  9. Great job for a Sunday afternoon. :yes: We found earlier this summer that Sunday PM can be slow...I attribute it to all the pleasure boat traffic of the weekend. What depths were you working? Our August has been high and dry with other events and the Weather Gods against us, but maybe we'll get to test the water this week.


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