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Everything posted by zach

  1. I dont know what to tell ya Old Man- I know you release all your fish but I have had em die on me also, if ya did everything you could dont feel too bad- its gonna happen sometimes but your efforts to help out the future of muskies in NY cant be argued and the future is still as bright as ever. Your a great supporter of our groups goals and its a pleasure to know ya even if that fish didnt feel the same way about ya, lol. I couldn't take a knife to mine either that died a couple years ago so that pic even though it sux to look at with 2 floaters, thats real life and it happens more than any of us would want, that 40" was a nice and pretty fish IMO. Chad- prizes sounds awesome for the kids and I would be happy to donate a blank or two to let em paint (every kid loves to paint), I think a kid would have fun with that. Good time had by Brad and I, we didnt win at the fishing game but had some good laughs and too much sun. My fishing partner drank almost a 12 pack of that Arnold Palmer Lemonade on Saturday b/c it was hot and had to pee 20x, had me cracking up all day. In this pic I posted, you can see Toothy and Sol in the background checking us out when we scored. Had a blast camping with Sol, Toothy and Brad. Even though it felt like a dirty hippy fest at times, I managed to make it through somehow. This was our tourney fish, only 13 caught outta 78 fisherman so I didn't feel too bad. Wishing everyone a great day and of course- best wishes on your next trip if your lucky enough to get out.
  2. Yesterday was my birthday and got to fish with with my ole man and Musky Itch's Chuck Battaglia on a lil gem of a lake. Great way to spend the day with my ole man and I both getting some decent fish casting. Action was hot and heavy early with a front and moontimes coming together- was a perfect way to spend my bday. Haven't fished with my father in at least a dozen years since he moved down to NYC to finish up his doctor work. Was neat to see him get bit and set those hooks home with boat rocking hooksets like he used to, missed fishing with him! Big bucktails/topwater seemed to be the trick for us, need to give a big thanks to Chuck for showing us all the ins/outs of that lake- have never ever met anyone with so much intimate knowledge about a lake. Not wanting to put too many pics up of that lake but GREAT TIME had by all. That lil lake is quickly becoming one of my fav's for sure, I always seem to do well every time I have been lucky enough to visit her. Cool a$$ day finally getting in the boat with "Pop's" and Chuck- I am a lucky man! Best wishes to all and of course good luck if you happen to get out fishing anytime soon!
  3. thanks guys- i do my best not to whore out my baits that much on here but........................
  4. I love this saying- "when I die, I hope my wife doesnt sell all my baits for what I told her I spent on em" lol- sending out today for ya Ole Man
  5. Good job Ole Man on another great move by a good guy in our fishing community. Happy to know ya and thanks to everyone for making this work.
  6. MTO just started carrying my baits- thought is was neat and wanted to post.
  7. What do you mean you cant get ahold of him today- I cant get a hold of him any day, lol.
  8. my question is how much additional pressure is the lil lake gonna get now that its in the news? its this a good or bad thing? I can see both sides as of now.
  9. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/article/20130623/SPORTS0103/306230022/Do-Muskellunge-fishing
  10. will do that today when I clear but $80 is no joke, you guys are awesome and its good people like we have that will make our club come out on top. Once again- you guys ROCK- thanks for supporting this auction, we have what it takes to make this club work, we really do! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=271225983123
  11. thats a lot to write on it but will do and will clear over it tomorrow so its ready for the next day.
  12. We are currently at $69 with less than 2 days to go- you guys ROCK! SHOULD I WRITE SOMETHING SPECIAL ON IT? LIKE "NYS CHAPTER 69" OR SOMTHING? PLEASE COMMENT.
  13. Ole Man scored on an auction bait also! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=271225983123
  14. Ole Man is a great guy for our club- this man has helped us out so many times in the past and now he is the highest bidder again, we cannot thank this man enough for his generosity. Good man!
  15. what do you mean? the blue hand? dating a smurf.
  16. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=271225983123 anyone wanna help me promote this on Larry's site and muskiefirst and all that good stuff.
  17. Larry- when this goes live- you wanna post it on your site? Don Slagle said he is gonna buy his own bait back, lets see but bet the winner will come from outta state.
  18. What time of night should I post it to ebay? Dinner time (6pm) or later on after dinner like 9pm so ole man has time for some sippin'? LMK.
  19. Have a dozen baits by some of the best manufactures out there. First bait I am auctioning off is this nasty 9" Hoosier Handmade glider in Foiled Perch and a cool license plate. Don Slagle donated this bait to our club for me to foil and I personally love fishing this bait since I havent got skunked on it yet. I am posting this on ebay later tonight and will do auctions about once a week for the next 2 months. I have Wileys, Hammers, Myers, Custom X, Big Game and many more to do in the next lil bit. Will post a link to ebay later around dinner. Feel free to promote it as much as we can- Muskiefirst, Larrys site, everywhere we can.
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