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Posts posted by kingslamon22

  1. that is undisclosed information... :$ just kidding, i catch em on the same stuf i use for browns, R&R spoons and common stick baits in silver and in blue and almost always on overcast days. if i catch 30 browns i usually catch at least 3-5 steelhead. always get a steelhead in front of sunset bay too. thers no magic bait but the froggy R&R razor is always gunnin for a bonus fish.

  2. i think they lost the release that is supposed to be there and just replaced it with what they had (a stacker) and then sold the boat. dont get confused, it doesnt belong there, the stacker clip was probably floating around with no porpose, get yourself another regular release and use the stacker 10 feet above the ball as sszoldra indicated.

  3. had one good day this season. one fish here and a few skunks there and then bang we found a school stacked from the bottom to 30 feet from the surface in 90 fow, pulled 4 kings and a coho in 2 hours then the next day was back to the same old grind. whene the fishing was good the weather sucked and vice versa. with the high water in the salmon river, catching kings in the woods was really fun though while everyone else spend the day complaining i was hookin up. probly the best day for me this year besides that day in early september on the lake.

  4. fishing has been super tough this fall in the bay. whene i feel a good pattern is setting up, the lake is a washing machine. then whene weather permits, temps are gone and fish are lethargic, bait gets scattered etc etc. all the kings ive taken so far this year were plucked and we had to work hard for even one fish days. fact is the last 3 times out i have failed to establish a pattern and the last attemped yeilded a skunk. i wouldnt give up till its over though. i think something good will happen soon.

  5. he sent me an 8 inch assasin with my order to try out and holy shmokes that thing works on salmon in lake ontario. ive been using it behind a wire dipsey diver. the mag razors i got have been taking browns all year and kings in mexico bay. also a few nice atlantics and walleyes this spring on standard size razors. still catch fish on superlites but the razors are pretty multispecies oriented.

  6. its kinda funny all the crap that is said about the bayliner trophy. i never had one problem with my 1988 21 trophy hardtop that is "supposed to happen" to them. ive heard it all, they break in half and sink, the transom will blister, parts are cheaper and break easier, foam on the stringers etc etc. my old war pig was a charter boat with tons of hours and hard rough use. some cleaning and plenty of pm and it is mint minus the salmon slime and alewife scales all over the fighting deck. there is no foam in my stringers no blisters and who cares if the bilge gromet is plastic and not chrome. i dont, i dont have alot of money and the plastic one works the same a the chrome one....i guess i have had one complaint with it, the cabin is noisy whene the water is rough. whoopty doo.

  7. those days are gone and my generation doesnt meet my critera either. im 24 years old and everybody that i MIGHT be able to get to fsh with me are in their upper 30s and older. i never had a nintendo and i grew up in the tug region splitting firewood and felling trees, riding banshees and dirtbikes, with no helmet on a highway with two people half cocked, difference with us is we got busted for these things. i should have been in your genration. i missed out. granted we are few and far between but we exist out here and were plugging away raising our children in a harder world than you grew up in. have a bit of respect. just a teensey bit.

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