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Posts posted by zach

  1. Nitro and I did 4 decent fish from 6am til noon. Casted til 8am but the weeds were all brown from the weed killer- never seen anything look so bad. Busy lake, hot colors were- 2 fish on Foiled Silver Perch, Special Perch and Hot Perch. Great fishing, great opener. Solgrande, "Right Said Fred" and Cpt Ed Cragg got at least 3 each also, fish were biting very well and Baker Baits were hot for us. Saw a good amount of fish caught today despite the conditions.  





  2. Good to see your going down the night before Sol- it will give Nitro and I some company. Sol- you seem to do well taking new people out and gettin' em on fish from the past. Best luck to everyone- hope we all get monsters and have a blast! Should be busy on the lil lake but hopefully some fish get caught by everyone.

  3. I was just joking about the die off to keep everyone away, lol. Almost worked huh? Good job picking up clients for the opener Larry- I was amazed it wasnt booked a long time ago, good time of year. Best wishes to everyone who gets out!

  4. I dont know much but based off last weekend, imo trolling those suspended schools of bait out in open water seems to be the deal until the water heats up more driving those tigers shallow. Best luck if ya get out today Larry. That buoy line seemed to be a mid/late June thing when I used to mess with em


  5. Great time and Bobby boy/Kevin earned their win. The area where the tourney was won was 2.5-3 degrees colder than the north end so that throws the warmer water theory out the door for early season tigers. Only got a 26" tiger myself trolling a firetiger bait I made but we had a couple more hits and Brad got one chucking a Suick. Beautiful lake that coughed up some fish for us as a group and cant knock the lake at all. Good time seeing everyone and would post pics but dumb a$$ here is having issues. Congrats to those who smoked my punk a$$ last Saturday, really looking forward to summer now. BTY- Larry, you wouldnt have had any issues imo launching as their was a big old Trophy that didnt seem to have any issues. IMO Otisco is a cooler lake than Conesus and wouldnt mind going back sometime. Thanks for organizing this event, good times.

  6. Nice! Joe got me thinking about that "bucket list" when I talked to him a week ago so yesterday I booked a trip with Chad Cain out on Kincaid for my ma. He is someone that I have gotten to know b/c of this lure game and think he'll get my ma out for a good time and hopefully to have a pic like you guys just posted. I was born in the same town as Chad Cain so we hit it off right away. She hasnt ever gotten anything bigger than a bluegill so I am as excited for her as I was you guys on this trip. 

  7. You have a story to tell your lil girl about when she was in Ma's tummy with your trip with Joe to KY. Drive safely back home and congrats on the fish, sorry it was a couple inches short but now you know the story of my love life, lol. Drive safe back home, you guys have people that need ya home in one piece. Good job checking something off your bucket list. 

  8. Just "shared" this on facebook trying to drum up some more interest. Thanks Larry, I look forward to fishing it and I am calling it a late bday present to myself. Going through my 1/8oz Johnson Bettle Spins, sharpening hooks and adding double 10's to them- getting ready, better watch out boys! Will also try to throw down for the raffle table like normal.

  9. Hello to all you fisherman! My name is Brian Signorelli and I've recently opened up a welding business called Signature Welding. If you have old boat trailers or hoists that may be in need of repair I am completely mobil so I can come to you! I'm more than willing to look at any job. Feel free to contact me at (585) 278-6491 or check me out on facebook at Signature Welding.


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