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Roughrider IV

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Posts posted by Roughrider IV

  1. I'm seeing a lot of doe, up to 10 on a good day, you'd think it was early October here. Same thing last year this week, two nights in a row, 10 and 12 does herded together after soy beans harvested. No bucks in sight and button bucks trying to mount does. I'm in SE pa and 5c unit had extended doe seasons bow and winter bow. End of October it heats up then it cools off fast. This is pressured deer, I get um on camera but daytime movement of older bucks is best during winter bow.

  2. Picked up a tick in New Jersey shotgun season in December one year. Sucker latched onto my eyelid while on stand, felt the bite too. Didn't see it till I showered and looked into the mirror, saw it in the outside corner halfway imbedded. Had a doctor remove it.

  3. It is not going to change year to year as the rut timing has been built into the DNA over the eons. I can tell you if you are looking for "THE" time to be in the woods, there were dead deer all over the roads on the weekend of Oct 11th. If those dead deer were the result of a few deer hitting the early rut cycle, then extrapolate 30 days from there for the peak in WNY. I would put the date at the weekend of NOVEMBER 10th.

    excellent advice, always some older doe in heat October 6 to 12th. The end of this week starting with cold front should be prime hunting.
  4. Last night warm and calm, kicked a buck up on the way in and grunted a six in at 6pm. All corn still up, I've seen young bucks running does this week. Doe practically absent all week, camera for past week was really slow with the fewest shots, but one shooter I saw Tuesday evening at sunset.SE PA.

  5. Things are moving in se pa. Shooter with a doe at dusk last night. Tried to rattle him away, no luck. Seen 6 bucks Monday and Tuesday. Scrapes will be hammered as soon as the rain departs. Gonna try some preorbital scent on some mock scrapes today. For some reason, I'm seeing more buck than doe 3 to 1.

  6. I've also made a change this year to stay out of my area till corn comes off or a cold snaps arrives after the 20th. Been on stand twice just too kill the itch. Lack of mast really not helping my stands. Thankfully they are on travel corridors. We lost one monster already to car traffic.

  7. If you want pictures, post your camera over a scrape, along a thick edge, sun behind the camera. Don't access camera often, I check mine once every 2 weeks, preferable before a rain. Food plots that grow into late season are good for holding deer. I have small plots in woods clearing that get better as the season goes. Greens that grow late into fall hold deer around.



  8. I've been hunting for 42 years. The days of camp time with the family of relatives during rifle season all long gone happy memories. Just listening too my grandfather tell hunting stories was enough, got my first deer out of that camp on the last day of rifle season, a trophy spike buck! Still have the picture, smiling from ear to ear. Now it's nice to just see deer. Yesterday I rattled a little one horned y buck, he stood looking for a buddy, finally bounded off, another good day in the woods.

  9. Sat a stand for first time this year 2 days ago, lone doe under me licking my tree steps as I watched, she cut my trail, followed to tree and hung out for 15 minutes looking for me. Previous seasons of camera use tell me to wait till the 20th of October and sit it hard till November, after that it starts to slide off from pictures every day to random days thru next two weeks of november. Weak acorn crop has them stacked in cornfields surrounding the property. I got some nice bucks in late July on camera but now just a couple yearlings hanging around pushing does. I hunt travel corridors from one bedding area to another.

  10. I can give my perspective for this last week since I've been out starting last Saturday and it's the first I've been up this far. Fished charity, piegon , grenidere, mouth of the river off cape vincent. Just found fish recently yesterday, boated one and lost one today along with sheepshead, they seem to be occupying the same water, along with some bait schools. The only consistent thing for me, they are in 40 to 60ft. There is a lot of water out there, humbling week for sure. Fish came on reef runners gold prism. Went back this evening, they were moving up when I left, try to be there at daybreak tomorrow.

  11. A wish move on your part, I'm still searching, think I'm on some fish but can't move them. Dropped 2 on spoons and riggers yesterday, today not a hit. I'm digging out the deep jigging stuff next, and I hate jigging.

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